You're the fan to my tastic baby. Fany-tastic! ^_^

Baby Good Night


A/n: before anything else, play Love Sick of TaeTiSeo as background music. I did, when I wrote this chap. It’ll make the reading experience a whole lot better or worse. Just a suggestion.. ;)


“Don’t I look good, or what?” Top proudly asked his girlfriend. He shifted his seat on the floor to face her, and then winked at her.

Tiffany spurted out of surprise when she saw his face. His face was covered with different shades of powders from her makeup palette and eye shadows. He even put on big red circles on both of his cheeks using her red lipstick; traced the end parts of his eyebrows in an upward direction so that he looked a little bit like Count Olaf of A Series of Unfortunate Events. “There you go messing with my things again. This lipstick is Chanel. You don’t mess with Chanel.” said Tiffany as she simultaneously grabbed her makeup kit that was cluttered around the floor where Top was sitting.

“Wait! I’m not done yet!” He wailed. He was pestering her on purpose just for the heck of it. Although he was the master of all his tricks and importunities, Tiffany only shrugged and continued collecting her brushes and eye pencils. She decided that it was best to let him do his favorite thing to do when they’re together, and that is none other than to aggravate her until the crack of dawn.

During that time, they were in one of the rooms of a grand hotel in Japan. Actually, Top was in her room of the hotel that SNSD was staying that time. They were in Japan to attend the annual Billboard Japan Music Awards. A lot of Kpop stars were invited such as them SNSD, BIGBANG, Super Junior, 2PM, 2NE1, Brown Eyed Girls, 4Minute, IU and many more others.

Tiffany and Top were housed at different hotels that were very much distant from each other so Top insisted on sleeping the night in the hotel where SNSD was staying so he could spend time with her. For Top, he actually prefers overseas events such as this one over other local ones because they’re less known to citizens of other countries. This would mean that it would easier for him to find places where he could spend time alone with his girlfriend. They could never have a decent date, and never will have, if they’re back in Korea. ‘Cause paparazzi would follow them wherever they go. The closest opportunity that they can get intimate and alone was if they visit each other’s dorm where their members could walk in on them any time.  He never liked the feeling of holding back because it would only kill the mood completely.

Though they were in another country, Japan couldn’t really be considered as something different from Korea. Because they’re still as popular as can be, which would lead to why they were there in Japan that time. Nonetheless, Top might have been the happiest Korean in the land of Japan that night.

Top lied down the floor without a care, and leaned his head on his folded arms while his legs were spread apart. He was watching his girlfriend still tidying up the room. She was wearing the big and thick sweatshirt he bought for her at a nearby market earlier that day and a pair of short shorts.  She brought a roll of tissue paper back in the toilet, candy wrappers were thrown in the trash can, the acoustic guitar that was left sprawled beside him was put on its stand and a packet of Ibuprofen was placed back on the side table. Tiffany learned to get used to this messy and untidy attitude of Top, after 2 years of exclusive dating, how could she not? She just assumed and concluded that men are naturally messy and disorganized when it comes to their personal belongings. In a way, she preferred him exactly like this. She thought that it would be better that he be the messy one in the relationship instead of her.   

Everything was back in their places except for the big slob still lying on the floor, smiling at her. “What are you doing Tabi? Are you trying to seduce me? With that face?” She stood in front of him. “Come on oppa, your turn.” And pulled him up to stand. Top, on the other hand, went along with his cute amour.  

“Sh*t! What’s this?! Hahahahaha!” Top doubled up laughing when he saw his face in front of the mirror once they were in the bathroom. “Look at my face! I look like a fed up clown. Hahaha! Ottoehke.. I can’t breathe!” He wiped his tears that formed from his hysterics. Tiffany couldn’t help but smile. He looked so innocent, totally different from his badass and arrogant image that he often presents in TV. She was glad that he opens up his real emotions easily when they’re together.

“Oppa, that’s enough.” She said softly and caressed his cheeks tenderly to calm him down. Once he got a hold of himself, she replaced her caresses with pinches in a sudden. “Now let me clean your precious little baby face.” She in a baby-like tone.

She made him stand exactly in front of her and started washing his face with lukewarm water and facial foam. Meanwhile, Top enjoyed her every single rub on his face. He loves the feel of her soft and light hand touches, and it is exactly for this reason why he was so focused on shutting his eyes too tightly so that he wouldn’t disturb such wonderful ritual as this one. As if their closeness was not enough, he placed his hands on either side of Tiffany’s waist and gently pulled her closer to him. Deep-down, Tiffany felt those helpless tingles again that only Top can actuate. Her womanly right of being vulnerable inevitably twinkles and shimmers when they’re together. She smiled, unconsciously flashing her eye-smile. Top didn’t need to see to know. He knew everything through her silent yet profound reply, so he held her tighter and pulled her closer.

After she was done washing his face, she looked around the room for a dry towel. She remembered that she was supposed to call room service for some fresh new towels earlier that day. “What’s the problem?” queried Top since his eyes were still shut, waiting for her to pat him dry.

