No , Sherlock!

The streets of Seoul emptied as nightfall gradually came. The bright streetlights crated sinister shadows on the sidewalk, and occasional cars passed by, the glare of the headlights fearing off all creatures.  With the sounds of crickets chirping, slow footsteps emerged from the night club, which had been booming with life a few hours earlier. A tall, skinny young man with a green wig and a fake lip piercing exited the building, wearing nothing but a ratty wife-beater and ripped skinny jeans. It had been dress up night, where they’d enjoy the night as another identity.

After three shots of vodka, his speech had begun to slur and his vision blurred. Key had never been the best drinker in the house, he had always been the one who got drunk first and fall flat before the action began. Shoes pounding on the cement sidewalk, a gust of wind blew from behind, and he could feel a cold, flat piece of paper hitting his neck. Reaching for it, he grasped the paper in his hands and read it out loud:


On the paper were two simple words, imprinted in bold print. Upon reading this, Key’s blood ran cold as he swirled around to see a dark figure standing under a street lamp. He wore a large trench coat with its collars flipped up, revealing nothing but his stubborn eyes. The cold expression from the stranger’s eyes sent a chill down Key’s back, signalling for him to flee immediately.

With a blood curling scream, he turned and ran down the street, searching for a safe hideout. By then, the streets were completely empty and silent, except for the dying music coming from the building which he had just exited. Headstrong, he headed towards the bright streetlights which could be seen from a mile away, forgetting to turn back and keep notice on whether the mysterious man had caught up.

Nevertheless, the man had followed after, stripping from his large brown coat and revealed a black jumpsuit, which blended into the dark night. As the man the man dashed down the street, a second person emerged from the club, eyes wide open and face pale. With his long wig flying behind him, he ran to the middle of the footpath and stared as the two figures faded into the darkness, terrified.

Shaken, he retreated back into the club where he was most safe, clutching onto the edge of his poncho.


I can hear him chasing after me, constant footsteps in the distance. The hair on my arm rose, as I feel the regret for not wearing something more suitable for the weather. The taste of alcohol still lingered in my breath, as I struggled to breathe and search for air. Panting heavily, I came to a pause and collapsed against a tree, planning for my next move before he could catch up.  The streets broke off into two paths, both looking sinister and terrifying in its own specific ways. The left had led to a creek, while the right had a road travelling into completely nothing. Well, nothing that I could see anyways. Biting on my tongue, I ran to the path towards the right and didn’t stop to see whether the mysterious stranger had stopped going after me.

Whoever that stranger was, he was after my life. The sight in front of me blurred, as the alcohol began to kick in and I stumbled slightly at the turn of the road. Now, I realise that I’ve made the wrong choice all along – the road led into a small, dark forest which continued as small, rocky hills and mountains. My horrible stamina pulled me back against my will, not allowing me to run faster than I really should. Moving from a sprint into a lighter jog, slowly caught up with my breath. Dodging the cracks in the dry dirt, I leapt over a small bush and began climbing down, attempting to not be seen.

To my surprise, I saw the shadow which had followed me leaned over and gracefully climbed down the jagged rocks at ease. Trying to speed up, my left foot slipped on the green, stick moss and my body fell backwards. I could hear my bones crack against the floor, and a piercing pain stressed itself in my head. With slightly gaping eyes, I saw the shadow approach me once again. I tried to retreat, pushing my body further away with all my strength, yet my body didn’t budge.

With one last attempt to crawl away, a sharp, burning pain went through my back and my eyes faded out into utter darkness.


I’ve got no utter idea what I had just seen, but the fear and burning curiosity still flowed through my body as I looked around the nightclub. It had become completely deserted since the break of dawn, except for the occasional drunks who were still wearing their costumes, and a lazy bartender who was making himself drinks. Pulling the wig of long, brown hair off my head, I could feel my neck muscles relax from the lift of heavy weight.

