An Arranged Marriage: Alternate Ending!!!

An Arranged Marriage

As their wedding day approached neither of them could bare to spend any time apart.  But one day while planning who would be attending, there was someone who caught Mae’s eye.  He seemed even younger, and a tad cuter.  And not to mention his humor.  Wondering who he was she asked Mika, “Who was that?  The younger one I mean.”

“Who?  Oh you mean Seungri.”

“Seungri,” the name stuck with Mae even though she was already engaged to be married to Taeyang.  There was just something about him.  Something more than she had with Taeyang.  And one day they just so happen to run into each other.

“Oh you must be the bride,” Seungri said with cheerful smile.

Blushing a bit Mae replied half-heartedly, “Yeah.  Yes I am.”

“Oh come now!  You’re going to be married our Taeyang!  He’s a good guy, don’t worry.  He’ll always be there for you.”

“But I don’t know if I can always be there for him,” Mae said without thinking, but the moment she said it she covered .  “Ah!  I’m sorry I didn’t mean-.”

“Don’t tell me,” Seungri said sitting down next to Mae, “That there’s another man?”

“Oh no!  I mean.  Well maybe?  I’m not even sure myself!”  She told him covering up her face.

“Who is he?  I’m going to kick his-,” Seungri began to say but he was interrupted.

“It’s you!”  She blurted out without thinking again.  Covering her face even more she waited for an answer that never came.  Looking back up she saw Seungri standing there in shock.  “I know it’s wrong, but I think I might be in love with you.”

And what she thought was either going to be a no answer or a run and tell Taeyang thing turned into a kiss on the cheek.  “Tell you the truth I sort of feel the same way,” he smiled back at her.  Blushing a little she knew it was wrong, but in the end they ended up spending the day together.

When the wedding day rolled around, Mae was dressed in her beautiful wedding gown waiting for her chance to walk down the isle to marry who she originally thought was the man of her dreams.  But as fate would have it, the man of her dreams was not standing at the end of the isle but off to the side.  And as the priest spoke his final question, “Do you Mae take Youngbae to be your lawful wedded husband?”

She looked over at Seungri and back at Taeyang.  Making her final choice she looked Taeyang in the eyes and told him, “I’m sorry.”  And as she did Seungri slipped out and grabbed Mae’s hand giving Taeyang an I’m sorry too look.  And with that Seungri ran off with one of his best friend’s almost wife, leaving Taeyang at the altar looking like a fool.

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Chapter 2: I would rather marry bae xD
VIPgal #2
BWAHAHA! awesome ending! I mean i love Taeyang but I would rather marry Makna <3