You made my heart explode like the fireworks~ (Part 2 of one shot, END)

Oppa, Happy New Year~ [ONE SHOT]

Your POV

It's already 4 in the afternoon now when we finished buying the gifts. After sending them to the wrapping counter, both me and Mir decided to go for our tea break at Starbucks. We took the empty seat at the corner to avoid being seen in public as always. 

"CheolYong, your turn to order. I want the usual." I commanded my brother.

"Huh? My turn already? Noona, why don't you go?" He said.

"I drove you here so, you go!" I said back to him.

"But, what if some fan saw me?" He said. He also said something very soft but still audible which is "Unlike you, I'm more famous than you." I pretended not to hear. Sick of his whining, I stood up and walked to the counter. I heard him saying "THANK YOU, NOONA" as I walked to the counter to order. While waiting for the drinks I ordered, I suddenly thought of something. 

I don't have a nice dress for tonight. All my dresses were all worn frequently on red carpets. If I don't get one fast, the headline for tomorrow's newspaper will be "GO EUN AH, WEARING SAME DRESSES FOR EVERY EVENT SHE GOES!" With that thought, grabbed the drinks(right on time!) and I walked back to the table where my brother is sitting.

"Yah, wait for me here. I'll be back soon." I said to my brother who was busily texting. He just nod. With that, I walked off and headed to the first boutique that came into my sight, LA PICASO (a/n: It's fictional) When I walked in, the shop only has mannequins in fancy dresses around. There were no browsing sections. I was then greeted by a small and cute sales assistant. She had really big eyes. Probably because she was wearing contact lenses. I smiled at her.

"Yes, miss. What can I help you with?" She said smiling.

"Um, yes. I would like find some evening dresses. You see, I have this party coming up tonight. So, your boutique was the first thing that came into my sight-" I said before she cut in.

"For your size, we have plenty of evening dresses, miss Eun Ah! Wait here!" She said. I was shocked that she knows my name. Before I could ask her about it, she went into the store room. I waited for a few minutes before she came back.

"This just came in today! Try it on!" She said. I just stood there observing the cloth. "Hurry up! You don't wanna be late for tonight's party!" She continued and pushed me into the fitting room. I hesitated for awhile then decided to try it on. It fits me well but, it's a little too long. I walked out of the fitting room and viewed myself at the mirror. (a/n: The picture below is just to help you with your imagination! :D)

Dress 1

"This looks nice on you!" The girl said.

"Thanks. But, do you have others? This is a little too long." I said.

"Oh? I see. You like short dresses. I think there's others. Please wait." She said and dashed to the store room again. Few seconds later, she return with a purple dress. I thanked her, took it and tried it on. After putting it on, I walked out. It was too short that if I tried to bend down, my will be exposed.



"Um, the colour is nice but, it's way too short. Do you have any dress that is not too short and not too long?" I asked her politely.

"Oh, okay. I think I have just the right one for you!" She said and went into the store room once again. Soon, she came out with a light blue dress. "I hope you like blue. There's only one pair left for this one unfortunately as it's limited edition."

"Oh.. Okay! I'll give it a try first!" I said. Limited edition, eh? I thought as I tried it on. The colour is really nice. The length, perfect. The patern, just nice. I walked out to look in the mirror. I look dazzling. I wonder if Cheondung will like it. I thought and blushed.

"Just as I thought! It fits you well! But, do you like it?" The sales girl asked me. I smiled and nod.

"I'll take this one then. Can I pay by card?" I said.

"Yes, yes! Sure! Are you going to wear it now or do you want me to wrap it up?" She asked.

"Um, wrap it up for me please." I said as I walk into the fitting room to take the dress off. She nod and waited for me outside. When I'm done, I passed her the dress. She neatly fold it and put it into a paper bag. 

I made my payment and walked towards the door. Before I opened the door, she called me.

"Um, EunAh unnie, c-can I have your signature?" She asked nervously. Why not? She did assist me and all so, why not? I smiled and nod. She quickly passed a pen and a printed picture of me and Mir Whoa, where did she get that from? I thought as I sign. I was going to tell her Mir is somewhere in this mall but, nevermind. I was in a hurry. 

"Thanks!" She said and bowed. I bowed back and walked out. Before going back to Starbucks, I went and collect the wrapped gifts. When I went back to Starbucks, CheolYong was already fast asleep with his head on his fold-up arms on the table. I shook him.

"CheolYongie, wake up! Let's go home now or we'll be late for tonight's dinner." I said. 

"Five more minutes!" He replied lazily.

"Yah! It's already 6pm now!" I said loudly. CheolYong quickly jump up, wiping his saliva off his lower lip.

