Counterfeit Hearts

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fake dating: doctor karina x lawyer winter

In a world where love is just a game, what happens when two hearts dare to play pretend?


been wanting to try this trope so here it is! honestly, I've had this idea kicking around in my head for ages and I'm really excited to finally bring it to life. enjoy? haha

hey all, in case any of u still use cc, mine is Shoot me a question if u guys got one, I'm always looking for new ideas too so hmu with any suggestions u might have. Thanks!


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Chapter 1: 1: I definitely hope this isn't angst cause I can't handle that any longer
pinkishsky #2
Chapter 7: Loving this :')
Chapter 7: skskskkss neeed mooooore
Chapter 7: Hahahahaahaha... can't wait for the next chapter
kariselleheart 39 streak #5
Chapter 7: i love this story. im big on angst so i wonder how itll be once karina or winter breaks 😭 my guess is karina but ahhhhh!!! looking forward to the next update

for pobs i think i like makestar, soundwave or ktown4u. this tweet has a thread of the pobs!
jushshhh #6
Chapter 7: Dr.Yu what are you doing on the floor~ lol 😹
fanficethusiast #7
Chapter 6: this is so good 😭
943 streak #8
Chapter 6: hskshsjhdjdh
Chapter 6: πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Chapter 4: wow this fic's actually soooo goooood. can't wait for more chapters