Just Another Story

            “ Jongup, wake up, Jongup-ahh,”

            The called boy stirred but still didn’t wake up. Everything’s on the floor except his body. He slept with nothing but his favorite sweat pants in horizontal position.

             “ Jongup-ahh,” the caller need to poke and shake him violently until finally his eyes fluttered open.

            “ The hell nuna…it’s still holiday,” he mumbled, eyes closed again.

            “ Until when do you want to sleep? It’s already afternoon and you’re the one who’s assigned to take our guests at the airport!”

            “ No… way,” he turned again. The caller sighed, raising her hands, giving up.

            “ Himchaaannnnn!”


              Everything’s blur for Jongup. He didn’t know what had happened that made him stood there like an idiot with two assistants looked more chic than him, at arrival area in Incheon International Airport.

             “ What am I doing?” he asked the assistants, didn’t really look for an answer though. He sighed before handed the sign to one of the assistants then going to get some food. He’s back with a plastic bag in his hand and an ice cream in the other one. As he walked towards the assistants, he caught a glimpse of person who’s heading to the same direction. He almost bumped into him. The person stopped right in front of the assistants, checking the sign before bowing a little.

              Jongup fastened his pace unknowingly as if there’s a magnet pulling him. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the person.

              “ You…The fake stripper!” He almost shouted. The person indeed looked different with his normal clothes but although Jongup’s brain’s not that bright, he wouldn’t forget that face. The person startled.

             “ Ah, hello,” he greeted politely.

             “ So, you’re Jung Daehyun?” Jongup asked, leaving the greeting behind. He read the sign then looked at the person who barely nodded. “ What are you doing here?”

             “ Ehh….Kim Himchan-ssi invite me to his wedding, I guess?” Jongup raised his right brow.

             “ What for? Like you even know him…” Jongup mumbled, eyes wandering the hall. “ You’re alone? Where’s the Fern?”

             “ She can’t come,”

             “ Oh, I see, whatever. C’mon,”

            They walked to the exit gate. Jongup couldn’t prevent his eyes from scanning the Daehyun boy from head to toe. His black hair seemed so smooth and light whenever it’s blown by the breeze. His skin’s tanned compared to his. He looked much better in his normal grey t-shirt and jeans though. And he looked too skinny for his height.

             “ You don’t get eat?” Jongup asked abruptly. The boy faced him with questioned face. “ You’re so skinny,” Jongup handed his plastic bag. “ This, go eat this first. It’s still hours to dinner,”

               “ Oh, it’s okay, I’ve eaten on plane,”

               “ You just eat or I’ll kick you out,”

               “ Ah no-yes, thank you,”

The rest of the way back to Jongup’s house was quiet. Jongup continued his sleeping and the Daehyun boy kept himself busy looking out at the street with curious eyes. It’s been a long time.


          “ Sir, we’re here,”

          “ He won’t wake up,”

          “ Eh, sir…”

          Jongup raised his hand to cover his still-closed-eyes. He blinked them slowly before putting his hand back down.

          “ We’ve arrived? Ah yes, yes,” He shook his head once before got off from the car, leaving the guest behind.

          “ Hyung, nuna?” He tried to look for his cousin and his fiance who’re nowhere to be seen. Jongup rolled his eyes, pulling his phone out.

          “ Hyung, where are you? What are you doing? I’ve taken the guest from the airport,”

          “ Good job, Jonguppiee. Well, I’m out with my baby of course. You treat our guests well, okay?” Even before Jongup could say anything more, the line already went dead.

          “ ,” He turned his heels only to be surprised finding the guest behind him. “ What are you doing here?”

          “ I…I don’t know?” Jongup put his hand on his forehead.

          “ Oh my God. Why are you following me? You’re supposed to go to your hotel!”

          “ Ahhh, hotel…?” the guest blinked his eyes continuously.

          “ Have that old brat reserved you a room?” Jongup asked impatiently.

          “ Uh, wait,” the guest pulled out something from his backpack and handed it to Jongup. “ Kim Himchan-ssi only sent me that,”

          Jongup took the envelope and read the message. “ It seems he hasn’t booked a room.” He stopped then continue,” I guess you can go with Gun Young and he’ll take you to hotel,” The guest didn’t even respond.

          “ Gun Young is the driver from before. You can find him at his post near the main door, okay? Understand?” Jongup tried his best to not shout at the guest and tried to show him a smile which turned out to be a wicked smirk. He dragged his feet leaving the corridor back to his room.


Himchan stepped into the dark private dance room and found the owner of the room who’s none other than his cousin lying helplessly on the floor as if he’s dying. Himchan the lamp.  “ Jongup, don’t sleep on the floor,” he crouched down beside Jongup who’s shielding his eyes.

           “ Don’t turn on the lamp! It’s blinding me!”

           “ Nah, you’re exaggerating. Are you not going to have dinner? It’s your faves today,” Jongup immediately sat right up, his head almost hit Himchan’s.

           “ Why don’t you tell me first?”

           “ Then what am I doing now? By the way, where’re our guests? The maids said no one came,”

          “ Wh-oh. The Fern girl can’t come, it’s only the boy. I sent him to hotel of course,”

            “ What hotel?” Himchan prevented him to stand.

           Jongup shrugged nonchalantly. “ I told him to go with Gun Young so maybe Sheraton? Hyatt? Why don’t you just ask Gun Young? I’m leaving, hungry,” he stood up, leaving his cousin all speechless.

            “ Seriously, this kid,”

            Himchan stood up and following Jongup out too, but he didn’t go to the dinner room. Instead, he went to Gun Young post outside.

            “ Gun Young-ah, where did you take my guest?”

            “ Oh, the boy? I wanted to take him to the usual hotel but he refused. He told me to take him to cheaper hotel so I brought him-“ Gun Young stopped talking as Himchan raised his hand.

            “ Where’s he?”

            “ I don’t remember the hotel- no, it’s more like a motel around Guro.”

            “ After you finish your dinner, take him here,”

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Chapter 23: This is so beautiful, I love it ^^
AshXIII #2
Chapter 23: Hnnn...first off, I don't want to offend with my critiques. I will tell you the truth (and it might sound harsh so you can just skip this paragraph and the next if you want). Anything less would be an injustice and an insult to the both of us.

Honestly speaking, the structure of the story is weak. There are a lot of holes in the story (like how the wedded couple haven't even had any ___ after a few months of marriage? Impossible) and towards the end, it is an apparently rushed job as if you are making the most of it with a compilation of paper and pasting everything with glue. I'm not even going to touch on grammars.

That said, we go to the next thing. For the record, I'm not saying that the work is bad. Hey, I stuck till the end, that means something, right? I like some of the ideas behind it, just the little details now and again.

(bows) thanks for the read.
This was beautifully written, and I am glad Jongup still waited even though he had already given up hope!:) this was truly remarkable and I cried for a little bit but I loved the end "Sir, is this your story?"
This... is... ;_________;
I want to try having Daehyun as my teacher. Lol. xD
And Jongup changed~ :'D I'm so happy. The ending is worth all the angst.

Thank you for writing this fic~ ;w;
congratulation for completing this awesome storyy ~~~ This is the firs ever DaeJong fanfic i've read ((:
i love both of u.. thats sweet..
good work, writer.. :D
jongup.. --'
just be with daehyun..
csaephanh #9
Youngjae! Get away from Daehyun! >_<
Jongup! Stop being stupid and get Daehyun! xD
Cookie7 #10
Noo wae must DaeHyun like YoungJae? Lol he needs to like JongUp ! Nao lol jk but thanks for the update