More problems

Who win the battle
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After three months of  fighting exo win 3 x-exo win 1 out of the fight.

Everyone came back with a lot of injuries except for suhø and junmyeon but these two are exhausted because they have to help lay ( lay didn't fight because he had other important work to do) to heal everybody injuries. Suhø oh my god i 'm so tired. Junmyeon me too. Lay erm uuu(  mean me too to tired to talk he just mumbling). Suddenly heavy smoke surrounding them. Suhø what is this? Junmyeon no idea. But why i feel dizzy. Suhø and lay me too. They fainted and fall down sleep on the ground. Look like human pick them up and blink of eye they gone and look like human left noye on the table. 

D. Ø asked chanyèol to call them to come down and it dinner. They don't eat yet since Bèakhyun, sèhun, kai, chen and xiumin in their room sleeping soundly. Junmyeon, suhø and lay in heal room take some nap he guess. Only chanyèol did not he in the kitchen try to steal food from d. Ø. 

Chanyèol  went to everyone's room to wake them up until he enter the  heal room and saw no one in that room. What? Don't they in this room? What is that? (there's paper on the table) chanyèol without thinking he ran out as fast as he could while shouting d. Ø. d. Ø. d. Ø. d. Ø. D. Ø what? Chanyèol read this!

The note

Hello x-exo, 

Thank you for making my work easier because of you guys i don't need to fight for junmyeon and suhø from you guys and exo. I got bonus you know our little sheep lay.


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Chapter 1: I really like the story idea. The plot is very interesting, love the mystery it sets. Also love that you chose X EXO for the story, Obsession is my favourite EXO concept.

Sadly it looks like not a lot of people read this story but I hope it won’t discourage you to keep writing because this story has lot of potential.

My suggestion, maybe you can add a little bit more description and emotion to actions. But you don’t have to, it is just a suggestion from a fellow writer. ^^

I am curious on why X - EXO kidnapped Junmyeon. And how the deal turns out.

Thank you for writing this story! Keep up the good job!