Chapter 14

Love on the Rocks

Kyuhyun's POV

I hated the heavy feeling that was lodged in my chest.  It felt as if my heart was beeing squeezed, and it was hard to breathe.  It hurt everytime Ryeowook smiled at me... it wasn't his usual bright, happy grin, it was a guarded, tight smile.  The distance between us wasn't physical, but a barrier was definatley between us. 

I didn't know why, but he was the one avoiding me.  I had resigned myself to simply being his friend, but at this moment it seemed like he didn't even want that. 

I stood behind the dark burgandy curtain.  My mind should have been focused on my impending performance, but all I could think about was Ryeowook.  I sighed in frustration, and ran my hands through my hair unconciously.  I almost jumped, when I heard someone approach me from behind,

"Nervous?"  I turned around and was suprised to meet Ryeowook's eyes.  I could still detect a slight feeling of awkwardness, but his warm smile was genuine and encouraging,

"Y-you came?" I managed to choke out, still not fully recovered from my shock.

"Of course I came!  I wouldn't want to miss your launch into stardom for the world"  He stepped closer to me, but all I did was stare at him, not realizing how much I had really missed his company.  He stepped up to me, and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me fondly.

"You came on your day off, just for me?" I asked, still not fully comprehending the situation.  It baffled me that the person who had taken such pains to avoid me, was now huggind me, and wishing me good luck.  He seemed to register the doubt in my voice.  He stepped away from me and looked up at me apologetically.

"Look, I know things have been kind of... wierd between us, but you can always count on me.  Even if we are awkward, or we're mad at each other, it doesn't matter.  You are very special to me, and I will always be there for you, whether you want me to be or not.  I love you Kyu, you're like a brother to me, so I will always support you"  He smiled at me, but I couldn't bring myself to return his innocent grin.

It should have been enough that he cared for me.  It should have been enough that I was special to him.  Hell, it should have been enough that I had a permanent place in his heart.  But it wasn't... not anymore...

He was still looking up at me, his smile had faltered a bit, and he was looking up at me more with confusion then anything else.  I was just tired... tired of holding everything and pretending I was fine when I felt like the whole world was crashing down around me.  I hated the fact that I put myself under constant restrictions generated by fear.  Well no more, I wouldn't... couldn't take it anymore.

I grabbed Ryeowook's shoulders and pulled him to me.  I crashed my lips down on his and kissed him harshly.  He was rigid at first, but then he made motions to try to pull away.  I wouldn't let him go, and I held him tightly.  I kissed him until the lack of air made me woozy.  I finally pulled away, heart beating erratically, and took great gulps of air.

Wookie was panting, desperatley trying to fill his lungs.  Then he looked up at me with eyes filled with both shock and confusion.  A part of me relished the fact that he indicated neither fear or disgust, but I didn't dwell on that slight comfort.  I already felt the doom from my actions.  I had made a fatal mistake, something that I knew couldn't be fixed or undone.  I had killed our friendship, and I knew I would be left with nothing but the pain in my heart and the memories that we had shared.

I was too scared of the rejection to actually hear it out loud.  Ryeowook looked ready to say something, but I quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear the words I dreaded so much.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so so sorry, but I love you"  I whispered.  I didn't look into his eyes, and I didn't touch him.  As soon as the words left my mouth I escaped.  I walked out onto the stage, and away from the inevitable heartache.  I was met with a smattering of applause and a few whistles from the crowd.  I smiled half heartedly, not showing my inner turmoil to the audience.

I walked over to the band director, and handed him the music.  He looked at it briefly, before nodding assuredly.  I walked up to the mike and introduced myself to the crowd, more clapping and cheering was heard.  Then I signaled for the music, and the opening notes of the song broke out, strong and poignant, and the crowd hushed. 

And I began to sing....


Ryeowook's POV

The room was spinning, and I was left in an uncomprehending daze.  I vaguely registered the sound of music, but it was met with unresponsive ears.  I couldn't register my surroundings, but my stupor was lifted slightly when I found mself being tugged out of the room.  Minnie was pulling my arm, saying something about missing Kyu's performance.  He pulled me into the crowd surrounding the stage.