“I forgot to call room service for dry towels. Wait here, I’ll check if I have some other towels in the room.” She was about to go out of the bathroom but Top held her hand to stop her.  

“No. It’s alright. I’ll just use my shirt then.” Said Top.  He then took off his white shirt and used it to wipe his face dry.  “There. My face is squeaky clean.” He brightly smiled.

Fany’s eyes landed on his very very pale torso. She almost squinted her eyes as if she was blinded by the angelic light that his upper body possesses. Even though he was extraordinarily pale, his muscles were still toned.  The chest, those little abdominal muscles that were developing, those biceps, those veins that were visibly popping out in his skin, they were unimpeachable. They were picture-perfect in every angle.

“Like what you’re seeing?” Top teased. And purposely flexed his muscles.

“Oh my God! And you’re rejoicing to the fact that I’m looking at your pale body.” refuted Tiffany.  She went out of the bathroom in a hurry to hide her flushed face.

Top followed her suit. “Actually Fany, I’m always nervous on what your reaction is gonna be whenever you see my body.” He scratched the back of his head; a sign that he was uncomfortable. His triceps flexed compliantly. Tiffany knew that Top was not fond of showing his body to anyone. Even his band mates have seen him uncovered only at seldom times.

There were only two people that he was comfortable to show his bare body. Naturally, Fany was one of those people and the other one would be none other than, of course, his mom. Go figure!

Tiffany stopped walking, she could not help but smile from what she had heard, so she turned back to face Top. She beckoned him using her index finger. Top, on the other end, obeyed right away and closed their distance till they were face-to-face as if he was casted a spell on by her. Fany simply sneaked her arms around his neck, then caressed the hair on the back of his head. “Tabi..” she called sweetly. Adoration upon him was evident in her eyes. “Even if you’re fat, even if you’re going to be the fattest guy in the world, which I hope will never happen, you will still be the only one that I will ever see. I promise.”  

Top had enough so he got rid of the air-space between their mouths and planted his lips on hers. It was his most awaited moment, to finally have a wanton make-out session. This night was their night. He never got weary from the kisses he receives from her. Every time will always feel like the first time, even if it was just a simple kiss on the cheek, or on the forehead, or just a peck.  Her every touch, her caresses and hugs will make his insides want to somersault endless times out of happiness. And this was his favorite kind of happiness, and only Fany has the ability to give it to him. Even from the beginning, he always knew that he’s head over heels for the lady that was in front of him. He pondered to the days when they have not officially met each other yet and only timid His and Hellos were exchanged. During those times, he tried to convince himself that his feelings towards her were nothing and that he only had a crush on her. Work was more important than anything else. But this time, he was awfully grateful that he failed to talk himself into that kind of conviction.  This time, he knew that there was nothing more important and significant in his life than Tiffany. He also knew that this will be forever, that he will feel like this forever. And that this was the ‘destiny’ that he’s been hoping for since the first time he laid his eyes on her.


Tiffany playfully made traces on top’s chest using her fingers. It was 3 am in the morning. The two was still wide awake and still have their eyes on each other. The whole night they were cuddling on the comfortable bed under the dim light, with the Japan evening skyline as their backdrop from the massive glass wall on their left side, stealing kisses with each other every now and then. Tiffany was on top of Top; still tracing his body contours from his face, to his neck, down to his chest till his stomach. As much as we wanted it to happen, it didn’t. The couple did nothing but to nuzzle on each other, flirt and share sweet short conversations. The evening was too romantic, too heartwarming even for . It was an evening that was filled with so many bright twinkling stars, as if they were flying to the moon.

“I wanna tell you something.” Top whispered as he tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

“What?” whispered Tiffany. She gently leaned her head on his chest and listened on his silent breathing.

“But I’ll tell you at the right time and at the right place.” Top kissed her head lightly. “Actually, I think it would be better if I say it publicly like during a broadcast or something.” Said Top, more to himself. His eyes twinkled as he thought that it was a brilliant idea.

Fany raised her head to look at her boyfriend. “What place and time is more right than here and now?”

“Trust me, this is gonna turn out great.” He smiled widely and looked her deeply into her eyes.

“Whatever your idea is oppa, make sure that it is brilliant and I’m gonna like it.”


A little later than 3 am....

Top kneaded his temples profoundly. “Migraine again?” Tiffany asked. She sighed. “Let me take care of it.” She sat uprightly and instructed her boyfriend to lay his head on her lap, and then she massaged his temples.  She remembered the packet of Ibuprofen on the side table. There was only one tablet that remained. She asked him to get up and take it. “Choi Seunghyun, that is why you need to sleep now, you need to rest your mind. The awards night is tomorrow, and you need to wake up early to get back to your hotel.”

‘Screw tomorrow, I don’t want this night to end.” He quickly scooped her in his arms and laid her under him and kissed her everywhere, on her lips, neck and forehead. Fortunately for the two of them, (unfortunate for us) Tiffany was wearing one big thick sweatshirt so he was not able to land his kisses to more intimate parts of her body. Instead, he let his hands do the wandering on those areas especially on her legs since she was only wearing short shorts.

