The Art Of French Kissing

Just A Holiday Romance

     JongHyun grabbed his towels and a change of clothes. If he was going to visit Key's lodge without rousing suspicion from his parents, he's have to make them believe he was going to the bath house. Key had given JongHyun his lodge number before they'd gone their separate ways earlier. He didn't know whether living at opposite ends of the site would turn out to be a blessing or a curse.
     "I'm gonna take a bath!" He called as he left his bedroom, finding both of his parents in the traditional style kitchen. His father was sat at the table while his mother potted around making dinner. "Smells wonderful mum!" JongHyun praised, she gave him a warm smile. "I'll be back in about an hour okay?" Deciding it was safer to give them a rough time, JongHyun waved as he left the kitchen and shoved his feet into his hiking boots.
     Closing the door behind him, JongHyun bounced down the wooden steps to the forest floor and set off in the general direction of the bath house. The clearing that housed the dozen stone and wood lodges was lit by thousands of string lights, zig zagging backwards and forwards between the lodges. Cross roads were lit with more substantial lighting in the shape of globed street lamps.
     JongHyun found the atmosphere incredibly relaxing. A gentle, warm breeze tugged the strands of hair across his forehead as he walked through the damp grass. People wandered this way and that through the park, greeting JongHyun warmly when they passed him. The closer he got to the bath house, the more people there were littering the outside areas.
     Key's lodge was a little off to the left so JongHyun made the turning just before the entrance to the baths and carried on walking. He liked it when his parents brought him on holiday to places like this, they allowed him so much more freedom than in the city. Glancing over his shoulder out of habit, JongHyun scanned the crowd he was leaving behind and saw no sign of his father.
     Catching sight of Key's lodge number, JongHyun couldn't help but smile. He raced up the steps and knocked on the door, only then wondering if Key had come to the resort with his parents or friends or if he had come alone. The door opened and the familiar blonde head of hair settled his nerves straight away. "You came." He stated, sounding slightly surprised.
     Realising Key hadn't expected JongHyun to keep his word, the elder grinned and stepped inside as Key opened the door a little wider. "Of course I came. I'm a man of my word." He replied, easing his feet out of his boots and leaving them with the two pairs of shoes in the hallway. JongHyun hoped they both belonged to the male in front of him. Key closed the door and JongHyun, pushing him up against the wall and leaning in towards him.
     "I hoped you would..." Dropping the towels he was carrying, JongHyun's fingers traced Key's hips, slipping beneath the light tunic he was wearing. "What's with the towels?" He asked curiously, lips brushing against JongHyun's. The elder simply shrugged and leant forward, pressing their lips together firmly.
     He could explain the reason behind the towels later. Right now he was more interested in the taste clinging to Key's lips. Key didn't seem to mind him brushing off the question and clung tightly to the front of his shirt as JongHyun leant over him a little. The kiss was slow, JongHyun deciding it would be better to work Key up slowly given the younger's inexperience.
     Mewling softly, Key's lips moved wonderfully against JongHyun's. He felt like he was being drawn into Key's unnatural charm. There was something strangely alluring about how clingy he was when no one else was around. Sliding his hands up the younger's back to his shoulders, JongHyun pushed him gently away.
     "For a first timer, that wasn't half bad." He praised, rubbing Key's shoulders gently. Their lips were still temptingly close together, JongHyun couldn't resist kissing him again. Key smiled as the elder engaged in a series of quick kisses, he could tell JongHyun was trying to control himself but was failing quite miserably. "It's been a long time since I've kissed someone..."
     Fingers travelling up into Key's smooth, golden hair, JongHyun tilted his head a little and pressed their lips together more firmly. With his head distracted by a hoard of thoughts about the younger's lips, JongHyun allowed Key to guide him out of the hallway. and nips were all JongHyun could manage as they stumbled awkwardly through the lodge, neither wanting to let the other go.
     Finally, Key's calves brushed the edge of the sofa and he fell back onto it. JongHyun bit his lip at how beautiful the younger looked with his hair fanning out over the cushions he was resting against. "I only have an hour." He stated, looming over Key as he pressed a knee into the seat cushion. Resting a hand on the back of the sofa to support himself, JongHyun traced his free fingers down over Key's cheek. "So...Let's start with the art of French kissing."
     Key blushed a little, tilting his chin down to avoid looking directly at JongHyun as the elder crawled over him. He looked so endearing, so soft and young...So childish. JongHyun wanted to rip all of that away and reveal the lusting beast he knew was hiding beneath layers of fear. Their eyes met as JongHyun angled his head, bringing his lips as close as he could to Key's.
     "If you want me to stop..." Key shook his head sharply, twisting his fingers into the front of JongHyun's shirt and pulling him down. The kiss was rough and needy as Key started to relax around him, getting the distinct impression that JongHyun wasn't going to judge how desperate he was. Soft moans from both males drifted up into the air.
