my heart is always yours

All I can give

Kyuhyun’s life wasn’t easy. He was born in a not so rich family or yeah you can say he’s poor depend on what he eats everyday. He is a good guy and never did something that could make him be jailed. Until one day he had had enough of his father and decided to kill him with a kitchen knife which was the only thing he could find at that time, he would rather kill his father with a gun because it would look at least cooler, but again he unfortunately has no money. He loved his father but it seemed like his father didn’t love him and his mom. He stabbed his father because his father tried to kill his mother by hitting her nonstop. He was so fed up and wanted a freedom for his mother and himself. But life couldn’t get any worse when his mother decided to commit suicide right before his eyes and told him that it was all his fault because his mother prefer living hell with his father than spending life without him. Since that day Kyuhyun didn’t believe of love. He thought that love only for brainless people like his mother.


Sungmin is a sweetheart. Everybody loves him for who he is. He never complained about is life. Having a busy-for-herself mother and workaholic father who never give a damn about him didn’t make him upset. Because he believes that everyone actually love and care about him, or at least that’s what he thought. He’s okay with everything and enjoyed his life as much as he could because he would never know when God will call his soul to come back to His side.


On one fateful night Sungmin was woken up by strange voices coming from his window and when he moved to a sit position, still on his fluffy bed, he found a young man with bruises and torn clothes standing a few meters away from him. He was too shocked and speechless. That young man widened his eyes and shivered.


“please don’t scream.” whispered that young man.

“no! I will scream for sure!” Sungmin threatened that man and when he thought again he felt so stupid for telling him that he would scream, like seriously… no one with brain would tell someone if he will scream when he isn’t sure that the one he told isn’t harmless, right? Face palm.

“please don’t do that. I won’t do anything bad, really. I swear I won’t hurt you or steal something from you. I just need to hide!”

“from who? Why you looked so not presentable?” he said sarcastically.

“I’ll tell you later, but please I’m begging you to lemme hide here for a moment. I’ll go as soon as they have gone.” He downed to his knee and gave a poor-puppy-who-don’t-wanna-be-kicked like eyes. And being such a lovely person Sungmin was, he gave in.

“okay, now you close the window and sit on that sofa.”


“so, now tell me how did you get into this situation.” demanded Sungmin, or rather commanded. Kyuhyun didn’t have any choice left so he told him everything except the unnecessary parts like what he felt about, how disappointed he was of his mother that he felt so betrayed and vice versa.

“and how could you come into my house especially my room?” asked Sungmin curiously because he could remember clearly that he had guards outside since his house is big enough to get a thief attracted to steal some of his father’s belonging.

“I don’t know how it actually happened. I was running fast when I heard dogs’ barking. I jumped and climbed your fence and got here. This is the nearest room I could enter and you have two freaking big window glasses for me to open. ‘ah! I forgot to lock it’ Sungmin thought.

“and how about the guards?”

“I don’t know for God’s sake I was too focused on running away. Perhaps they went to greet the cops because the cops’ dogs keep barking and it might annoy them or something? I’m not sure though.”

“okay, you make me dizzy and I need to rest my body and mind. Thanks to you! By the way, I’ll lend you my pajama so you can change your dirty clothes and sleep well with a nice and clean one. And the bathroom door is right beside those CD racks near the theatre set.” Sungmin stood up and walked to his wardrobe and handed him his plain blue pajama then straightly went to his own mattress.

“oh! One more thing, you can sleep on that sofa or just sleep anywhere you want as long as not beside me on my very own bed.” He added before hit his body to the said bed.

“thank you.” muttered that young man softly.


The next day


“hey, you! Wake up!” said Sungmin to his “guest”.

“uh?” he positioned himself to sit on the oh-so-nice sofa.

“aren’t you hungry?”

“ah, that’s okay. You are kind enough to let me hide even oversleep here.” But the man’s stomach betrayed him and grumbled shamelessly.

“seems like your tummy is more honest.” Sungmin grinned.


            Finally they ate together still inside Sungmin’s room because he’s allowed to eat anywhere he wanted but it didn’t go the same with Kyuhyun. No-one shouldn’t know where he’s and it means NO-ONE shouldn’t see him.


“you know what? You can stay here as long as you want actually.” said Sungmin out of blue as he munched his food.

