A Day By The Lake

Just A Holiday Romance

     A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the water, tugging lightly at the fishing lines. The floats bobbed merrily in the middle of the lake under the watchful eye of JongHyun's father. The teenager, on the other hand, was busy entertaining himself on a bunch of rocks that appeared to have fallen from the cliffs surrounding the lake.
     His shoes and socks lay in the long grass at the foot of the rock pile, while JongHyun himself was halfway out over the water. The further out he got, the less distance was between him and the water. On the positive side, he was less likely to hurt himself if he fell. On the negative side, he was more likely to fall because the rocks were covered in slippery moss.
     Caution thrown to the wind, JongHyun continued on his perilous journey to the end of the rocks, throwing his arms up in victory as he made it to the last one he could see above the surface of the water. He was more impressed with the fact that not even the hem of his shorts were wet. "Now make it back without falling!" A familiar voice called to him.
     His excitement to lay his eyes on Key's gorgeous face made him turn with a little too much zeal. The younger watched as he flailed dramatically before falling sideways into the water with a startled yelp. JongHyun resurfaced a second later, spraying the surrounding area with droplets of water as he shook his hair out of his eyes.
     "You lose." Key shouted, grinning brightly. He made his way off the rocks as JongHyun swam lazily to the bank. "I honestly don't understand how one person can be so accident prone..." He commented as JongHyun dragged himself out of the water and fell back to dry off in the sun. Sitting beside him, Key pulled his knees tight to his chest and stared out over the water.
     They stayed in silence for a while, Key staring into space, JongHyun's eyes lightly shut to avoid the glare from the sun. He might look calm on the outside but his heart was racing in his chest. Just being close to Key was enough to make him happy...An embarrassed smile slid onto his lips. Turning his head towards the younger, JongHyun opened his eyes and stared up at Key's vacant face.
     Reaching over, JongHyun's fingers brushed Key's arm, startling the younger back into the real world. Looking down at JongHyun's goofy smile, Key couldn't help but smile back. "You look nice today." The elder commented, making Key laugh with how childish a compliment it was. "What? I could be rude and say you look totally able."
     Pushing his head lightly, Key shook his head and looked away. He wasn't able to lose the smile from his lips, the expression silently letting JongHyun know he wasn't offended by his crude words. Glancing around to see if anyone was looking, JongHyun leant up and kissed Key's cheek quickly. He looked away as Key looked at him, the pair of them blushing a little.
     "Maybe..." Key started, after what seemed like an eternity. JongHyun turned to regard him curiously. "Maybe we should go for a walk..." His suggestion confirmed that he was just as desperate to get his hands on JongHyun as he had been earlier. "It might help you dry off faster." He added innocently. Grinning at his ready made excuse, JongHyun glanced over at his father.
      "I have to let my dad know I'm leaving. Stay here." Key nodded as JongHyun got to his feet. Watching him walk away, Key realised how his wet clothes were hugging his skin ever so tightly. He looked away quickly, feeling his cheeks heat up even more. "Dad." JongHyun's father looked up and laughed at the state of his son. "I'm gonna walk around for a bit, see if it'll help me dry off faster."
     "Good idea. Your mother's going to love this when she hears about it." JongHyun grinned and nodded. "Be back by 3, okay? Don't get your friend lost." Accepting the curfew, JongHyun his heel and walked back towards Key. The younger was holding JongHyun's shoes for him. As he drew level with Key, JongHyun reached out to take them.

