Painted Wings


A collection of KyuWook drabbles inspired by prompts from SHINee's Random Pairing/Prompt Generator and Dong Bang Shin Ki's Random Pairing/Prompt Generator.


So...first story! (Not sure if this can be considered a "story" per se, but yeah.) I would have gone for Super Junior's Random Pairing/Prompt Generator, but the page isn't loading for I-don't-know-what-reason. It was probably taken down. BAWW. So let's steal SHINee's and DBSK's instead!

/I swear, I love SHINee and DBSK too. It's just that my forever-bias is Super Junior.

All drabbles will be dedicated to KyuWook only. It may be broken!KyuWook, fluffy!KyuWook, friendship!KyuWook...hell, it might even have a bit of YeWook or MinWook or any other Wookie pairing in it, but rest assured, they will all be focused on Kyuhyun and Ryeowook's relationship. Because if Super Junior has firmly established themselves as my forever-bias, then these two will forever control my heart and soul.

Updates will be on a random basis. No promises--if I feel like writing, then I will. If I don't...well. Thing is, this story is my flailing around and my fail attempt at gathering inspiration for anything long and chaptered. I haven't written in such a long time, you see, and I need a few drabbles to get myself pumped up. :)


I do not own Super Junior. They belong to themselves. This work is purely fictional, and no money is being gained from it. Comments and subscribers are loved! And since I'm still an amateur, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you like it.~


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aulia21 #1
It's so interesting can't wait to read it!!
Kyuwook hwaiting!^^