give me a chance?

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literally making this at 12:30 am, bear with me.


anyway i'm sleepy af but at the same time the ghost of loneliness is catching up so here i am, once again, on the hunt for people to interact with.

a few things about me:

  • plussie, oa (25) so pls mdni, thank you.
  • would love movie/music/game(?) dates.
  • currently addicted to card bots, stage 5 cbs (card bot syndrome) and i think there's no cure for this so pls hmu my fellow card bot krazys.
  • i change fcs a lot but mostly women, a switch (sub+) if it matters. nd-ish and a platonic flirt.

that's all for now? i hope i sold myself with that.... do comment or dm me with your discord username and i'll add you right away, see you. 


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