Lovestagram (JMJ)

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"I’d know if they were dating. Those two grew up together like sisters since elementary school.” Ningning dismisses it. “They’re definitely not dating.”

 (They definitely are dating.)


Minjeong and Jimin navigate a friendship turned into relationship in their own sweet way with the help of their chaotic friends joining in on their journey.







Highly unserious vomit of 5K words of just fluff <33 

And in honour of my two-year anniversary of joining AsianFanFics !! 🥳🎉








Thank u so much for the promo !! 🫶🏻🥹


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225 streak #1
Chapter 1: aww cuties
reveluv316 857 streak #2
can't wait to start reading
774 streak #3
Congrats!! <3
Genniee #4
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA that was entertaining and cute! childhood-friends-turned-lovers jmj is just so precious. btw, happy birthday author!!
jimin_jeong_ #5
Chapter 1: aaaaa this is so cuteeee
Honestly, whatever you write is so good I just bookmark and upvote instantly before I even have time to actually sit and read it *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*
Wemon_ #7
Chapter 1: hahahaha cutieeee
313 streak #8
Chapter 1: Too cute that my heart is feeling so much fluffiness 🥹🥰🥹 definitely putting this in my list of 'to reread' 🤭
twicechu #9
Chapter 1: so cuteeee, the part where the uncle is telling jm to drink reminds me of 'Because this is my first life' 🥰
Chapter 1: this made my heartache in the best way possible like why is it so cute