The day before new year~ (Part 1 of one shot)

Oppa, Happy New Year~ [ONE SHOT]


(A/N: Read slowly for the "suspense feel" ;))

Your POV

It's new year's eve today. There's a party that I'm invited to at the Star Light hotel later tonight for a countdown. According to my brother, CheolYong, MBLAQ is going to be there. Which means HE is going to be there too! I've been finding my courage to confess to him. I've also been thinking of many ways to confess and almost gave up. Well, guys should be the one confessing to girls right? But, I'm the one with feelings for him. I wonder if he does~

I thought of writing a love letter to him. But, what if he doesn't accept? What if after reading the letter, he throws it in the dustbin? What if the media saw the letter? My acting career will totally end. Maybe telling him straight? Gosh, no, I can't! It will totally be awkward! I cannot handle awkward situations! I would walk away. 

I scratched my head. Courage. Courage to do what? Confess. How? Maybe tonight isn't the right time to confess. But, if not tonight, when? If I take too long, he might be taken! Or maybe those A+s...

Knock! Knock!

I jumped. "Um, c-come in!" I said. CheolYong half appeared at the door.

"Noona-yah~" He sang.

"Yah, it's only you." I said.

"Yep, me and nobody else. Noona! Let's go out! I wanna go and buy gifts for my hyungs!" My brother said. (a/n: In my dream(lol) giving gifts is like a culture during new years. Gifts for your "beloved" ones. ;))

I sighed. "You always have to come and disturb me at the wrong time, right? Okay, let me get ready. You! Go wait at the parking lot. I'll be there in a few minutes. Start the car." I said and tossed my car keys to my brother.

"Yay! Thank you, noona! You're the best! Saranghae! I'll buy you a gift too!" My brother said with his cute voice and walked out of the door.

"Yah, close the door!" I said him.

"Oops! Mianhae! Don't take too long, noona!" Cheol Yong said and closed the door. Kids these days~ I thought. Hmm, maybe this is a good opportunity for me. I could buy HIM a gift! The thought of that made me blush. 

Quickly, I changed into my casual clothes, comb my hair, grabbed my phone and headed straight to the parking lot...


2 months ago~

We were at the theme park when I first started crushing on HIM. HIM, tall and handsome. (a/n: I'm going to reveal HIM very soon.) That baby face of his is just too cute to handle. He is very shy around girls unless he knows you well. I didn't really notice him until that day.......

Park Sang Hyun. Better known as Cheondung or Thunder. He was wearing yellow that day. My favorite colour. The whole day that day, my mind went I wanna be close to him. I wanna know him. Is it possible?

It was a family day that day with MBLAQ. One MBLAQ's family member must all be there together with them. Since I was free that day, I tagged along. SeungHo and his brother, SeungHoon, G.O and his sister, HyeYoon, LeeJoon and his never-before-seen sister, Mir and me and Cheondung and his sister, Dara.

I know Dara since I started my acting career. But, it was only on that day I found out that Cheondung was her younger brother.

"Oh? Dara unnie! You have a brother in MBLAQ? Why didn't you tell me?" I said to Dara who was waiting in line for the Ferris wheel with me along with the others.

"Nae, Cheondung it is! I myself didn't know you have a brother too!" She replied with a short laugh. Cheondung who was waiting behind his sister gave me a warm smile. A smile that almost killed me.

"Haha! Yeah, I was actually shocked to see you here today. I was wondering Is that Dara? What's she doing here?. Then, only I know you're here for today's event too!" I said. 

"Nae! What coincidence!" She concluded. After a few minutes of waiting, we got on the Ferris wheel and chatted about random stuff. I wasn't really paying attention to whatever they were talking on the Ferris wheel. I was busy observing Cheondung. Yeah, I feel a little bit like a stalker but I just can't help it. The movement his mouth made, or when he rubbed his nose, blinked, everything he did was just so mesmerizing!

He blushed when he notice me staring at him. I look away quickly. 

"So, how was your latest CF, Eun Ah?" A question suddenly popped up from HyeYoon's mouth. HyeYoon, another friend of mine. We met via G.O during a party last year. (I know G.O via my brother of course)

"Huh? Me? It was okay though the director had a really bad temper actually. It took us all 3 hours to shoot the CF, really." I said and pouted. CheolYong gave me a pat on my shoulder.

"My poor noona~" He said. There was always something behind whatever CheolYong does. That night, when we got home, he asked me for some money to buy comic books. Note to self: Do not fall for those puppy eyes of Mir.

Well, I practically spent the whole time that day trying to get close to him. Eventually, I did. But, not really close though. It was just like noona/dongsaeng relationship. (Yeah, I'm older than him by 2 years. Gosh, I feel like a pedo.) When we first started talking, it was a little awkward but slowly the awkwardness disappear when we played at the arcade together. 

