An Arranged Marriage

An Arranged Marriage


It wasn’t exactly ideal for anyone, but it had to happen.  The first meetings were always the most awkward.  But at least Mae had already some idea on what he was like due to her friend Mika being a big chatterbox about her new husband and his friends.  Both Mika and T.O.P. from Big Bang had an arranged marriage and that seemed to work out well, so Mae just sat there and hoped for the best.

“H-hey,” a voice came from behind her.  Getting up and turning around Mae was faced with a rather handsome looking young man.  He wore a hat that was slightly crooked on his head, a white long sleeved shirt that was still pretty casual, since they would be going out later that day, and pants that looked way too big for him that were being held up by a belt that had the logo of NYC on it to match his hat.

Blinking for a second, Mae thought this might of been a joke.  But no joke it was, this was the man she was going to be marrying.  Taeyang was what all his fans called him, Mae never really bothered to learn much about him.  Of course it wasn’t like her mother gave her much of a chance too.  His appearance seemed off.  Different than what Mika had described.  She had painted him to be a sweetheart, and somewhat cute.  But this guy, no way on earth!

He looked like one of those wife beaters you saw getting put away for lord knows how many years!  But he looked shy and somewhat timed.  Replying Mae said, “Hi, you must be the one I’ve heard so much about from Mika.”  Smiling slightly Mae tried to hide her disappointment.

“Where do you want to go?”  Taeyang asked.  “I mean that is unless you want to just sit here and talk?”  He said a little jumpy.

Laughing a bit Mae guessed he was sort of like what Mika had told her about.  “Yeah sure, we can go somewhere.  I really don’t care, where ever you would like to go.”

“How about we go and walk around?  You know, see where it takes us,” he gave her his best smile which nearly melted Mae right there.  She did have to admit right there that he was pretty sweet.

As they walked along they stopped to get some ice cream, both got strawberry, and got a couple things here and there.  Finally they came across a pet shop.  “Want to go in?”  He asked looking at all the adorable puppies inside.

“Of course!”  Mae told him rushing inside.  Looking around she saw big dogs, little dogs, and playful puppies.  “Do you have any pets?”

“Nah, but I wish I did.”  He told her leaning against the fence that blocked the dogs from running outside.  Looking around he saw a bunch of dogs, but one stood out the most to him.  And it just so happened to be the one Mae was holding at the time.  He was a little Boston Terrier with black on both eyes and white going down the middle.

“Aw, isn’t he just adorable?”  Mae asked looking up at her soon to be husband.

Blushing a bit he looked down at the small dog, “Yeah, I guess.”  Was all he said before one of the bigger dogs got up and stole Taeyang’s ice cream right from his hands.  Acting all flustered he pretended not to notice and bent down to pet the dog Mae was still holding.  But he stopped just before he did.  Walking over to the lady working the register he pulled out his wallet.

As he walked back over he put a collar around its neck, “What do you want to call him?”

Blushing a bit Mae stood up and looked at Taeyang then back at the dog.  “Uh.” Thinking for a second she thought of a good one, “Boss.”

“Boss,” Taeyang repeated.  “That’s a good name.”  Playing with the other dogs, an not forgetting Boss, they spent almost the remainder of their day at the shop.  But as it neared time for them to depart, Taeyang and Mae stood on her front deck with Boss.

“So,” Taeyang had his hands in his back pockets.  He inched a little closer to her.  But just as he did Mae’s dad stepped outside.

“Ah!  I don’t think so!  Not until you two are married,” he said as he pulled Mae away.  “And take the mutt.  I don’t  mind you two having it when you’re on your own, but it’s not going to stay in this house.”  And with that he took Boss and handed him over to Taeyang and went back inside.

“Well I better go then,” Mae said a little disappointed that she had to leave him behind.

“That’s fine, I understand,” he told her and snuck a quick kiss on the cheek hoping her dad didn’t see them.  Leaving with Boss he couldn’t wait until their wedding day.

Walking back into her room, Mae was still pretty burnt up at the fact that had called Boss a mutt.  Plopping down on her bed Mae fell asleep thinking of her new Prince Charming. Sure he didn’t match how she had always thought he would look, but he was just the sweetest thing ever.

As their wedding day approached neither of them could bare to spend any time apart.  Mae had already chosen her wedding dress long before she was even planning on getting married.  And as she walked down the isle that day she saw him all dressed up in his best clothes, not even wearing a hat!  Her smile grew even wider as she saw him.  And as the priest asked his final question, “Do you Mae take Youngbae to be your lawful wedded husband?”

She couldn’t contain her joy and answered almost even before he could finish.  “Yes!  Yes I do!”  And they shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
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Chapter 2: I would rather marry bae xD
VIPgal #2
BWAHAHA! awesome ending! I mean i love Taeyang but I would rather marry Makna <3