     Darting his tongue out to ran silkily over Key's pouty lips, JongHyun felt the younger's grip on his shirt tighten a little. He knew how awkward it was to gather the courage to allow someone's tongue into your mouth for the first time and made no effort to force it onto Key. They wouldn't get anywhere if Key felt at all uncomfortable.
     Content with teasingly his lips with the tip of his tongue, JongHyun knew he'd open up eventually, once the curiosity got the better of him. Changing tactic suddenly, JongHyun pulled his lips away and dipped in for a series of short kisses, filling the room with wet kissing noises. Key's eyes met JongHyun's as the elder pulled away again, both of their lips parted slightly this time.
     Letting his eyes drift from Key's face to his lips, JongHyun admired the moist, shimmering skin and the top of his tongue resting just inside his pearly white teeth. "Don't feel embarrassed..." JongHyun murmured, eyes lidded as he lean in. 'Everyone has to start somewhere..." Key lifted his head a little to meet JongHyun's lips. He found comfort in the elder's words, accompanied by a spark of courage.
     Their lips had remained parted as they kissed but JongHyun had refrained from forcing his tongue into the hot, wet cavern exposed to him. It was up to Key to make the first move. He squeezed his eyes a little tighter shut before pushing his tongue forward, breaching JongHyun's lips and brushing tentatively against the elder's tongue.
     Pushing his tongue back against Key's, JongHyun felt a strange sense of pride. He'd barely known this kid existed six hours ago yet here they were, exploring each other's mouths as if they were true lovers. Key mewled into his lips, pulling his tongue away when the nerves got the better of him. JongHyun kissed him gently, silently telling him that everything was okay.
     They kissed for a short while, enjoying the softness of each other's lips. Key remembered how dry JongHyun's lips had been before and wondered if he'd spent a little time softening them up in preparation for this. The idea that JongHyun had made an effort for him made him blush a little, he decided to repay him by gathering the courage to do this properly.
     JongHyun hesitated, surprised, when Key's tongue pressed firmly against his closed lips. He parted them instantly for the younger and allowed the silky organ to slip unimpeded into his mouth. softly at the intrusion, JongHyun hope Key would take the noise as a sign that he'd done well before bringing his tongue up to meet Key's.
     Their lips spread against each other's, keeping a tight seal as JongHyun taught Key how to make their tongues touching a pleasurable experience. Key moaned lightly, finding the texture of JongHyun's tongue strange against his own. They would brush together, the rough texture of the top of JongHyun's tongue suddenly giving way to the smooth underside.
     He was just getting used to the odd sensation JongHyun's tongue made on his own when the elder pulled away. Panting softly, Key watched JongHyun's face through heavily lidded eyes. Checking his watch, the elder sighed and leant down to place a soft, goodbye kiss on Key's lips. "I told my parents I was going to the baths...It'd look suspicious if I went back dry and in the same clothes..."
     "That explains the towels..." Key mumbled, letting his eyes slip fully closed. He didn't want JongHyun to leave but he could guess how great a risk the elder had taken just to spend an hour with him. "Shower here?" He suggested, wondering just how desperate he sounded at that moment. JongHyun smiled and kissed Key's forehead.
     "Seeing me is something you'll have to wait for I'm afraid." He replied playfully. "You did well today...I'll test you tomorrow and then we can try something else." Key vaguely wondered what JongHyun's plan for the next evening was. The elder's heat disappeared from his body, the sofa shifting at the loss of his weight.
     Opening his eyes, Key watched as JongHyun walked back to the front door. His eyes settled firmly on the elder's , teeth sinking into his lower lip as JongHyun bent over to pull his shoes on. There was no denying he was attracted to every part of JongHyun's body, he just hoped JongHyun felt the same about his.
     Straightening up, JongHyun looked around and smiled warmly. "Sleep well." He called, waving lightly as he disappeared behind the door. Key sighed as the door clicked shut and ran his tongue over his lips. He could still feel the tingling sensation the kiss had brought upon them. The blush spread up his face as he grinned to the ceiling. This was definitely going to be the best holiday of his life.




Kay so I wasn't going to post this yet but I have this awful habit of wanting to share stuff as soon as I finish it XD;

that and I'm making use of AFF actually working >>" ENJOY!

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I love kissing scenes so damn much, I can't get enough of them! So can you imagine my happiness when I stumbled upon this story and BAM! there's almost a whole chapter solely about kissing asdfghjklkjhgfdsa I can't even...
And THEN, they were JUST getting to even better part... (coughcough) I'm so curious! So please update soon!!!
if i wasnt so sleepy i would comment more lol
oh my god
more tongue ing
more jongkey
oh god pls
update soon
i'm dying to find out
is key there by himself and if so, why?
you like jongkey too? *grins happily*
totally loving this fic~
BAD bad jonghyun,you stole key first kiss and until 14 sep you going to abandon keyTT
ooooohhhhhh this is soooo good!!! i want more!
Jonghyun wounldn let key go!!!!HEHE^^
Waiting for next chapter!!
i like this so far....