Guardianship Threat

He's Got A Halo [Short FanFic]



Manager’s Office….Yong Hwa is in front of that office..It’s been a while since the last time he was

asked to go here. He took a deep breath before knocking however, the door automatically open

before he could touch it with his fist. He entered inside.

                “Annyeonghaseyo, Ajusshi….” He greeted with a bow. The swivel chair rotated and the

man sitting on it face him.

                “Yong Hwa…Yong Hwa….I haven’t seen you in a while huh?”Ajusshismiled at the sight of

himHe’s the “manager” of the guardian angels like him. He’s the one in-charged on monitoring the

angels. He’s the trouble shooter if complications occur and punisher if an angel violates the rules.

                Ajusshi…I think you better try a name change…it’s a bit confusing now…Humans refer

handsome guys as Ajusshi nowadays and since you know,…I don’t want you to hurt your feelings

and pride by getting compared to such man, I strongly recommend you to think of a new name..”

Yong Hwa started teasing him.

                “Why would I change my name over it? I’m confident so no need for a new one…Don’t you

have eyes? Maybe that actor, Won Bin is younger than me but he has nothing compared to my

manly features…Compare to my masculinity, he’s just a baby..”Ajusshi even flex his arm trying to

show a muscle. Yong Hwa wanted to throw up.

                “Do you work out nowadays, Ajusshi?”

                “Now you could see huh?”Ajusshi grinned with confidence.

                “Yeah…Now I know that working out is not effective to everyone.” And then he laughed hard.

                “What did you just say?! Do you know what it’s like to have your wings broken?”

                “Okay okay! Just joking…I’m sorry Ajusshi..please spare my wings!” YongHwa says while

clasping both his palms in front ofAjusshi.

                “Aishh…chincha…would you mind sitting?”Ajusshi pointed the chair.

                “Jong Hyun told me that you were looking for me.” He calmly sat on the chair in front of the desk.

                “That’s right…I received an order from ABOVE for your new assignment.”

                “Ah, I’ll be doing a dual-duty?”

                “I’m afraid that’s not the case here..”

                “What do you mean?”

                “I’m transferring you to a new assignment…you should report on it by next week…” he said

as he pushes the folder to his side by his index finger.

                “What?!” Yong Hwa was shocked…. “Wait what do you mean? I didn’t violate any rules!”

                “It’s not demotion Yong Hwa…it’s a new assignment for you because your contract with

your current person is about to expire…”

                “Expire?! I think you’re already having gaps with you memory now old man….remember I

told you last time to consider retirement?” Yong Hwa leans back on his chair thinking that Ajusshi

just got it wrong.

                “What memory gaps are you taking about?! This boy! It’s confirmed…” Ajusshi temporarily

lose his patience.

                “I didn’t do any violations, Joo Hyun is not going to marry yet…and she’s not doing

decision leading to bad life path…see, no reason for contract expiration…” Yong Hwa keeps on

defending his belief.

                “You forgot about one…intervention of DESTINY..”Ajusshi stand from his seat while he

swallowed hard upon hearing that.

                “She’s going to die?” Yong Hwa couldn’t imagine that horror to befall on Seohyun.

                “Nope but according to the report given to me by the destiny department…Within this

week, Seo Joo Hyun will be meeting the man destined for her. Meaning…even though she’s not

going to get married yet but if she meets that destined partner of hers, marriage would be assured

on her life path…thus, putting an early expiration of your guardianship’s contract. Is it CLEAR

now?!” Ajusshi comes near his ear to say that last sentence.

He was speechless…destiny…everything is true….




He went back and sees Seohyun sleeping in her bed. He pulled the blanket up and covered her well

then he sat on the bed and looked at her.

                “Seo Joo Hyun, Is it really the end for us? They said that you won’t need me anymore…do

you feel that way? Will you really be okay without me?” Yong Hwa said in such a sad tone.

Seohyun turned to Yong Hwa’s side. A slight frown can be seen on her face..

                “Where were you?”she whispered. Yong Hwa couldn’t help but smile. She’s talking again in her sleep.

                “Just somewhere…don’t worry, I’m here now. You could sleep well now.” He put away some

hair strands that cover her face. He always answers her in her sleep. Sometimes he wonders if

Seohyun is really talking to him or just dreaming. She’s so fragile…it couldn’t possible for him to leave

her. She needs him and that’s all he knows.



Seohyun’s POV

                “Kamsahamnida ajusshi….”

                “You’re welcome agasshi…visit again if you have free time…” the monk smiled at them.

                “We’ll do that..thank you again for giving us some of this..”Yoona said indicating the water

on their jags.

                “Hope it’ll bring you good luck on your exam…take care of yourselves on the way.”

                “Ne…”she bowed at him and bid goodbye..Seohyun and her friends started walking. It’ll take

you around two hours on going down.

                “The Ajusshi on the temple is very nice.” Seohyun said happily.

                “Not only that..we were able to get this water.” Yoona added.

                “Yoona, are you really sure that this is effective?” Sooyoung asked in doubts.

                “Of course! My cousin Taeyeon visited that temple and drank some water on that well and

she passed her entrance exam. Didn’t you hear the monk said earlier that a lot of students visit the

temple for blessings before entering University?”

                “Ne…he even said that we should drink some water on that well. All the students who

visited there and drank this passed their exams.” Seohyun also added.

