

Yoona goes to work early and she starts cleaning Minho’s office

Yoona: “doesn’t he know how to clean? This cabinet looks antique because of dusts”~coughs~

While cleaning, she noticed a picture frame

Yoona: “is this his Mom? aigoo. She’s so beautiful”

She continues cleaning  but he didn’t touch anything on his table. After cleaning, she goes outside the room and she sees the other employees arriving

Heechul: “our hoobae is early. Did you clean Mr. Choi’s office?”

Yoona: “yeah. I just finished cleaning it”

Heechul: “I can see that the dusts didn’t kill you” he joked

Yoona:  “I’m lucky that I’m still alive”

Minho finally arrives and he’s wearing shades and a black suit with red necktie

Employees: “Good Morning Mr. Choi”

Yoona: “Good Morning Minho”

Minho: “good morning” he gets inside his office and he noticed that it’s cleaned. He sits on his table and she calls Yoona to give to him the files.

Yoona: “here are the files”

Minho looks surprised because he’s expecting that she won’t be able to finish “I was supposed to give you this last night but you already got home” she puts the files on his table. He starts checking to make sure that it’s all correct and well organized

Minho: “You can leave now”

Yoona leaves the office

Minho: “not bad”

Jessica: “what did he say about your work?”

Yoona: “he didn’t say anything”

Jessica: “good for you” she sighs

After she gave the files, Yoona has no work to do. She is just playing with the computer to kill time and makes coffee for others

Heechul: “I feel so jealous to Yoona. She’s not doing anything. It’s already lunch time but we’re still here doing our work”

Yoona: “I’ll just buy lunch for you, what do you say?”

Jessica: “really? Thank you” Yesung arrives in the office

Employees: “good morning sir”

Yoona: “good morning Minho’s…brother”

Yesung: “Yoona, is Minho inside?” Yoona nods so Yesung gets inside his office

Jessica: “You know Choi Yesung? How did you know him?”

Yoona: “uhmm..ah.. long story”

Yesung: “do you want to have some lunch with your hyung? I want to eat with someone”

Minho: “I’m sorry hyung, I’ve got lots of work to do”

Yesung: “I see. That’s okay”

he gets outside and he saw Yoona who is about to leave

Yesung: “Yoona, are you going to eat your lunch?” he walks fast towards her

Yoona: “Yes”

Yesung: “maybe you can come with me. I really don’t like eating alone”

Yoona: “sure” Yesung and Yoona go together for lunch


On a restaurant

Yoona: “Thank you for treating me..Minho’s brot”

Yesung: “call me oppa”

Yoona: “Thank you Oppa!” ~smiles~

Yesung: “sounds great. You look cute when you say oppa”

Yesung is starting to think that Yoona is a cute girl. He keeps on staring at her while she’s eating

Yesung: -so cute- “we’re done, let’s go”

Yoona: “Wait. I still need to buy lunch for the employees back there”

Yesung: “you wait outside, I’ll buy it for you”

Yoona: “thank you”

She waits for Yesung near the door of his car. He comes out of the restaurant with 1 huge plastic bag in both hands

Yoona: “I’ll bring that for you”

Yesung: “I’m the guy here” ~smiles~ he puts the bags at the back seat and they get inside the car


Yoona: “I’m sorry guys to keep you waiting”  Yesung puts down the plastic bags on a nearby table

Employees: “Thank you sir”

Yesung: “I’ll go now”

Yoona: “Thank you oppa” the others heard what she said

Jessica: “Did you call Mr. Choi Yesung, oppa?”

Yoona: “yeah. Why?”

Jessica: “are you close with them?”

Yoona: “aren’t you going to eat?” she tries to change the topic

Jessica: “right” she starts eating

When the employees has started eating, she noticed that there’s a styro plate left in the plastic bag

Yoona: “did anyone touch this?”

Heechul: “nope”

Yoona remembers that Minho is not yet eating so he gets inside his office and puts the food in his table

Yoona: “are you killing yourself?” she leaves the room

Minho: “ok.thank you” he half smiled after Yoona gave him the food


Night has passed so everyone goes home as well as Yoona and Minho. Mr. Kim waits for Yoona near the exit again

Yoona: “don’t take me home anymore Mr. Kim. I know that you’re tired” ~smiles~

Mr. .Kim: “Madam told me to”

Yoona: “just tell Halmonee that I’ll be fine. I’ll just take the bus” she walks to the nearby bus stop

Mr. Kim: “ok then” Mr. Kim goes home



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cuttieyoona #1
Chapter 16: same @aetherius
The best ever
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 45: owh,,,beautiful story.... >.<
Chapter 45: Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 45: i almost started crying tears of joy at the end.. <3
such a wonderfully written MinYoon fanfic :D
I need more of your MinYoon stories X)
Mykamay #6
Yayy! Happy ending. :)
I love this story like so damn much!!! Love the couples mostly Minyoon!!! <3 <3 <3 Please make more stoies about Minyoon! I really enjoying reading your stories!!! <3
Butermelo #8
Thank you
yesung84 #9
...staY cool... :>>