Chapter 5

Love on the Rocks

Kyuhyun's POV

I stared at Sungmin, not quite sure how to react.  The threat was evident in his voice, and something about the possesive tone made me bristle.

"Excuse me?" I asked.  He continued to glare at me dangerously,

"You heard me.  Stay away from him, Wookie is mine."

"Funny, last time I checked he wasn't an object.  He was a person, and one could decide who he wanted to hang around with."  Sungmin looked about ready to tear my eyes out when suddenly his expression did a 180.  He smiled angelically, and his eyes softened.  I was confused until I heard Ryeowook's voice.

"Okay for Minnie I got a banana split with extra cherries!  And for Kyu I got a salted caramel sundae!"  I looked at him suprised, I hadn't even told him my order, yet he picked my favorite flavor.  He must have seen my questioning look because he explained,

"I had a feeling you wouldn't want something too sweet, and salted caramel is the perfect balance between salty and sweet!"  I smiled at his reasoning.  He sat between Sungmin and I, happily digging into his own treat.  He had chocolate ice cream with hot fudge and brownies. 

"Someone likes chocolate!" I commented.  He looked at me, chocolate smudged on his cheek, and grinned satisfied,

"Of course!  Who doesn't love chocolate?!"  I smiled at him, and shrugged,

"I've never been a big fan."  His mouth dropped open, and stared at me like I had three heads.  Before I even process what was happening, he scooped up some of his ice cream, and shoved his spoon into my mouth.  I was shocked, but couldn't respond as the cold, creamy sweetness invaded my taste buds.  Wookie watched me eagerly, and I sent him a thumbs up,

"Okay, you changed my mind.  You have corrupted me, and I am now a choco-addict!"  He fist-pumped with mock excitement, looking very proud of himself.  I laughed at his little display which was interrupted when Sungmin broke it,

"Hey!  I want some too!" he whined.  I was still amazed at how he could change personalities so quickly, from threatening to aegyo-king.  Ryeowook smiled brightly at his friend and gave him a bite of his sundae.  Sungmin beamed at Wookie, and sent me a smug look.  I clenched my jaw, and I felt a pang in my chest. 

Was I jelous?



Ryeowook's POV

I looked between, Minnie and Kyu.  There was something weird going on between them.  There was an odd tension in the air, but I couldn't figure out why things had gotten so awkward.  Everything had been fine this morning...

I relaxed back into the seat.  I admired the creamy leather interior of Kyu's car, and it reminded me of the first time I saw his car.  This brought back the memory of how he ended up living in his car.  I couldn't help but wonder what had happened with his parents.  I wanted to ask him, but I was worried I would offend him, or bring back unpleasant memories.  I sighed, and Kyu seemed to hear because he looked at me questioningly.  MInnie also looked at me with his eyes creased inquisitively.  Not wanting to bring up Kyu's past, I voiced my other concerns instead,

"Okay, what's up with you two?  You're acting really strange."   They both looked at me, then at each other, then back at me.  I waited for an explanation. 

"Uh, i-it's nothing Wookie," Minnie started, "Kyuhyun was just telling me how nerous he was about starting work today, and you know how I get when people are anxious."  I nodded understandingly.  Minnie was never good when people were worried.  He always seemed to absorb their stress and internalize it.  That was one of the reasons why I loved my best friend so much.  He was so sensitive and caring towards others. (innocent Wookie! ^^)

I reached over his seat and gave my friend a little squeeze.  I smiled at him to tell him I understood.  He returned my grin with a relieved look, and a grateful smile.  I then turned to Kyu, who seemed relieved himself.  I figured he felt better after his worries were let out.  I gave him a hug as well.

"Kyu don't worry about tonight.  I'm sure everything will be fine.  Actually, I could use a helping hand at the bar.  I'll as Tuekkie-hyung to let you be my assistant, so there's no reason to be stressed."  I was satisfied with my solution, and Kyu seemed to be happy with the plan as he grinned and nodded.  By this time we had arrived back at the apartment.  I bounced out of the car and announced,

"Okay let me call Teukkie!"  I bounced into he apartment and grabbed my cell.  I punched in the familiar number and held it to my ear,

"Hello?" a deep booming voice answered.

"Kangin-appa!" I exclaimed happily.  It had been weeks since I had seen or heard Teukkie's lover.

"Wook!  How are you?!" he asked, sounding genuinley interested.  I smiled, I really considered Kangin my adoptive appa, like I considered Teukkie my adoptive umma.

"It's all good, but we got a new roomate.  He's also going to work at the club, he starts tonight.  Actually that's why I'm calling.  I need a hand at the bar, and I was hoping he could be my assistant."

"Hmm, well I'm not sure.  It sounds reasonable, but you have to let him work, okay?  No babying him."  I laughed and promised.  Finally he agreed, and said that he would inform Teukkie.  I thanked him and told him I would see him that night.  By the time I had hung up, both Minnie and Kyu were already dressed and ready for work.  I quickly pulled on black skinny jeans, and a dark purple button up shirt and bounded back into the living room.

"Okay Kyu, you're my new assistant!" I announced proudly.  Minnie's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything.  I was about to ask what was wrong when Kyu interrupted my train of thought.

"Well I guess you're my boss then." he said sounding amused.  I laughed and shot back,

"Hell yeah!  Consider yourself my slave!"

I'm so so so sorry that this chap is so boring... -_-

But thx for reading dearies!

I luv and appreciate all readers, subscribers, and commenters!


Mood: still have headache...

Location: still on couch

Music: "Be My Girl" by Super Junior


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Writer's Block... *bangs head against table repeatedly*


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Chapter 28: sorry for the crappy comment, but i tried to watch a stupid live broadcast of suju releasing their new album and i'm dying because i made everything humanly possible and it still won't work
the story was great, i liked it very much and i liked the sungnim changnim pairing ......i like unexpected pairings :P
Chapter 28: nice story,happy ending
cmngcm #3
Chapter 28: Very good story and well written!!
Chapter 28: very nice story , very interesting and cute happy ending .
katharine #5
Chapter 28: i love this story so much and miss it.
OMO, THIS STORY.......I LOVED IT~!!!! I'M SO HAPPY MINNIE GOT A LOVER TOO OwO but its over so i feel empty ._. <3333 still love KYUWOOK ^_^
I demand a sequel!! :DD ahaha.. great job author-sshi!!

ILOVEYOU for writing this story!!