Tiffany finally pulled back after a couple minutes of osculating, short of breath. “Oppa, Rest. Rest is what you need, and mine as well.” She caressed his cheek adoringly, and in a way, to stop him from kissing more. “Let’s sleep.” Then tapped his cheek twice. Top nodded once then stood on the bed, over her.

“But I don’t want this night to end!!!” He shouted on the top of his lungs. The next room knocked hard on the wall. Tiffany pulled him back down and covered his mouth with her hand.

“Oppa, shhh!” She couldn’t help to sneak a laugh. Top the palm of her hand.

“What are you doing? Tabi!” She slapped him lightly on his forehead and wiped her hand on the blanket.

“What? You didn’t mind me your palate and inside cheeks and neck a little while ago, what’s wrong with a little on the hand?”He pointed out. Tiffany could not think of any retort because he was right.

“Choi Seunghyun! This is the last time I’m going to say this, sleep!” she whispered-yelled. Then covered herself with the blanket.


Top looked at the covered figure of the love of his life. So delicate. “Fine, I’ll sleep. But tell me this one more thing.” He slowly pulled down the blanket. Tiffany sighed heavily and turned to face him. He was leaning on his outstretched arms that were placed on either side of Fany. “How do you find my weirdness?” He asked, his eyes full of curiosity and interest to what she’s going to say.


“Everyone says I’m a weirdo. So do you think I’m a weirdo?” He asked innocently.

Tiffany studied his handsome features under the dim light. His face was so close to her. She smiled at him. “You’re probably the weirdest person I’ve ever met in my entire life.” Top felt a little disheartened at that. “But weird is good. Because it’s the real Tabi, and I love the real Tabi.”

Top smiled his widest smile. “That’s a good enough answer. I’ll accept it.” He lied down beside her and hugged her from behind. He rested his head next to hers. “People from YG actually say that we’re perfect for each other ‘cause ‘we complement each other’s personalities.’”

“Really?” Tiffany asked in a doubtful tone.

“They actually say that you’re the peanut to my butter.” He whispered on her ears.

“What?” Tiffany asked with a squeak.

Top chuckled and kept going. “You’re the pop to my tart and the sew to my seams; you’re the sweet to my sour heart and most definitely the girl of my dreams.”

Tiffany wanted to squeal out of embarrassment from his cheesiness but, at the same time, she couldn’t deny that her heartstrings were tugged by it all at the right places. “Tabi, you’re, beyond doubt, the weirdest guy I’ve ever met. But you’re also the sweetest, most romantic bloke ever.”

“I know babe, I know.” He yawned, kissed her lightly on her head and slept.

Tiffany felt his heavy breathing. He was so tired that he got knocked out in a split second. She placed her hand on Top’s head. “Baby good night.” She whispered before dozing off.



a/n: as i’ve said earlier, i listened to love sick of taetiseo over and over again when i was writing this. It just feels right listening to it.. It’s as if tiffany was telling me to keep on writing and writing until i finish the chapter... i enjoyed writing this chap.. also becoz this is the first time that i wrote a chap, initially, using my language which is tagalog before translating it to english... the idea generation became free flowing becuz of that.

thanks to pig from 3 years ago, whoever you are! (he gave me the idea via yahoo answers for my title for this chappy.)

Lastly, i want to thank all of my readers and all your comments to my story... i keep on rereading each one of them.. im delighted that you find my work interesting enough to read. Luv yous! Saranghaeyo yeoreobun! 사랑해요 여러분!

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condolence to babyminji.#staystrongminzy


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Chapter 14: Its 2017 and im reading this.... xD thank you! Fighting!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 14: Yes that was a great story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 14: Happy ending..... I like your story. Some author in AFF from filipino specially soshibang shipper :)
Chapter 14: I was hoping for a grand wedding~ But that was beautiful nonetheless~ ^-^
dadecer101 #5
Chapter 14: I love your story but the story was short.... but its ok... thank u for making TOPFany fanfiction... I wish this could be real... (to everyone who knows some TOPFany fanfictions just tell me and I will read it coz I'm a big fan of them)
Go #soshibang #topfany
bugznutin26 #6
Chapter 14: nice story more TOPFANY fanf ic.. :) godbless u.!
kathSJ13 #7
Chapter 14: a very cute story. i really can imagine them :)
Chapter 14: Omg, how could I have missed such an awesome story like this?! Ahhh my TopFany feels are off the chart, reading every single chapter! Actually read the entire story today. I loooooooovvved it.

The ending was omg l, he proposed. I just want to spazz over each chapter but, it's almost 1am here and I'm tired.

But I'll sleep good tonight cuz' I read an awesome TopFany story. Thanks for this! I hope there's more to come from you! Look forward to your future stories!
k-popsone1116 #9
Chapter 14: woow author ang galing mo! grabe! xD sobarang ganda ng story mo..^_^
Ok so I've finally finished reading it lol.&awww that's the sweetest way to propose~<3