How it happened? After lunch, I accidentally left the group as I was too engrossed choosing Pororo keychains for my beloved nephew. After checking out, I noticed that I was nowhere near the group. So, I called Mir.

Beep beep...... Beep beep.... Beep beep... Sorry, the number you've called-

Mir probably didn't bring his phone or was too busy playing around with LeeJoon. I mentally slapped my forehead. My brother is so pathetic. Then, when I was going to give up, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Um, Eun Ah noona is it?" Cheondung said. At that moment, I was going to die of heart-attack. Cheondung. Am I dreaming? I thought.

"Err, noona?" Cheondung said, waving to stop me from fantasizing about him. When I went back to reality, I couldn't help but to hug him. 

"CHEONDUNG-AH~ GLAD YOU'RE HERE! I THOUGHT I WAS LOST!" I said hugging him tightly. (I don't know why did it but... I had a phobia being left alone when I was younger.) He didn't hug back. Instead, he just stood there awkwardly blushing. I let go when I realised that I was hugging him. He pretend scratched his head and smiled.

"Mian, I had a phobia when I was younger. Forgive me!" I said as I bow. I was blushing myself also.

"It's okay. I understand. Um, do you know where the others are?" He asked. Before I can answer, he answered "Oh, wait. You don't. Haha! I'm so blur." and smiled. Smiled. Again! His smile is just so mesmerizing!

"Yeah, so why are you here?" I asked trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Oh! I was actually looking around." He answered and smiled once again. STOP SMILING! wait.. NO! KEEP SMILING! KILL ME! I thought. I looked around. The shop was filled with Pororo.

"Um, do you.... like Pororo?" I asked him after looking around.

"Pororo? OF COU- um, no." His eyes widened with excitement at first but calmed down after. "Of course not. It's cute but, not my type." He said. He's really bad at hiding his expressions. I gave him a soft laugh.

"Arraseo, arraseo. I was buying some keychains for my nephew. He loves Pororo alot! Kids. After checking out, I tought Cheol Yong was with me but when I turned around, he went missing." I said.

"Ah, Mir is always like that to us too." He ended. There was a pause until I quickly broke the silence between us.

"So, where's Dara? She's supposed to be with you right?" I asked.

"Dara? She went back already cause she and 2NE1 had to finish up with their album." He replied.

"So, since she's not here..." I said slowly. "Can I be your noona?" I said. He looked at me with a surprised look.

"Sure, but what about Mir?" He asked. Oh! Mir! Aish~

"Ah, forget him. He left me. LET'S GO TO THE ARCADE NOW!" I said excitedly, grabbing him by the arm. And so, we went and spent time together there. We played games like car games, dancing, basketball and all. He was freaking tall. Walking beside him, I felt short.(12cm height difference) But, it was an advantage really. Everyone will think that I'm younger than him...

That day, even though we spent quite an amount of money on tokens, we had fun. With all the ticket we won after playing games, we're able to redeem a plushies and a pair of phone keychain. This is all thanks to Cheondung's incredible height and fast dance reflexes. Seriously, without him, I would only win a small button badge.

I wasn't really good at games. So, at first I just watch as he played. He noticed and felt bad. He offered to teach me with the games but I just shook my head and smiled. In the end, he pulled my hand and thought me how to play basketball. I will never forget that moment. We were so close to each other.

Anyways, The plushies available were all cute, especially the Pororo one. While the phone keychains were only available in pairs (meant for couples only). We took the Pororo and one pair of the heart keychain that says "I'm meant for you and you for me" (The person at the redemption counter was busy that she just gave us that with an annoyed look on her face.)

"You can take the Pororo. I don't mind." Cheondung said after we got out of the crowded queue.

"Really? I thought you like Poro-?" I asked. Quickly, Cheondung used one of his abnormally large hand to cover my mouth.

"Yah, noona. Are you going to tell the whole world?" He whispered. I smiled and apologized when he removed his hands from my mouth.

It was just an hour ago when I successfully broke his little secret. I offered him a Pororo keychain I bought for my nephew. I bought many so I don't mind giving him one. His eyes widened. He tried to decline but I pestered him to take it by saying "You don't have to hide. I can see that you like Pororos. Don't worry, it will be our little secret!" Defeated, he took it and slid it in his pocket. 

"Thanks. Don't tell Dara." He whispered. I made a My-mouth's-all-zipped-up sign. He smiled. Suddenly, he held my hand and pulled me to the dancing machine game.

"Err, noona?" Cheondung pulled me back to reality again. 

"Huh? Yes?" I said.

"Nothing. You just seemed so dreamy today." He replied.

"Haha! I'm always. Anyways, what about this keychain?" I said.

