Day Off


Minho and Yoona slept on his office because if work

Yoona:  she looks on her watch “it’s already 7:37 am”

She wakes up and notices the blanket in her covered to her

Yoona: “did Minho put this? I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep here. I have to go home, I’m so dead to Taeyeon”

She gets up and stretches. She goes near to Minho and she put the blanket to him and leaves. She rides the taxi so that she can go home quickly. She climbs the stares instantly as soon as she arrives and she saw Taeyeon eating when she enters the house

Taeyeon: “where were you?”

Yoona: “I’m sorry. Lots of office work was given to me so I’ve fallen asleep there”

Taeyeon: “eat breakfast after you wash”

Yoona: “thanks” – I wonder if he’s already awake. Did he finish his work?-

She changes her clothes after she washed and eats her breakfast. She is about to go to work but she remembers that it’s her day off


Mr. Kim: “young master. Please wake up”

Minho: “yeah” his eyes opened a little bit and she remembers Yoona so he looks at the sofa

Minho: “where’s Yoona?”

Mr. Kim: “she’s here with you?”

Minho: “yeah. She must’ve left already. Thank you for waking me up Mr.Kim”

Mr. Kim: -he’s now saying thank you- “you’re brother talked to me awhile ago and he asked….”

Minho: “You can tell me that later. I need to go home” he grabs his car keys and leaves Mr. Kim


Minho: “that was so embarrassing. I asked Mr. Kim where Yoona is. Why did she pop out on my mind when I woke up? This is so weird” he's driving on his way home


Yesung: “you didn’t come home last night”

Minho: “work” he removes his shoes and goes straight to his room

Yesung: “he looks really exhausted”

He is looking at the mirror and he’s fixing his hair

Yesung: “I know that it’s her day off so I can go out with her. You look good Yesung”

He gets inside his car and leaves their house

Minho: “my body really hurts” he’s lying on his bed then Yoona pops into his mind

Minho: “I should pay a visit to her to thank her” he realizes something “am I starting to be REAL and TRULY nice to her?” he shakes his head “no way! Remember Choi Minho, this is just an act”



Taeyeon: “yes”

Yesung: “is Yoona there?”

Taeyeon: “Yoona! It’s for you” Yoona comes to the door “that guy is handsome” she whispered and Yoona elbows her.

Yoona: “oppa! What are you doing here? How did you know where my I live?”

Yesung: “I asked Mr. Kim and I was wondering if you can come with me. I don’t want to have fun alone and you know that”

Yoona: “sure”

Yesung: “ok. let’s go” they go downstairs and they get inside the car “so, where should we go?”

Yoona: “I thought you already have somewhere to go”

Yesung: “that’s why I asked you out because I don’t know where to go” he is driving

Yoona: “there’s this comedy show that I want to watch at Incheon. Is it okay with you?”

Yesung: “great idea” he gives her a thumbs up



Taeyeon: “oh?you’re that guy that Yoona is going to marry”

Minho: “yes I am”

Taeyeon: “let me guess. You’re looking  for Yoona”

Minho: “yeah”

Taeyeon: “sorry. She just left about 30 minutes ago with someone”

Minho: “with who?”

Taeyeon: “you’re concerned about your future wife,huh. She’s with a handsome guy about 5’6 tall and he looks a little like you”

Minho: “ok.thank you” Taeyeon locks their house and she leaves

Minho: “looks a little like me…..hyung” he calls Yesung

Yesung: “hello?”

Minho: “it’s me. Are you with Yoona?”

Yesung: “yeah. We’re here at Incheon. Why?”

Minho: “I just asked” he hangs up

Yesung: “hello? Hello?” he closes his phone

Yoona: “who was that?”
Yesung: “It’s Minho. Come on.!" Yoona and Yesung explores around before going to the venue of the comedy show. They are having such a good time together especially when they are already watching the show

Yoona: “this show is going to kill me because of laughing” she wipes her tears

Yesung: “yup” he stares at Yoona who is smiling

Yoona: “oppa? Are you looking at me?”

Yesung: “uhm…. Yeah. I just want to make sure that you’re enjoying it” then he looks away instantly and feels embarrassed. The show just ended and the people are rushing to to exit the building

Yoona: “do they really have to get out of here in that way?”

Yesung: “hold my hand and don’t let go” he holds her hand tightly and they walk into the crowded exit.

Yoona: “I thought I’m going to be suffocated” still holding each others hand. She noticed it so she lets go

Yesung: “me too. I’m glad you’re okay. Do you want to eat?”

Yoona: “sure”

Yesung: “ice cream?” he grabs her arm and they run to an ice cream shop. After they bought the ice cream, they start walking on the nearby beach

Yoona: “fresh air is so good”

Yesung: “yes it is” they sit down on the sand

Yoona: “thank you for bringing me here”

Yesung: “no. thank you for coming with me. I’m having one of the great times in my life that I’m enjoying right now”

Yoona: “you’re so different from Minho”

Yesung: “I know that already”

Yoona: “why is Minho like that?”

Yesung: “he became rude and selfish for most of the time after our father died 9 years ago and until now, I don’t think he has moved on.  He wanted to be the Choi Industries president because that’s what our father wants him to be."

Yoona: “why not you?”

Yesung: “I’m not interested with the position that I have in the company as long as I have a career, it’s enough for me”

Yoona: “I bet. He is a very lonely person”

Yesung: “you can see that too? By the way, why aren’t you living with your parents?”

Yoona: “my parents died in an accident when I was 12 years old. I don’t have any other relatives. A committee from an orphanage found me and they let me finish high school then I left together with my friend and started living together”

Yesung: “life must be very hard for you but still, you’re like a person who doesn’t even have a problem in this world”

Yoona: “that’s just my way to remain standing. Nothing will happen to me if I’ll keep on crying”

Yesung: "wow. you're very brave"

Yoona: "no I'm not"

Yesung: “it’s already 6:19pm, I’ll take you home now” he stands up and he helps Yoona in standing. They walk together towards his car and Yesung brings her home

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cuttieyoona #1
Chapter 16: same @aetherius
The best ever
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 45: owh,,,beautiful story.... >.<
Chapter 45: Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 45: i almost started crying tears of joy at the end.. <3
such a wonderfully written MinYoon fanfic :D
I need more of your MinYoon stories X)
Mykamay #6
Yayy! Happy ending. :)
I love this story like so damn much!!! Love the couples mostly Minyoon!!! <3 <3 <3 Please make more stoies about Minyoon! I really enjoying reading your stories!!! <3
Butermelo #8
Thank you
yesung84 #9
...staY cool... :>>