"Mwoh? So fast? Let's go now or we'll be late for tonight's dinner and Joon-hyung willl surely kill-" He paused. "Um, let's go." He said softly. He took the paper bags from my hands and walked out. I followed behind him.

"Yah, noona! New dress?" He asked suddenly, looking into the paper bag I was holding.

"Yes, I don't wanna wear those hand-me-downs from unnie tonight." I said.

"Really? Cause, I think you'll look great in this!" He said, sounding a little sarcastic.

We reached home around 6.30pm. Quickly, I took a quick bath and put on some casual clothes and went down to the saloon on the ground floor of my apartment to get my hair and make-up done.

It's already 7pm when I ran back up to my apartment to change into the dress I bought. Party starts around 9pm till past midnight after the countdown. After getting ready, I grabbed my pouch and went to CheolYong's room and knocked on the door.

"Yah, are you ready yet? Let's go!" I said before opening the door to see a handsome guy in a tuxedo. My jaws dropped.

"I'm almost done! I just need to- There! Done! What do you think?" CheolYong said after fixing his bowtie.

"Wow. Are you really CheolYong?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why? Do I look like Prince Charming?" He said and winked.

"(Sighs) I have to admit. For once, you do look like Prince Charming." I said. He smiled widen. "So, can we go now?" I continued.

"Ne, my beautiful noona! Let's go!" He said. We quickly lock the doors and headed down to the parking lot and went straight to the party...


At the party

We reached the hotel 30 minutes before the actual time. I've been to the hotel like at least 5 times already. So, I know the twist and turns there. We went in and some familiar faces were already there like G.O and SeungHo. We had a small chat.

As we talked, time flied and it's already 9pm. The MC went on stage and gave his little speech. Cheolyong and MBLAQ were all there already. Including Cheondung of course. When he came, I walked away as I wasn't quite ready to confess yet. Walking around, I met my colleagues. We chat a little and took a few selcas together. They compliment me on my dress too. Soon, I felt cold. I searched my bag for a shawl. After a few minutes, I gave up and accepted the fact that I forgot to bring it. Frustrated, I took a glass of water and walked out of the party hall.

Since I've been here like 5 times or more, I know the hotel very well. There's this open air garden at the top floor. I've been there for a photo shoot once. The garden there is fantastic! 

Quickly, I pressed the going up button on the lift. I went in when the doors open and pressed level 25. The lift went up at normal-fast speed.

BING! The doors opened and I went out. There was a glass door at the entrance of the garden. Hoping it isn't locked, I pushed it open. Warm air gushed in. I don't feel so cold anymore. Happily, I walked into the beautiful garden. The light was on so, maybe someone was here (or IS here). To make sure, I called out.

"Annyeong? Anyone here?" I said. No reply. I looked around. Nothing but pretty flowers, a garden swing, a picnic table and cool, breezy air. I put the glass of water on the picnic table and sat on the garden swing, admiring the city view. It was really relaxing. I took my phone out to look at the time. 10:00pm. Means, 2 hours more till the new year. Great, I guess, I should just keep this feeling to myself till... Till I find someone else to crush on. 

Probably not. Maybe the right guy will appear and he will do the confessing thing! Or maybe I will be alone forever. Aish, maybe my destiny is to keep an eye out for CheolYong 24/7 my whole life. I sighed and stood up.

"GO EUN AH! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A COWARD? YOU TO THE MAX!!" I shouted by the balcony. It feels better now that I said so. For now, I guess, I will not confess to him. My new year's resolution will be to be as famous as CheolYong. Yes, I must improve my acting skills. I must learn something new. I must.. I must... Forget him. Aish! Why is it so difficult? I sat back down on the swing. Calming down. 

I sat there for around an hour and 30 minutes, social networking on my phone to let the time pass, to let the party end and me to finally go home and move on. Twitter was one of my favorite social networking site. CheolYong introduced Twitter to me. It wasn't so addictive unless you have a lot of things to tweet about. My phone's battery became half after tweeting and replying fan mentions. So, I signed out, locked my phone and put it into my pouch.

I lifted my head. The city lights, blinking away. It was so beautiful that I smiled. I stood up and walked towards the garden. Green leaves, white petals, yellow petals, pink petals, red petals and many more. I suddenly have the urge to lie on the grass but, I can't as this dress might get dirty.

BING BING! A message came in~ I took my phone out and read the message.



Where are you?

It's almost time for the countdown!


I sighed and replied his message...


I'm at the garden upstairs.

Level 25.

I'll go down now!


