CTG — home sweet home II

for lovers who hesitate
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soon… (@keijeo on twitter)



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wait lang huhu busy pa me sa acads


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Chapter 4: kabitin huhu
241 streak #2
Chapter 3: panis kay minju may dilig
241 streak #3
Chapter 2: may history si doc yu at boss tae 🤨
Chapter 3: ang cute nito omg looking forward sa next chapters 🙇‍♀️
I wish this was in english so i could read it
Chapter 3: walanjo naman Minjoo HAHAH kala ko kay chaewon bagsak mo. anywaysss, yown! nagkita na din sila pugo at mandu. kalmahan mo lang Winterrr HAHHA
winminwin #7
Chapter 4: Si middle child may dilig na agad simula pa lang? #Minjoo1stWin 😎🙌
shiro11 #8
Chapter 3: Ang cute ng pagkakasulat. Looking forward for the next update 🥰
Kael_neo #9
Chapter 1: damn, it's so well written and captivating.
Kael_neo #10
even the foreword is captivating