"If you don't mind." He said. I waited for him to continue. "Um, I'll take one as memory of our time together."

"Huh?" I said without thinking.

"Aish, I mean um, as like a, you know-" He said slowly. 

"Ah! Nae, nae! Sure! Here! Promise me to put it on your phone always!" I said, jokingly. I didn't actually thought he would but he did! I was so happy!

Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah! Na- My phone sang. I quickly took out my phone and PABO MIR was written on the screen.

"YAH, PABO! WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted at the caller.

"Noona-ya~ So sorry!" Mir said with his signature cute voice.


"Noona! I'm so sorry! Really sorry! I'm coming to get you now! Then, I will take you out to eat your favorite food, okay?" Mir said.

"Food. You think I will forgive you that easy? I'll be waiting for you at the arcade. Come quick or I'll leave!" I said to him and hung up. Seriously? Food? Am I that easy to persuade? I thought and threw my phone back into my bag. Cheondung gave me a shocked stare.

"What?" I asked him.

"No, nothing. It's just that all noona's like that except you're... Um, you're-" Cheondung said

"Fiercer? Is that what you're going to say?" I asked.

"Um, kinda." He said and gave me an innocent smile that washed my anger away.

"Well, I guess I am. (breathes out) Mir's coming soon." I said.

"Let's make him feel so sorry for leaving an awesome noona like you behind!" He said and made the weirdest evil laugh ever. I couldn't help but to laugh along. Awesome noona like you kept replaying in my head. While waiting for CheolYong we talked about random stuffs which I don't really remember actually.

Soon, CheolYong appeared. I didn't expect Cheondung to speak before I did. Then again, both of them are friends so, no doubt!

"Hey, Mir! You have an awesome sister here! You should really appreciate her! She's leaving you for me! Look at this!" Cheondung said to Mir. He flashed his phone with the keychain on. Mir's eyes begin to show jealousy.

"Noona! Noooo! Don't abandon me! Don't leave me for this scumbag! Noona! I'm so sorry! Please let me be your brother again!" Mir said, pretending to cry.

"Hmm, let me think. No! Come, Cheondung, let's go eat some nice food without this ungrateful child! My treat!" I said and walked off pulling Cheondung beside me. Mir tailed along behind asking for forgiveness.

But, in the end of the day, the three of us did eat together. I wasn't THAT mean to abandon my brother like that. I dropped Cheondung back to his dorm and drove back home. When I got home, I received a text message.


Noona, thanks for spending your time with me today!

I had fun! Hope to meet you again!

Good night!


I couldn't sleep the whole night that day. Thanks to HIM....


Reminiscing that 2 month old memory, I smiled and blushed. We had been talking but only via phone. I haven't had the time to meet him in person since that event. We were both too busy to meet up. To be honest, I still keep that message with me. The thought of tonight made me happy. I guess I know what to buy that kid! I soft laugh to myself.

"Noona, why are you so happy?" Cheol Yong asked suddenly.

"Huh? Nothing, nothing. Oh hey, I haven't been talking to you for awhile. How's your new album going?" I said, changing the topic.

"Ah, you know, SeungHo......" I pretend to listen to him talking. Cheol Yong, always so talkative. No wonder he's a rapper. ".... And Cheondung, well I heard he had this crush on-" 

"Wait, WHAT?" I shouted suddenly.

"Whoa, whoa! Chillax! Why the big reaction? You have a crush on Cheondung?" Mir asked.

"Huh? What? No, I was just talking to the radio. The Awards thing. Can't believe they won." I said trying to distract him from going on.

"Oh~ Really? Noona, you do have a crush on Cheondung don't you?" He teased.

"What Cheondung? I wasn't listening to what you were saying, really!" I lied. It was indeed half the truth though.

"(gasp!) Noona! How could you? Your long-time-no-see brathar here is talking, man!" He said with the american-rapper accent. 

"Save it! We're here! Let's get down and buy your stupid presents." I said.


Dear readers,

Part 2 coming up! Please wait! :) I'm so sorry if this one shot happens to be the longest one shot yet. But, thanks for reading this far! Hope you like it! :) 



[UPDATE] 25/3/12 6:26pm

Hey guise! It's me again! Sorry to delay. I have some... "problems". Yeah. So, I'm done writing Part 2. I just need to check and re-write some parts again. Unfortunately, I have to go now. I will (probably) publish it by the next non-schooling day. (My mom doesn't allow me to use the computer during schooling days. Sad right?) So, bye! :)


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Chapter 2: good story :)
Chapter 2: wahahaha..nice story and cute moment...
RamenLuver118 #3
I really like it :) Update soon~
Wait, be patient! I'm working on it! :P I hope I can finish by today! :P Thanks for your support! :)