Chapter 4

My Annoying Demon
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With their agreement finally settled, and a tinge of reluctance Winter asks what these demons are doing in the human world.


As if on cue, both Karina and Ningning looked at each other simultaneously. The royal demon still feels ashamed at the fact that she was banished.


Ningning on the other hand holds herself back from telling the human doctor that her master was banished for being a useless demon.


But Karina couldn’t bring herself to lie to her mate, “I was banished, and now I live in this realm” she opted to not tell the whole truth tho —she doesn’t want to turn her mate off by announcing that she’s practically a loser for a demon.


Winter contemplates for a bit, what she’s about to say will probably haunt her but being a naturally good willed person she offers them her home, “You can stay here if you want, I still have a spare room upstairs”


Aside from the fact that they are both demons, Winter will judge a book by it’s cover—just only for this instance. And choosing to forget Karina’s demon form from earlier (which still terrifies her by the way) the two demons in front of her looked decent enough, gorgeous even.


They already presented themselves as demons, at least they are honest about that and that they could have harmed her if they wanted to, but last time Winter checked all her limbs are still attached.


She has already seen the worst, ‘What could go wrong?’ —famous last words by Kim W. , MD (2024)


Karina of course gladly accepts the offer but is slightly confused at it tho, “But why a spare bedroom, could I not share with you?”


“Be thankful that I still consider you as a houseguest given that you’re actual demons, I could call an exorcist or shamans to get rid of you. So this is me being generous” Winter says in a take it or leave it tone.


Karina visibly pouts, “But you’re my consort, we should share the same bed”


The doctor waves a finger at her and shakes her head, “I didn’t agree to that yet, so no. This is not the underworld, this is my home and it’s my rules. Do you understand?”


Despite being practically reprimanded by a mere human, there’s something about an authoritative Winter that allures the demon even more. So she simply gestures a smile at her, “If my lady deems so, then so I shall”


Winter just cringes at it tho.


Meanwhile, finding the perfect time to appropriately speak Ningning declines the offer. Aside from feeling blasphemous with sharing a room with her master, she is still tasked by Karina to take care of the Belphegor tower in her absence. “I am of course available and can be summoned anytime”


“Oh” Karina suddenly speaks, as she remembers something, “That reminds me…” she trails as she puts her right hand out to Winter’s direction.


The Doctor panics as Karina’s hand partially transforms in to it’s demon form. A magic circle come’s out of her hand and before Winter could react the magic circle appears beneath her, it was gone in a snap as the circle just passes through her whole body.


Not feeling anything weird or different, but just plainly freaked out, “What was that? What did you do?”


Now back to a non-threatening state, Karina retracts her hand down. “I just shared a fraction of my power to you”


“You what?” Winter exclaims, she realizes she never had a calm minute ever since she met this demon.


“It wasn’t much, do not worry you are still a human unfortunately. But I gave you the ability to summon Ningning or any of my legion at any given time” Karina says proudly, as if she had given Winter the best gift ever.


“Look, I do not need it and you just freaked the hell out of me”


“But I just granted hell’s power in you…”


Ningning clears at the exchange, “If I may. That was a figure of speech your grace, Humans use that a lot. And Lady Winter, pardon my master’s impatience, but yes it would be helpful if you have the ability to summon me as well, my master is not familiar with mortal ways and I can provide you with assistance”


“See!” Karina smugly faces Winter, “She’s very useful, we both need her”


The human just scratches her nape in defeat, “Fine. But before you do anything like that tell me beforehand”


“Yes, my lady”





Later in the evening, Winter has just finished setting the guest bedroom as Karina’s temporary abode —temporary because once she proves them wrong she’ll finally leave her alone. And not because once she’s finally accepted her fate that she’ll share her bed with the demon. Nope, not at all.


She even spared a few of her loose clothes for Karina to borrow. Meanwhile Ningning teleports back and forth from the nether to their world to bring a few of Karina’s possessions. Which are just mainly video games.


Undoubtably Winter was skeptical at first when Karina ordered Ningning to bring her “Human Collection” with her. She was about to protest when the gremlin just vanished in to thin air, and the sigh of relief she just let out when she sees that the “human collection” are just man-made inventions, mainly technological ones.


With one last fluffing of the bed, Winter exits the room. From upstairs she can see the demons in her living room seemingly discussing about something.


Winter wonders, who in the heavens has she offended —at this point she must believe in heaven and angels as well.


Is she being punished for playing god during surgery?


Winter has never been in a proper relationship, a few hookups here and there, just to stimulate a dose of oxytocin in her other wise stressful life. She never really has time to be involved with anyone. Any spare time she has outside the hospital she spends it alone and sleeping in her house.


And so fate has it for her that her supposed life partner is a freaking demon. Winter still denies it as much as she can.


“Hey” she gets the attention of the demons as she comes down the stairs, “What do you guys want for dinner?”


“I’ve been craving Quetzalcoatl’s brain” Karina says.


“A what?” Winter could only assume that she’ll get a brain aneurysm the longer she talks to these demons. While Ningning corrects Karina on what delicacies are available in the mortal realm, Winter pictures out her imaginary surgery.

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I apologize if it’s underwhelming, wrote it in a rush. 🫤


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0 points #1
Chapter 20: I need an update😫😫😫 this is so good
Aeri_chan 0 points #2
Chapter 20: 🫣🥵thats hot
0 points #3
Chapter 2: i cackled so hard when karina said she’ll spread homouality i mean what??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
221 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 20: how can this be so cute and hot at the same time 🥵❤️‍🔥
0 points #5
Chapter 19: “I got you the thing, where’s the Ningning?” 😭😭
0 points #6
Chapter 20: karina’s so soft when it comes to winter, cutie ):
0 points #7


193 streak #8
Chapter 20: Arghhhh finally you two. Congrats winter especially karina HAHAHAHA. And karina crying 😭😂
Soumyapunz5 #9
Chapter 20: "Loser stuck in a goddess body" Karina is so cute 😭. How can a demon be this cute and cry baby.
Chapter 20: Please, Karina is soooo adorable 🥹🤧