
Bun in the Oven
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tw: mentions of vomit


The alarm blared, but Jimin was already awake, her hand clamped over as she scrambled out of bed. Minjeong stirred beside her, one eye popping open. 


"Babe? What's wrong?" Minjeong mumbled.


"I'm gonna puke," Jimin gasped, racing for the bathroom. Her bare feet slapped against the hardwood floor, echoing like gunshots in the early morning quiet. She barely made it to the toilet before the contents of her stomach made a violent reappearance.


From the bedroom, Minjeong listened to the tell-tale sounds of retching, each heave and splash making her own stomach lurch in sympathy. "Ugh, not again," she groaned. Every time Jimin threw up these days, hearing it was enough to set off Minjeong's sensitive gag reflex too. 


Shakily, Minjeong pulled herself upright, trying to breathe through her nose and think un-nauseous thoughts. Ginger ale. Saltines. Anything but-




Too late. The sound of Jimin's puking pushed Minjeong over the edge. She stumbled to the kitchen sink just in time to hurl, her long red hair dangling precariously close to the splatter zone. 


When Minjeong finally felt empty, her stomach muscles aching from the force of her heaving, she rinsed out the sink with shaky hands and reached for her toothbrush. The minty taste helped quell the lingering queasiness.


In the bathroom, the retching had quieted, replaced by the sound of the faucet running. A few moments later, Jimin emerged, looking pale and exhausted. She took one look at Minjeong's greenish complexion and grimaced.


"Again? Seriously?" Jimin sighed. "I thought morning sickness was supposed to be my thing, considering I'm the one with the bun in the oven."


"Tell that to my stomach," Minjeong said weakly. "It's like it's trying to be supportive of yours by joining in on the puke party."


Jimin couldn't help but chuckle at the woebegone expression on her wife's face. She walked over and pulled Minjeong into a gentle hug. "My poor baby. Both of you turning my insides out and it's only-" she glanced at the microwave clock, "5:47 am. A new record."


Minjeong nuzzled into Jimin's neck, relishing the comforting warmth and familiar scent of her wife's body wash beneath the toothpaste and general eau de toilet. "I'm sorry, babe. I don't mean to make this harder on you. I know it to be the one actually knocked up."


"It's okay," Jimin reassured her. "There's no way you could make this crazy journey anything but better. Puke and all. I'm just glad you're here with me."


She placed a hand on her still flat stomach, imagining the tiny life beginning there. A perfect combination of her and Minjeong. Even if the little stowaway was currently staging a rebellion in her digestive system, Jimin couldn't be happier about expanding their family. 


Minjeong covered Jimin's hand with her own. "I wouldn't miss it for anything. We're in this together, right? For better or worse. In sickness and in-"


Her earnest declaration was cut off by a sudden heave. They both froze, staring at each other in dawning comprehension and dread. Whose stomach had made that ominous noise?


"Babe-" Jimin started.


"I know," Minjeong gulped.


In unison, they made a mad dash - Jimin back to the bathroom, Minjeong to the kitchen sink. The sounds of their synchronized puking echoed through the apartment as the sun peeked over the horizon. Just another morning in the Yu-Kim household.


By the time they'd emptied their stomachs again and cleaned up, both women were exhausted. They collapsed onto the couch, leaning into each other.


"This kid better be cute," Minjeong said, only half-joking. "With all the grief they're causing and they're not even here yet."


"Oh, they will be," Jimin said confidently. "Have you seen us? We're hot. No way are we making an ugly baby."


That startled a laugh out of Minjeong. "You raise a fair point." She turned to press a kiss to Jimin's cheek. "I love you. And our future cute barfy baby."


Jimin captured Minjeong's lips in a real kiss. "I love you too. Even if your sympathy morning sickness is cramping my style a bit."


"Hey, just preparing you for when there's two of us puking on you in the middle of the night," Minjeong teased.


"Don't even joke," Jimin warned. 


They sat quietly for a few minutes, enjoying the momentary peace. Jimin absently her belly while Minjeong twined their fingers together.


A sudden gurgle from Jimin's midsection broke the silence. She froze, eyes widening. Minjeong tensed.


"Babe...I'm gonna puke."


The marathon morning had only just begun.




Over the next few weeks, they

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So… I know some of u are eager for the next Counterfeit Hearts chap. But I can't stop thinking abt ideas for Jimin's pregnancy storyline. If I write a couple of one-shots abt that first, would u mind if I delayed the next CH chapter a bit? Let me know ur thoughts or leave a comment or an ask in cc!


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jayannelastacc #1
Chapter 1: Cutie
Chapter 1: This is such a heartwarming and fluffy story, im so glad i read it 🤩
Kpop_fan21 #3
Chapter 1: A normal lesbian pregnancy au 😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 thank you so much this is seriously cuteee 🙏
Chapter 1: cute
yasomin01 #5
soooo cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💞
Chapter 1: Ahhhh what a good morning!!!!! This is soooo cute, i can't.
httpdaniyoo #7
Chapter 1: oh gosh, that's so disgustingly cute.😭
yuyuyujimin #8
Chapter 1: soooooo cuteeeee 😭😭