     Key pulled them away from his open fingers and shook his head. "You'll get blisters if you put them on now." JongHyun rolled his eyes and grinned, he liked how Key found it necessary to look after him. Following the blonde into the trees, JongHyun kept his eyes very much on the ground to stop himself from tripping over any stray roots. He would much rather have his eyes settled on Key's pert but his chances of embracing the ground if he did so increased infinitely.
     "So, stalker boy." JongHyun chanced a look up as Key turned and scowled at him. The blonde said nothing to defend himself, leaving JongHyun free to continue what he was going to say. "How did you find yesterday's lesson?" Colour flooded Key's face, much to JongHyun's amusement. He decided teasing Key could be a fun way to pass the time.
     Turning to face him again, Key screwed his face up and shrugged. Trying to persuade JongHyun he was indifferent was kinda impossible when his cheeks were ablaze. "The lesson was fine. The teacher on the other hand..." He trailed off and smirked, judging by the elder's expression that he was in the throes of dealing a critical hit. "Left much to be desired."
     JongHyun opened his mouth to protest...Then closed it as he realised Key's play on words. He couldn't tell if the blonde was making a dig or hinting that he wanted more and the glint in Key's eye wasn't giving much away. Not one to beat around the bush, JongHyun grabbed the younger's wrist and pulled him closer. Key turned his nose up at JongHyun's wet clothes as their bodies pressed together.
     "I think it's time for your exam." He murmured, fingers sliding lightly into Key's hair. The younger breached the small gap between their lips and tightened his fists into JongHyun's wet shirt. Unlike the previous night, there was no hesitation in Key's movements. There was no doubt in JongHyun's mind how Key's words were meant to be received. Their lips moved perfectly against each other's.
     Key hummed in approval as JongHyun tilted his head a little, letting one hand slide from the blonde's head down his neck, chest and stomach before tracing around his hip and pulling their lower bodies together. The younger liked how dominant JongHyun was, it was completely unexpected given his puppy face. Without warning, JongHyun parted his lips and slid his tongue across Key's.
     Silky organs brushed together a moment later. Key moaned softly as JongHyun leant over him a little more, forcing him to bow to his will. Their lips slid away from each others for a second, allowing them both a chance to heave in a new breath before getting lost in each others lips again. For someone who had only experienced their first kiss the previous day, JongHyun couldn't fault how well Key was kissing him now.
     Their tongues danced wonderfully, JongHyun would pull his back every so often and Key would take control, seeking out the organ to caress it once again. JongHyun was the first to back down, his lungs were screaming for oxygen and the last thing he wanted was to faint at such an important time. Key ran his tongue over his lips, panting heavily to fill his own lungs.
     After a moment's comfortable silence, JongHyun let go of the blonde's body and rubbed the back of his head, grinning broadly. "Well, congratulations." He joked, Key couldn't help but smile. "You passed top of the class! A+++++ for you!" Hitting his arm lightly, Key turned away and shook his head. He liked JongHyun, his sense of humour, how easy he was to be around...He was dreading leaving already and they barely knew each other.
     "I think you're ready for the next lesson." JongHyun continued, oblivious to Key's sudden drop in mood. "Now that my dad's seen us talking I can say I'm going to yours instead of the baths, it'll give us longer together." He realised Key was staring off into space and touched his shoulder. Key jumped at the touch and looked around. "You okay?" He asked, worried that he'd pushed Key too far out of his comfort zone.
     Key nodded quickly, flashing a convincing smile that calmed JongHyun's nerves in an instant. "I'm fine." He reassured the elder. "Does that mean I should cook dinner for us tonight?" JongHyun's eyes lit up at the mention of food, bringing a completely natural smile to Key's face. "I'll take that as a yes." He turned and started walking again, JongHyun followed quickly. "So what will tonight's lesson be on?"

     JongHyun grinned. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with Key that evening but decided he'd keep his plans to himself for now. "You'll find out." He replied, smiling sweetly as Key shot him an unimpressed glare. "It won't be as fun if you know that to expect!" JongHyun continued, defending his decision. "I like to have the element of surprise."
     Key laughed and shook his head. "You don't have one, do you?" JongHyun stared at him in shock. He opened his mouth to protest but Key was having none of it. "It's okay, I mean...You do have all day to think something up." He teased, seeing JongHyun's shock deteriorate into annoyance.
     Lunging forward unexpectedly, JongHyun smirked when Key squeaked in surprise. He hadn't expected such a girly noise to come from the younger. Pulling him close and digging his fingers under his shirt, JongHyun explored the soft skin he was hiding beneath his clothes. Key whined lightly into the kiss, draping his arms around JongHyun's neck, rather enjoying his coarse fingertips as they traced over his stomach.
     "You just worry about dinner..." JongHyun murmured against his lips. "I'll take care of the rest."




You can really tell I'm not putting a lot of effort into this fic XD; the paragraphs on this one are awful but who cares


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I love kissing scenes so damn much, I can't get enough of them! So can you imagine my happiness when I stumbled upon this story and BAM! there's almost a whole chapter solely about kissing asdfghjklkjhgfdsa I can't even...
And THEN, they were JUST getting to even better part... (coughcough) I'm so curious! So please update soon!!!
if i wasnt so sleepy i would comment more lol
oh my god
more tongue ing
more jongkey
oh god pls
update soon
i'm dying to find out
is key there by himself and if so, why?
you like jongkey too? *grins happily*
totally loving this fic~
BAD bad jonghyun,you stole key first kiss and until 14 sep you going to abandon keyTT
ooooohhhhhh this is soooo good!!! i want more!
Jonghyun wounldn let key go!!!!HEHE^^
Waiting for next chapter!!
i like this so far....