Just Another Story

The church was crowded. Jongup made his way to the front row, leaving the special guest at the very back with any other late guests. He didn’t really care, they almost didn’t make it. He sat next to his aunt and uncle then put his focus on Himchan and his fiancé in front of the altar, saying their marriage vows, exchanging rings. Himchan bent his back and cupped his bride’s face before kissing her gently. Jongup clapped his hands together with the others, praying for their marriage silently. As much as he’s annoyed by his cousin sometimes, he’s still the only one he had.

            The ceremony didn’t last long. It took about an hour before the bride and the groom went to no one knows before the reception began hours later.

            Jongup’s stuck with the special guest.

            “ I’m sorry,” the boy said.

            “ For what?”

            “ You’re stuck with me,” Jongup sighed.

            “ It’s okay,” he eventually said.

            Both of them stood in front of the church’s entrance, waiting for the car. Another awkward silence until the boy decided to break it.

            “ By the way, we haven’t introduce ourselves, have we?”

            “ No need. I’ve known you, you’re Jung Daehyun.”

            “ But I forget your name. Jonghyun? Junhyung?”

            “ It’s Jongup,”

            “ Oh yeah, sorry, Jongup-ssi,” Jongup only rolled his eyes as he got on the car.

            “ Mugunghwa,” he said to the driver.

            The car took them passed the busy Seoul street. Again, Jongup’s eyes fell on the boy even if he didn’t want to. The boy’s busy looking out through the window like a child. His eyes got bigger whenever he saw buildings with weird architecture. Curiosity barged into Jongup out of the blue. He pushed a button next to the window. A glass window appeared from above, separating them from the driver..

            “ What have you just done?” the boy asked, mesmerized.

            “ I want to know something,” Jongup didn’t even bother to answer.

            “ What?”

            “ Your life story,” The boy gave him questioned face. Jongup himself didn’t know how to start.

            “ You’re a boy…” he stated as the boy nodded. “ You’re Korean…so what are you doing in Thailand? How long have you been in there? How do you know people like Fern? Do you live with them? It seems like it… How can you live at such place? How do you feel living there? What’s your job? There’s no way you really do it…right?”

            “ What?” The boy blinked his eyes. “ Sorry, I don’t get it. You speak too fast…” Jongup’s mouth agape.

            “ Nothing. Forget it,”

            Jongup closed his eyes, glad the boy didn’t disturb him by asking anything. He’s glad he didn’t get his questions too. He felt so embarrassed. 

            They arrived at Lotte Hotel about thirty minutes later.

            “ I’m not going to change hotel,” The boy said abruptly.

            “ Who said we’re going to change your hotel?”

            “ Then?”

            “ We’re going to have lunch,” Jongup got off the car, followed by the boy as usual. They reached the 38th floor and entered the most chic restaurant the boy ever seen. He fastened his pace and stopped in front of Jongup.

            “ I don’t have any money to afford any food here,” he directly said.

            “ So? I want to eat here,” Jongup said, taking a seat at the table with window view. The boy stood still, eyes locked to the view outside with mouth slightly agape. A waiter came.

            Jongup didn’t even need to look at the menu. “ The usual,”

            “ And this Mister?” the waiter asked the stunned boy.

            “ I don’t-“

            “ Same as mine,” Jongup cut him. The waiter bowed politely before leaving them. The boy stared at Jongup in disbelief.

            “ You’re joking, right? I’ve said that there’s no way I can afford the price!”

            “ Can you sit the down first? And don’t act like poor, you’re embarrassing me.”

            “ I’m not going to eat here. I leave,”

            “ You’re going to make the food go in vain then? I wouldn’t do it if I were you,” Jongup smirked as the boy stopped in his track and turned. 

            “ I’ll pay you as soon as I have money,”

            “ No need. And it’s not like you’ll get any money all of a sudden though. You’re going back tomorrow.” The boy opened his mouth but closed it again as nothing came out. He took a seat across Jongup.

            The atmosphere’s not good. They waited for the food in silence. The boy kept looking everywhere but Jongup, while the latter kept staring at him.

            “ You know it’s not polite to stare at people,”

            “ Like, do you think I give a damn?” Jongup said with another smirk on his face.

            “ It’s uncomfortable,”

            “ I know,”

            “ So?”

            “ You make me uncomfortable too,” The boy furrowed his brows.

            “ I..I don’t do anything…”

            “ Oh yeah, you refused my treat,” Another questioned look sent. “ You’re my cousin’s guest, it means you’re my guest too. At least give me a chance to go to heaven,”

            “ I don’t get it…” The boy mumbled. Jongup rolled his eyes.

            “ Whatever. This lunch is on me.”

            “ But-“

            “ I don’t accept any ing ‘but’s, “ The boy leaned his back at the support.

            “ When will the reception begin?” he asked out of the blue.

            “ At six.”

            “ Fine. Give me a chance to go to heaven too,”

            Jongup wanted to ask what the boy meant but a waiter interrupt them by coming and brought their food. The boy seemed to enjoy the food so much it amused Jongup.

            “ How does it taste?” he asked.

            “ I don’t know, undescribable….this must be the best lunch I’d ever had,” the boy answered without even bother to look at him. Jongup could feel his cheeks flushed as he put his steak into his mouth.

            They left the restaurant an hour later with full stomach and a bright smile on the boy’s face.

            “ Do you like it that much?” The boy nodded.

            “ Yes…I…thank you and sorry,” he bowed a little.

            “ Ah yes, whatever.”

            “ Wait, Jongup-ssi,” the boy jogged to catch up with him. “ What do you like?” Jongup stopped and looked at him.

            “ I…like expensive things. You know Dolce and Gabbana latest collection? I like them, ” he answered randomly. He almost failed keeping his cool when the boy frowned. Something unfamiliar barged into his chest.

            “ Is there anything you like… below… twenty thousand won?”  The boy’s voice’s barely audible when he said the last three words. His cheeks turned pink. Jongup curled his fists.

            “ It’s okay. You don’t need to buy me anything,” he said, fastened his pace to the car.

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Chapter 23: This is so beautiful, I love it ^^
AshXIII #2
Chapter 23: Hnnn...first off, I don't want to offend with my critiques. I will tell you the truth (and it might sound harsh so you can just skip this paragraph and the next if you want). Anything less would be an injustice and an insult to the both of us.

Honestly speaking, the structure of the story is weak. There are a lot of holes in the story (like how the wedded couple haven't even had any ___ after a few months of marriage? Impossible) and towards the end, it is an apparently rushed job as if you are making the most of it with a compilation of paper and pasting everything with glue. I'm not even going to touch on grammars.

That said, we go to the next thing. For the record, I'm not saying that the work is bad. Hey, I stuck till the end, that means something, right? I like some of the ideas behind it, just the little details now and again.

(bows) thanks for the read.
This was beautifully written, and I am glad Jongup still waited even though he had already given up hope!:) this was truly remarkable and I cried for a little bit but I loved the end "Sir, is this your story?"
This... is... ;_________;
I want to try having Daehyun as my teacher. Lol. xD
And Jongup changed~ :'D I'm so happy. The ending is worth all the angst.

Thank you for writing this fic~ ;w;
congratulation for completing this awesome storyy ~~~ This is the firs ever DaeJong fanfic i've read ((:
i love both of u.. thats sweet..
good work, writer.. :D
jongup.. --'
just be with daehyun..
csaephanh #9
Youngjae! Get away from Daehyun! >_<
Jongup! Stop being stupid and get Daehyun! xD
Cookie7 #10
Noo wae must DaeHyun like YoungJae? Lol he needs to like JongUp ! Nao lol jk but thanks for the update