Loved, Loving, Will Love

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It's just all about Moon & Sun & Love, A collection of short stories about β˜€πŸŒ™

Hello everyone!! I'm so happy to be back, I hope you guys will enjoy these short stories collection of mine of course it's about our strongest πŸš’πŸŒ™β˜€

Thank you and ily~ β™‘


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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 31: Aaaaaw?!!! Seriously missing them together too! Lovely short story authorssi! And Thanks for all the wonderful stories you've written!
Chapter 30: πŸ™ˆ being innocent is a blessing. glad that byulie kept her promise this time πŸ₯Ή thank you, author-nim 🫢🏻
greenjade21 #3
Chapter 29: Oh! I hope the chances are on the next chapter?! Awesome story authorssi!
SiAh_Jung #4
Why did you leave it with that...I ii I'll be going crazy for the next chapter. plz.....
Unique_username #5
Chapter 26: .... Is this only a one shot? Will there be a continuation? I'm curious about Byul's wife and what happened lol
Chapter 26: I need to know byul’s wife before I spit on byulie 😢
Chapter 25: finally dreams coming true, thank you for this alternate timeline story! very nice to read this after the last chapter :)
Chapter 25: yessss they get to make their dreams list this is so cute and perfect, thanks for giving us this amazing series of stories again author-nim!! ❀️
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: okk ik i pleaded alot for a diff endinging but I actually think this one is fitting, it is very beautiful and bittersweet in its own way. thank you! (cant wait to read the next one is it what i think it is??? hehe)
Chapter 25: Still heartbroken but this healed me somehow πŸ₯Ή thank you, author-nim 🫢🏻