{CASE ONE: CHAPTER ONE} introduction to the story

No , Sherlock!

Revenge is a dish best served cold, that’s what they all say. So when there was a chance to strike, Minho had taken the opportunity to do his deeds and finish it off, once and for all. At the break of dawn is when the tiger strikes, and there’s one thing that you all should know about tigers – once their targets are chosen, the choices are locked in, and their prey has no way out.

Staring into his computer screen, he typed into his search engine “Professional Assassin” with a single swift movement. Scrolling down the page, there was nothing but rubbish and nonsense which couldn’t occupy his desires. He slammed the laptop close with a solid Bam! And a look of displeasure wiped across his face. As the door opened and closed slowly with a soft thud, a tall, thin figure walked in and leaned over, resting her hands on Minho’s shoulders. Yuri had entered with a dramatic entrance, her hair falling gracefully around her beautifully sculpted face.

“What’s wrong? I’m guessing that you couldn’t find something again, wasn’t it?” Yuri purred, caressing his chin and paused almost immediately as he heaved a loud sigh. The intense atmosphere of the room fell as she strutted over towards the leather arm chairs, and sat down while observing the room with her curious eyes. The cream, paper-thin walls were covered by antique furniture in every corner of the room, creating a serious atmosphere that enveloped everybody upon their entrance. A large, old-fashioned fan hung off the engraved ceiling and a single light bulb casted sinister silhouettes across the room and furniture. Books were stacked everywhere – on the floor, on shelves, even on the window sill. Directly in the centre of the room was Minho’s large wooden, oak table, holding nothing but a small Macbook Air and little paperwork.  And last but not least was the large, stained glass window which had a painting of an eye smeared over it, and rattled shutters that blocked the office from the rest of the world.

“Did you really think that searching for somebody to do your dirty job would be that simple? If life was that easy, we’d all be billionaires by now. You might as well just do it yourself,” teased Yuri, resting her head against a soft, silk pillow. As she was about to close her eyes, Minho rose from his chair and slammed the desk, making her jump from shock.

“Do my own dirty job? There’s no such thing. I’m rich, handsome, and is the heir to a high class business, why would I do my own dirty work? For all I know, I could simply leave you and another girl would come straight at me, falling on her knees for my love. You have underestimated me, haven’t you?” he growled, as his ravenous eyes stared down at her, showing a look of angst and hunger.

Yuri snickered and walked over to the window where he was now standing, face furious. Wrapping her arms around his waist and whispered softly into his ear, “Babe, there’s nothing that can stop you. You know that yourself, unless you’re nothing but a y shell with no personality and brains. Who knows? You still haven’t even located him yet, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Minho turns around and slaps Yuri across the face, the sound echoing around the room. “How dare you speak to me like that? Him, the guy who had ruined my life, and murdered my father is out there and that’s all you can do? Don’t be so stupid, that’s the main purpose of this, we’ve got to find our target and carefully creep up on him. Only a person like you can’t think of this.”

As he headed for the door, the shrieking sound of a telephone rang across the room, demanding an answer. Placing the receiver to his ear, he could hear a raspy voice coming through the line.

“Hello, I’ve found this number through hacking the internet system, and it seems as you’ve been searching for a professional assassin to do your jobs, I believe? Well here I am, Lee Jinki Onew, private investigator and professional assassin since 2008.”


As I’d like to create a unique story, every chapter will contain a variety of PoVs. You can tell by the name listed before the paragraph/segment begins. The views would be coming from the following people:







And if there is no name written in a certain chapter, it also means that the certain chapter is from a THIRD PERSON’S POINT OF VIEW.

Hope you guys enjoy this little intro/chapter. ^^

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--kittens #1
vgdrj hfkghkhjghdf
gellow #5
oh my gosh loving this story.

b-but key... ;A;

anyways, update soon~
ChubbyChoco17 #6
Updat soon please! :D
Oh, this story sounds interesting :D I can't wait to see the next chapter!