Tossing it across the room, I began to take off the boiling hot, Mexican poncho which I had worn for the party. Somewhere in this room would be my sombrero, which I had managed to lose while dancing. As soon as the warm blanket was off, I revealed to the world that I was wearing a dark sweater with black jeans and a studded choker. “What were they doing? Why did that man chase Key? I mean, we saw each other once in a while at clubs and so, but he seemed like a nice fellow. That’s weird…” I muttered to myself.

Pushing my seat back, I got up and wandered out the door and into the darkness thinking, “One man’s business shouldn’t be tampered by others. I guess it’s best if I leave it to them to solve. it their own way.”


He wasn’t much of a competition, as I had originally predicted that he would choose the safer path. His running wasn’t the fastest, nor was he the most consistent, making him one of the easiest targets I would have ever faced. It was late, and he was drunk – he made foolish choices which had resulted himself in a painful ending. It was entirely his choice.

I looked down at his unconscious body after I had pierced a knife straight through his heart, and deep crimson blood flowed from the wound. He was dead, I knew from experience. Flipping his body around, I identified the subtle features on his face – pale skin, slightly puckered lips, and large, ravenous eyes. He lied there with his eyes open, as if he was looking directly into my soul, blaming me for everything I’ve just done.

Without a hassle, I pulled out a small pocket knife and carved a line across this face, and watched his beautiful features disappear gradually. Wiping the blood off my hands, I wandered around and searched for a place to bury the body, but instead found a large, plastic bag that was striped with the classic American colours of red, blue and white. Inside the bag was a pile of old, out dated newspapers. Emptying the bag, I pulled the lifeless body to replace the paper articles, and covered up with the newspaper once again.

Without a single sound in the night, he looked down the steep mountain to find a stream of gushing water and threw the bag down, which landed with a gentle splash. “Another job well done, I guess I’m back in the business,” he whispered to himself, satisfied at another successful mission,

Hours slowly passed as the birds began to chirp again to greet the early morning. A couple in their thirties paced down by the stream before being blocked in their path by a large, bloody bag. The wife backed away slowly, as colour drained from her face while the husband stood forward and began to fidget with the bag.

“Honey, don’t touch it! We don’t know what’s in there; it can be almost anything… We should leave. It’s just doesn’t seem right,” the wife whispered, tugging on her husband’s arm, but he insisted to search through it. ping the bag, he pulled out a series of newspapers that were drenched in red liquid, before releasing a loud scream that echoed through the valleys.

Clutching onto his wife, he yelped “Call the police! Call the Sherlock! I don’t care you call, but call for help now! There’s a body in that bag, oh my god. Hurry!” before watching his wife run for their home, which was the location of the nearest phone.


You sat in the corner of an office, watching the phone ring repeatedly as Sherlock Jonghyun refused to answer the call. Sipping on his coffee, Jonghyun continued our conversation like nothing had happened. The irritating beep of the phone went on, the volume increasing after every twenty seconds. Frustrated, I stood up and ripped the receiver off the table, answering with, “Sherlock Jonghyun’s office here, his assistant detective speaking. How may I help you?”

A soft voice from a younger lady on the other end, replied slowly, “It’s Jessica from the police station. Earlier today, an emergency has been called in and we need the town Sherlock there as soon as possible. May I speak to him?”

“Wait a moment,” I replied hastily before shoving it in his direction. “This one’s for you.”

Taking the phone reluctantly, he murmured nothing but “Yes, indeed”, “Mmhmm’s” and “I know” for the next minute. Towards the end of the call, he replied in a strong tone, “I’ll be there now.”

Looking up from the phone after hanging up, the final words he said were “Let’s go”, before grabbing his bag and dragging me out the door.

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--kittens #1
vgdrj hfkghkhjghdf
gellow #5
oh my gosh loving this story.

b-but key... ;A;

anyways, update soon~
ChubbyChoco17 #6
Updat soon please! :D
Oh, this story sounds interesting :D I can't wait to see the next chapter!