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silver bells ~ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin sem at purus posuere tincidunt. Cras mattis felis id nulla commodo et bibendum est feugiat. Their first date was nothing short of awkward--interceding stutters and pregnant pauses, hesitant whispers and shivering pulses--the constant reminder that reality is always everything but perfect. Donec vestibulum commodo pulvinar. Pellentesque mattis ligula vitae turpis vulputate ultricies. Days passed. Weeks flew by like a blur. The initial shyness faded away, replaced by something that could only be described as "more." Reluctance still lingered with every touch, a taste of something bitersweet that took them high into that great expanse, only to cruelly bind them back to the earth. They were almost there, almost at the peak, except it seemed as though they still lacked something. Proin accumsan erat nec purus aliquet laoreet. Duis tempor vulputate porta. Aliquam ut rutrum quam. Donec tempor risus ut ante vestibulum consectetur in eleifend turpis. Vestibulum feugiat purus in est tincidunt convallis hendrerit nisi aliquet. Little did they know that what they had endlessly searched for was right in front of them the entire time. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sollicitudin sem at purus posuere tincidunt. "Oh, there you are." The sparking realization and the overwhelming feeling of stupidity that comes after. Cras mattis felis id nulla commodo et bibendum est feugiat. Donec vestibulum commodo pulvinar. Pellentesque mattis ligula vitae turpis vulputate ultricies. Proin accumsan erat nec purus aliquet laoreet. Duis tempor vulputate porta. Aliquam ut rutrum quam. Donec tempor risus ut ante vestibulum consectetur in eleifend turpis. Vestibulum feugiat purus in est tincidunt convallis hendrerit nisi aliquet. "Really, how could you have never noticed it before?"

...And then they fell in love. And then they became whole. Maybe escape was impossible. Maybe freedom was unattainable. One had the other, and that was enough. They didn't obtain perfection, but they had gained everything else that mattered.

because x that x is x life. x---Profile

About Me

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· introduction ·

Why, hello there. I am Kliesen. Why "Kliesen"? Because it is the last name of one of my forever-true-loves, Leo (Tekken). Because even though she is a girl, MY FEELINGS FOR HER WILL NEVER CHANGE.

...Though there was disappointment (._____.) Oh wells, call me anything you want.~

There isn't much here, unfortunately, because I am currently too busy being a lazy bum and reading prawn preparing for college. Just an ordinary lurker/silent reader, which is bad, don't follow me, I'm being a bad example. I swear, I will become more social and will start properly contributing to this site once summer comes. Although there are really no guarantees. /dies


· definition ·

Who are you? 15. Female. Leap-year baby. Proudly Asian, but still Californian at heart. Noob. Budding writer. Wannabe professional GFX artist. Shortstuff. Weirdo. Talks too much. Awesome. Sleeps too much. Fangirl. Stalker. Stalkette. Dreamer. An admirer of life. Has a little crush on all of the members of Super Junior. A lover of the written word. A walking oxymoron. A closet romantic. Moodswings to the extreme. Proceed with caution.

What do you like? Video games. Cute cartoons. A few animes. A few Kpop. Super Junior. Cho Kyuhyun. Food. Roleplaying. GIMP. Graphics. Fashion. Music. Koreans. The Almighty Internet. Kim Ryeowook. Mimes. Fanfiction. AkuRoku. Art. History. Kim Jongwoon. Literature. Mythbusters. Adam Levine. Books. Portable Internet. Warriors Orochi. Viktor Reznov. Kyuwook. The Persona Series.


· (utter)nonsense ·

I'm friendly, honest! I just tend to ramble at times, especially when I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Look at the above(s) for an example. (=_____=)" I don't mind making friends. In fact, I love making friends. Making friends is good. Making friends is good. Um. Just...post on my wall or something...? I DON'T KNOW, contact me however you want /(@_____@)\

Thanks for dropping by

· Profile Info by NuttyMusings · Display Picture by Kyuhyun Gif A Day · Icons by SuJuites ·