Quickly, I kept my phone back into my pouch. I took the glass and walked towards the entrance door. A dark shadow appearedby the door. "CheolYong? Wow, you're fast! How did y-" I stopped when that dark shadow revealed itself. It wasn't CheolYong. Instead, it's the guy who I wanted to forget. CheonDung. I gasped. What is he doing here?

"CheolYong? No, it's me, CheonDung! Remember me?" He asked, walking towards me slowly. I gave him a fake smile, hiding the feeling I have for him as well as possible.

"Oh, yeah. I remember you! Hi! What brought you here?" I asked.

"Hmm, the warm breeze I guess. It was really cold down there." He said. I chuckled softly. 

"It IS cold there. That's why I'm here also." I said with a smile. He walked nearer to me while taking off his jacket. Okayy, what is he doing? I thought. Then, unexpectedly, he put his jacket on my sholders. Oh.. I thought again. I thought he was going to r- nevermind. "Um, thanks!" I said.

"No problem!" He replied.

"So, how do know about the garden here?" I asked him. He seem to not hear what I said. He was staring at the sky. "Okayy.." I said to myself. "Um, I have to go-"

"The stars are beautiful isn't it?" He cut in as if he didn't know I was talking. Was I talking too soft? I decided to ask again, louder this time.

"Hey!" I said as I waved my hand in front of his face "I gotta go now. CheolYong's waiting for me." With that, I took off the jacket and passed it to him. He looked at me with those eyes of his. I smiled and he reluctantly took the jacket. I turned to walk away. Goodbye~ I said in  my head.

Suddenly, I felt a thug on my wrist, pulling me back. I jerk backwards. It was CheonDung who pulled my wrist. Causing my bracelet to fall on the soft grass. I gasped once again.

"AH! My bracelet!" My bracelet. It is very precious to me as it was a pass-down from my grandmother from her ancestors. Quickly, I searched for it in the grass. It wasn't easy as it was quite dark in the garden. There was only one lamp post by the picnic table.

"Ohmaigosh! I'm so sorry, noona! I didn't mean to-" Cheondung said. I didn't really hear what he said as I was busy looking for the bracelet. "-I will buy you another one!" He said. Tears start to fill my eyes out of the blue.

"You can never find that anywhere!" I semi-shouted at CheonDung. "My late grandmother gave it to me before she pass away." I continued. A warm tear slid down my cheeks. 

"Mwoh? N-noona, I'm so sorry! I'll look for it now!" He said and started searching around the grass. I just sat there. Looking down my dress, I notice I was sitting on the grass.

"Aigoo! My dress! Aish, forget about the bracelet. I shall go to the ladies to clea-" I said before CheonDung cut in.

"Yes! I found it!" He said, holding up the bracelet that was lost a minute ago. My face lit up and that tear that was on my cheek seem to have disappeared. He took my hand and put the bracelet around it. 

"Thank you very much!" I said to him and pulled my hand away from his grasp gently. Surprisingly, he didn't let go. I gave him a look of confusion. "Cheondung.."

"Noona, I.. I.. Um.." he staggered a bit.

"What is is?" I asked him, smiling. He then looked straight into my eyes with a serious look on his face.

"Noona, I like you." He said. My eyes enlarged. He looked away blushing. Just then, I heard footsteps near the entrance. Me and Cheondung looked towards that direction. It was Cheolyong.

"Whoa! Sorry to disturb! I shall wait outside." He said and winked at Cheondung. When he was out of sight, I turned back to cheondung who looked back at me and turned away. That awkwardness around us.

"Um, really? You like me?" i asked him. He slightly nodded. Smiling to myself, I held both his hands. He looked at me with a surprised expression. I reached up and kissed his cheek. "Me too." I said.

He wrapped both his arms around me. "That's great!" He whispered happily. 

"Phew! Glad that's over!" Mir suddenly said. It gave us both a shock. "Shall we go downstairs for the countdown now?" He asked. We both nodded and followed Mir to the hall, holding hands.



Cheondung's POV

"Yah, thanks! I owe you one!" I said to Mir.

"No problem!" He said and winked.

I sighed. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where your sister went heh heh!" I said and gave him a high five. "Thanks man!"

"No problem, buddy!" Mir said.




Dear awesome readers reading this.. THANKS! Sorry if it . :P Sorry to keep you waiting and sorry if it's not as perfect as you expected it to be. That's all from me! Bye! :) [I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE PICTURES ABOVE. CREDIT GOES TO THE OWNER ITSELF]


Your author,


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Chapter 2: good story :)
Chapter 2: wahahaha..nice story and cute moment...
RamenLuver118 #3
I really like it :) Update soon~
Wait, be patient! I'm working on it! :P I hope I can finish by today! :P Thanks for your support! :)