☆* cheatsheet









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we love the world of harry potter, but we hated what jkr did to it, so we decided that we wanted to make our own story. the gist is that 25 years after the events of the main books, the wizarding world is much more tolerant towards muggles, so a lot of people choose to go to wizarding college (aka Hogwarts 2.0) to study muggle studies.

the wizarding college in our story is called the British University for Muggle Studies, or B.U.M.S for short. there are probably other wizarding colleges that study other subjects in depth (aka B.U.whatever), but we won't focus on those. it is also seven years (18-25), and students live in dorms divided by age, take classes, and go on field trips. upper-level students also get to intern for one semester at a muggle workplace.

the one known professor at this school is arthur weasley. yes, his appearance means that canon harry potter characters may make a cameo in the story! we'll make up the other professors and their respective classes after we plan some more, but they'll all likely be OCs rather than canon characters.


our application is a google form (click here to access!) because it's easier for us to keep track of characters and their information. also, we'll be crossposting this fic to ao3, so we want readers on ao3 to have a chance to apply too!

that said, if you do want to fill out an actual app, we'll paste the code in a chapter and you can copy+paste it into a blog post, then just comment it here when you're done. feel free to also use a different app code if you'd like! this one is slightly buggy LOL.

the instructions for filling out the application should be on both the google form and the HTML code, but for the most accurate and up to date info, try to refer to the google form if you can. and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to let us know!

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we're both quite busy so we don't know when a proper deadline should be yet. we need to plan out some things first, and then we'll see how much attention this story gets, and we'll probably decide a deadline after we get a few characters.

the main thing we want to emphasize is: PLEASE TRY TO BE UN-CLICHE! we love a courageous and loyal gryffindor, but that's not all that defines a gryffindor. we also dislike the whole 'slytherins must be evil', 'ravenclaws must be smart', 'hufflepuffs must be pushovers' tropes. so please try to give us characters who may not seem like the typical [insert house here] but still do, in fact, belong there.

finally, we will only accept FOUR main characters, but everyone who applies will get a cameo in the story!

a word from the authors


we've been collaborating for many years and are very excited to be back!

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