Jaeseop's Fables


While studying poetry in a literature class, we came across a poem about Aesop and, being a kpop addict, I made the somewhat tenuous link to Jaeseop a.k.a. AJ of Ukiss!

It started out as a silly day dream but then I really got inspired to write K-pop themed fables. 
I hope you read and enjoy! 

Updates might be few and far between due to my studies being so important! (unless I get 3 high grades I cant do Korean Studies :c ) 
However, I will try and be as punctual as possible! <3 


The rumour had swept across the town in the blink of an eye. Everyone had heard the news and the air seemed to buzz with excitement and anticipation.
"Is he coming out yet?" One little girl asked in a hushed whisper, craning her petit neck for a better view. Jaeseop's story telling was a local legend - he never failed to capture his audience and deliver them to an entire new world. No one ever passed up the chance to listen to him, and so the town's children had hurried to the town hall, clambering to get the best view of the single chair stood at the back of the room. 
"Shut up! He wont come if people are being noisy!" The shove the precocious boy delivered to her shoulder had no ill intent but almost knocked her over regardless. A retort bubbled in before she fell silent, eyes wide with expectation and unblemished innocence. 

The hum of frantic whispers dissolved into the air and all eyes snapped to the chair, straining with anticipation. 
That was when 'he' appeared.

Footsteps, too loud to belong to a child.
Shoulders, too broad to belong to a woman.
Eyes, too wise to belong to a human.

Breath was held collectively by the on-lookers, all of whom were staring in wonder as he sat down and opened the book he had carried beneath his arm. He hummed gentley, tapping his fingers on the leather binding as if deep in thought. 
"It's him, it's Jaeseop!" One child dared to breathe to their neighbour, before falling silent beneath the man's gaze.
A smile graced his lips before they pulled back from the glimmering white teeth beneath them.
"Are we all sitting comfortably?" He began. A ripple of muted responses rolled around the room.

"G o o d ,  t h e n  l e t ' s  b e g i n ."


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Neverland1900 #1
The chapters are so good! Pls update soon..HWAITING! :)
I really liked this chapter on Sunggyu. My ultimate bias! :) Looking forward to more!
Wow, keep on writing! the first chapter is great. I love how original this fic is :)
Great first chapter :]
Update again when you can~!
I think I made the connection, but I looked up the fable just in case. I was right! I like how you're loosely connecting the fable to the characters' situations. Keep it up!
The title of your fic is so clever! I'm definitely looking forward to what you'll do with this.