                “Then we’ll be really lucky. It’s like getting the direct ticket to Seoul National University!”

The three of them laughed. They just walk all the way down for an hour. They even tried to race

however, after a while Seohyun couldn’t see her friends.

                “Yoona sshi, Sooyoung  sshi! Where are you?” When she couldn’t hear and see anything

Seohyun started to worry.

                “It’s not fun anymore! If you won’t come out from where you are hiding then I would just go

down first…I’ll leave you girls!”Still, no response.

                “Yoona sshi…Sooyoung sshi, where are you?” She’s really worried now. Her phone ran out

of battery when they were at the temple. She forgot to charge it last night. Normally, she’s not forgetful

however, yesterday she felt uncomfortable. Like something is missing. She also slept late because

she couldn’t sleep well. On the other hand, she woke up in a good condition this morning.

She looked up the sky and she saw the dark clouds indicating a rain.

                “Otokke?! What will I do?!” she’s starting to panic because she’s not really familiar with the place.

                “Omma….” She just sat under a tree…tears started to fill her eyes. She doesn’t even know

the way back to the temple. She’s too afraid to walk because her feet might bring her to an area

which is even farther from the way out. She just waited there crying.



Yong Hwa’s POV


                “Hope it’ll bring you good luck on your exam…take care of yourselves on the way.”

                “Ne…” the girls bowed at the monk before walking away. Yong Hwa looked back at the old man.

                “Take Care of those ladies, white creature…” The monk whispers as he looked straight at

him. Yong Hwa looked around. Is he talking at him?

                “Could you possibly sense me?” he asked while pointing to himself. The friendly monk just

smiled and return inside the temple.

                “Wah..daebak! Only few people could sense the angel’s presence.” He says while catching

on the three girls.

                “Yoona, are you really sure that this is effective?” Sooyoung asked in doubts.

                “Of course! My cousin Taeyeon visited that temple and drank some water on that well and

she passed her entrance exam. Didn’t you hear the monk said earlier that a lot of students visit the

temple for blessings before entering University?”

                “Ne…he even said that we should drink some water on that well. All the students who

visited there and drank this passed their exams.” Seohyun also added.

                “Then we’ll be really lucky. It’s like getting the direct ticket to Seoul National University!”

the girls laughed with that.

                “Humans really believe those kinds of things eh? Doing stuff like this only helps them by

setting the mind positively but the truth is they passed with their own abilities…” he said to them.

                “Let’s go for a race! The last one will pay for the snacks…” Sooyoung suggested.

                “That would be fun! Surely, Seohyun will be on the last place!”  Yoona said teasingly.

                “Mworagoyyo?!Let’s see who will be on the last place!” Seohyun pout her lips and started

running. The three girls run on the forest.  Yong Hwa teleports to catch up on them. However, Seohyun

lost track..she could no longer see them.

                “Yoona sshi…Sooyoung sshi, where are you?” he could sense the panic on her voice. The

sky is getting darker..rain is coming.

                “Otokke?! What will I do?!”Seohyun decided to sit under a big tree.

                “You shouldn’t have agreed to race with them.” Yong Hwa sits next to her. Seohyun is not

the athletic type. She’s clumsy at times too.

                “Omma….” Tears fell on her cheeks. Yong Hwa wrapped his arms around her.

                “Don’t cry Seo Joo Hyun…I’m here and I will protect you. I won’t let anything bad happen to

you..” he says..he can’t stand seeing Seohyun crying like this. He looked around. He will find the way

out of this forest and bring her back.

                “SeoJoo Hyun…wait for me here. I’ll look for the exit and get you out of here okay? I won’t

take long…just wait here…” Yong Hwa decided to let out his wings and fly. He flew as fast as he can.

He located the path leading to the exit. The problem is what will he do to make Seohyun walk there?

Should he just make Seohyun sleep and carry her? He could do that but Seohyun is intelligent. It’s

impossible that she would take everything as a dream. Suddenly…he sensed a human presence

nearby. He didn’t waste any time he flew towards that direction.



                “I didn’t get to introduce myself properly that day…My name is Cho Kyuhyun..”

                “I’m SeoJoo Hyun..”

Yong Hwa holds his breath. If only angels like him could dream…this is a moment in which he would

like to believe that he’s just dreaming……

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 11: I Love this fic!!!!!
Chapter 11: I loved it! Definitely recommended
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
beeautiful story !!!! awww I want my own guardin angel just like YongHwa <3
Chapter 12: I've red this story on wattpad authornim last year... and it was one of my fave ys fic in wattpad.. i wish u can post your stories on wattpad so I could easily read your stories thank u
this is from wattpad right?
Chapter 12: Happy Anniv to Hes got a Halo, authornim ^^ this is one of my fav fics. :)
poetz31 #7
Chapter 12: Do you write another fanfics authornim? About yongseo again or maybe deerburning couple hehehe... I would like τº read your story again if you have some...
munie87 #8
Chapter 11: awww~ such a sweet n romantic yonghwa... so happy for yongseo!!! thanks for this bonus chapter!!! =)
Chapter 11: :O when seohyun is with kyuhyun she is so blind that yonghwa make much more good for seohyun , ahh... she finally realized that her true love JUNG YONG HWA :D
so far so good:)
VeeVee2012 #10
SOOO CUTEEEEEE! I love this!