“what?” he chocked after hearing Sungmin statement.

“I’m alone here, not literally. But kinda alone because my parents never be home and my servants are servants, I mean they only care because my parents gave them money. I have no friend since I’m home schooled.”

“don’t you feel afraid of me? cops finding me, you know?”

“I don’t care. Eventhough you killed people it doesn’t mean you are bad, right? I can feel safe around you.” He beamed.

“umm… okay if that’s alright.” He smiled.

“I’m Lee Sungmin by the way.”

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun.”


            Since then they became a roommate and got closer to each other. Sungmin always found himself smiling and laughing more if Kyuhyun was around. Kyuhyun felt so blessed to have a kindhearted friend beside him until they realized that they needed each other and depended on each other too much.


“Kyu, I love you so much. Can you stay by my side forever?” asked Sungmin as he laid on his comfy sofa or Kyuhyun’s current bed. Kyuhyun walked out of the bathroom and joined Sungmin on the couch. He lifted Sungmin’s head and placed it on his lap.

“I love you too, Min. and I’ll stand by yourself even forevermore.” He Sungmin short hair. He found out that maybe love is really exist or if he had to be such an idiot he would gladly accept it as long as he could keep Sungmin’s love. He could go brainless for his love.


            But life is no fairytale, happy ending isn’t really exist. Sungmin’s house being investigated when he wasn’t there and Kyuhyun got caught and arrested directly. Sungmin could only cry. His family didn’t allow him to pay a visit for his love, Kyuhyun. But he needed to see Kyuhyun badly so he sneaked around and went by himself alone. Maybe fate was being cruel because the cab which Sungmin use involved to an accident. He was unconscious when he heard ambulance serine. And all the things he could think about was seeing Kyuhyun.


            Kyuhyun were in the canteen area when one of the guards the TV and Sungmin’s face suddenly appeared. His breath was hitched at the sudden appearance of Sungmin’s face, the adorable beautiful face of someone he loved wholeheartedly. The broadcaster said that Sungmin was in hospital and need blood transfusion and some transplantation for his organs because the car he was in was crashed badly. And of course he’s badly injured. Kyuhyun knew Sungmin was rich but never knew that he was that rich and his father is so important that even his news on every channel. They’re looking for donor. Kyuhyun touched his chest area, it felt hurt.


Two weeks before…


“Kyu, I have something for you for our first monthsary!” chirped Sungmin.

“what is it, Min?” Sungmin hide his hand behind his back and grinned ear to ear.

“guess what!”

“umm… I can’t, Min! you’re full of surprise. My life has been unpredictable since I met you.” He kissed Sungmin right cheek and took a peek on Sungmin’s back.

“aww… you cheesy bastard! No peeking!” he put out his tongue and pushed Kyuhyun aside.

“hahaha… okay okay…” Kyuhyun smirked joyfully.

“I made a cake for you.” Sungmin handed a small cake to Kyuhyun and smiled sweetly.

“but I don’t have anything for you, Min. and eventhough I can go somewhere I also can’t figure out what to buy since you don’t seem to need anything. You have everything you need and you get anything you want. You own anything when I own nothing. I’m so useless.”

“just gimme your heart, Kyu. Love me with all your heart. That’s more than enough for me because all the things I need is you.”



            Kyuhyun got up from his seat and walked to the guard. He asked if he could go to the hospital to meet Sungmin. But his request was rejected as soon as he blinked his eyes. So he decided to go by force. If he could escape once, then why couldn’t be twice? He managed to go to hospital but there are so many guards outside Sungmin’s room. Fortunately he has a so good looking face that he could get any info he needed easily from the nurses.


            Sungmin woke up and felt a pang in his heart when he saw the pink card on the tableside there’s Kyuhyun name on the surface of the little paper. He took it and started to open it carefully so that he can read the message without destroying the card.


“I never gave you anything, Min. it’s always you who gave me everything. Now, let me give you the thing that actually I have given to you long time ago. Because my heart is always yours, Min. my heart belongs to you since the beginning and will always be yours forever. With love, your Kyuhyun.”


            He cried in silence. If he didn’t dumb enough to get accident, he won’t suffer like this. Now Kyuhyun gave his heart to Sungmin, literally.

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Good story :)
Thank you :D *giggles* I personally like this fic too, I mean among all of fics I've made so far :)