"Tell me its not happening..."

He's Got A Halo [Short FanFic]



Yong Hwa’s POV


He flew to the direction of that human’s presence. He saw a young man walking alone. He sure knows

his way around this forest. Yong Hwa didn’t think twice. He took the form of a bird to lure this person

to where Seohyun is. He appeared in front of the man and made a noise to attract his attention. He

looked at him but didn’t get what he means.

                Come on….

Luckily, the man followed him…He successfully brought Seohyun a rescuer.

                “Ah…miss, are you alright?” The man approached her. Seohyun looked up to the person.

                “I lost my way…I don’t know how to go back..”

                “I know the place…I could bring you out of this forest..”

                “Really?!Kamsahamnida…kamsahamnida!”Seohyun felt relieved and the two didn’t waste

time and decided to move. Yong Hwa followed them.

                “Did you go here by yourself?” The young man asked her.

                “Anni…I came with my friends but sadly, I lost them…”

                “They might be lost too..”

                “I don’t think so…one of them knows the place..I’m just unlucky.” Seohyun admitted shyly.

                “Ah…It’s good that I found you..It’s getting dark now..it’s dangerous to stay at night.”

                “That’s why I’m so afraid…” they walkedand finally reached the forest exit.

                “Are you fine here now?” the man asked him.

                “Ah..nhe…My friends might be on that inn.” Seohyun pointed to inn on the right.

                “Then I’ll go now…”

                “Kamsahamnida….” Seohyun bowed at him. The man walked away.

                “Seohyun sshi!” Seohyun sees Yoona and Sooyoung.

                “Where did you go?! We were so worried about you!” Yoona said.

                “I lost my way…I couldn’t contact you because my phone ran out of battery.”

                “Thank God you’re here…” Sooyoung sighed.

                “A man saw me there and helped me out.”

                “Chincha?! Where is he?”

                “He went his way..”

                “You are blessed..someone is looking over you…that forest is so big and you’re in a

serious trouble if you get lost.” Yoona said.

Yong Hwa left out a sigh…what’s important is that he brought her out of that place and nothing worse




Seohyun’s POV


                She was on the subway. Today is her entrance exam at the university. She keeps on looking

at her wristwatch. She can't afford to be late. When the train stopped she immediately moves. When

she reached the school and went straight to the examination room. The professor assigned is at the

door collecting the entrance exam stubs. Seohyun opened her bag to get her stub.

                “Huh? Where is it?”

                “Where is your stub student?” the professor asked her.

                “It’s just here…sir..”Seohyun decided to remove all the things from her bag but sadly she

couldn’t find her stub.

                “Where is it? I’m sure I brought it with me..” she started to get worried. Without it, she can’t

take the test. She studied hard for this day…

                “Did I lose it on my way here?” she whispers to herself.

                “Student, aren’t you going in? It’s almost time.”Seohyun bit her lips.

                “Here’s her stub sir.” A man gave a piece of paper to the professor. Seohyun looked at him.

He’s the man from the mountain!

                “Ah! You?” her eyes widened.

                “Hm…take your test now. Good luck!”  he said. Seohyun couldn’t say anything else for the

test will be starting in a few minutes. She entered the room.




Kyuhyun’s POV


He’s on the subway. He’s on his way to meet his friend Sungmin. A paper is there on the seat when

his eyes noticed the girl on the picture. It’s the girl from the mountain. It’s an entrance exam stub.

She’s taking the exam at his school but she can’t do that if she doesn’t have this with her. He decided

to go off on the next station. He took a cab and goes to the university. It’s a good thing that he’s just on

time and like what he’s expecting, the girl is there looking for her stub.




Yong Hwa’s POV

After the exam Seohyun came out the class room.

                “How was the test Joo Hyun?” He approached her. Seohyun smiled but she walked passed him.

                “You’re still here?”


                “Thank you so much…you saved me twice.” She said.

                “Don’t mention it. I just saw your stub at the subway.”

                “I don’t know what to do if I really lost that stub.”

                “I’m glad that I could be able to help…By the way, I didn’t get to introduce myself properly

that day…My name is Cho Kyuhyun..”

                “I’m Seo Joo Hyun..”

Yong Hwa holds his breath. If only angels like him could dream…this is a moment in which he would

like to believe that he’s just dreaming……Cho Kyuhyun is the name of the guy they said to be

Seohyun’s true love. He couldn’t believed that he lead him to her.




                “What are you suddenly so eager to be here?” Jong hyun asked him. He called him to join

him tonight in the angel’s library.

                “I need to do a research so just help me.” Yong Hwa answered while looking at the books.

                “Is it for your new assignment?”

                “I want to know how to avoid destiny..”

                “What? Don’t tell me….”

                “Just help me look for it..”

                “Yong Hwa…are you out of your mind?! That book is prohibited…Using that will cause

you your halo.”

                “Don’t you think I know that? It’s prohibited alright but it’s here isn’t it?”

                “What exactly is happening to you? Why don’t you just let her go…your assignment with

her is done. Let her be..”

                “I can’t do that…”

                “What do you mean?”

                “I know that she still needs me beside her…I need her too..”

                “What are saying you need her too?” Jong hyun looked at him seriously. Yong Hwa stopped

on what he’s doing and faces him.

                “Jong hyun…I love her…I’m in love with SeoJoo Hyun…” he decided to tell the thing he’s

keeping on the farthest corner of his heart. Jong Hyun covered Yong Hwa’s mouth.

                “You must be crazy! You shouldn’t have done that! You know the rule right? Do you want

to be punished?! Ajusshi could banish you from being a guardian angel or worse…God could

make you a fallen angel! Snap out it! Keep you mind straight!”

                “I know that…however, I wasn’t able to prevent this feeling. I fell in love with her…”

                “I’m not hearing this…Yong Hwa, you don’t know the horror of the thing you’re putting

yourself into.”

                “I never wanted this to happen to me..but I’m more afraid of losing her than anything else.”

Jong Hyun felt the sincerity on his voice and eyes. He breathes rashly.

                “I want to hate you now for putting me on this situation..”Jong hyun said then he continued

looking for the prohibited book.

                “Jong hyun…”

                “What are you doing?! Come and look for it….we might get caught so we must hurry!”




Yong Hwa watches over Seohyun sleeping soundly.

                “Please forgive me for what I’m about to do……” Then he looked at the book on his hand.

He inhales deeply before turning it’s pages.

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 11: I Love this fic!!!!!
Chapter 11: I loved it! Definitely recommended
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
beeautiful story !!!! awww I want my own guardin angel just like YongHwa <3
Chapter 12: I've red this story on wattpad authornim last year... and it was one of my fave ys fic in wattpad.. i wish u can post your stories on wattpad so I could easily read your stories thank u
this is from wattpad right?
Chapter 12: Happy Anniv to Hes got a Halo, authornim ^^ this is one of my fav fics. :)
poetz31 #7
Chapter 12: Do you write another fanfics authornim? About yongseo again or maybe deerburning couple hehehe... I would like τº read your story again if you have some...
munie87 #8
Chapter 11: awww~ such a sweet n romantic yonghwa... so happy for yongseo!!! thanks for this bonus chapter!!! =)
Chapter 11: :O when seohyun is with kyuhyun she is so blind that yonghwa make much more good for seohyun , ahh... she finally realized that her true love JUNG YONG HWA :D
so far so good:)
VeeVee2012 #10
SOOO CUTEEEEEE! I love this!