I was shifted back into reality by the sound of Kyu's voice.

Do you mean all the things you are?
Are you pleased with the way things are?
Can I trust you protect this scar that only I have seen?

I stared up at the stage and stared.  Kyu had his eyes closed and you could see that he was throwing everything he had into his performance.  Only when he reached the chorus did it hit me.


Be near, just for a moment
Stay here, never go home
Did you know, that everything he ever does, is for you?
So it goes, as the story of a broken heart comes true
It comes true

This wasn't the song that he had rehearsed with me so many times before.  This was a different song, it was still one of my compositions, but it was one that I thought I had locked away... this was a song that brought back old memories of pain, and lonliness.  I felt tears prick the back of my eyes, and I blinked rapidly to stop them from falling.

Have you learned all the secrets yet?
Were you burned by the things I've said?
Took the dive just to feel alive, but never heard the truth

At that moment, Kyuhyun opened his eyes, and they located mine in the midst of the crowd.  His eyes locked onto mine as he sang the next lyrics.

Now I'm in love, but I don't know how
And I'm in pain 'cuz I want it now
As I sit watchin' your eyes close, I slowly open mine

By this time, the tears that I had tried so hard to hide, were now openly rolling down my face.  Every line he sang struck my heart.  His eyes blazed with emotion and they burned into my soul.  I couldn't tear my eyes away from the stage as he launched into the chorus again. 

Be near, just for a moment
Stay here, never go home
Did you know, that everything he ever does, is for you?
So it goes, as the story of a broken heart comes true
Comes true

The room was spinning aroung me, and I felt like the walls were closing in.  The memories I had tried so hard to repress, came flooding back and the force of the impact left me reeling.

I am so confused by this
I know that life is hit or miss
Days are stung by too much sun
Think that you may be the one
Cover yourself up in me
Shrouded in what could have been
I will listen in your pain
If you listen to me

I finally managed to tear my eyes away.  I closed my eyes tight not wanting to see or hear anymore.  I tore myself away from the crowd.  I ran, bindly and carelessly.  All I wanted was to get away... away from the memories... the pain.  It wasn't just my pain that I wanted to escape, it was Kyuhyun's.  I could clearly sense his agony and it aided in the ripping of my heart.  As I sprinted away from the club, in the background I could hear Kyu's voice reaching the end of the song. 

It comes truuuuue
It comes truuuuue


I finally slowed and tried to catch my breath.  I wiped the blinding tears from my eyes, and took in my surroundings.  I found myself at a small playground near our apartment.  I stumbled over to the swing set and shakily sank down onto one of the cold rubber swings.  Unconciously, I began to swing, higher and higher in the air.  I let the tears fall again, and just let myself cry. 

I didn't think... I didn't remember... I just cried.


* the song is Maroon 5's "Story".  If you want to look it up, I definatley recommend it!  I tried to link this story to the song, but I screwed it up, sorry.  Just so you know, I changed all of the "she" in the song to "he" to make the song fit.


Thx for reading!  Chap is long, and sad so def not my fave chappie...

But hope u liked it, it will get better, I swear


Location: couch

Mood: full... too much pizza...

Music: "Story" by Maroon 5


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Writer's Block... *bangs head against table repeatedly*


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Chapter 28: sorry for the crappy comment, but i tried to watch a stupid live broadcast of suju releasing their new album and i'm dying because i made everything humanly possible and it still won't work
the story was great, i liked it very much and i liked the sungnim changnim pairing ......i like unexpected pairings :P
Chapter 28: nice story,happy ending
cmngcm #3
Chapter 28: Very good story and well written!!
Chapter 28: very nice story , very interesting and cute happy ending .
katharine #5
Chapter 28: i love this story so much and miss it.
OMO, THIS STORY.......I LOVED IT~!!!! I'M SO HAPPY MINNIE GOT A LOVER TOO OwO but its over so i feel empty ._. <3333 still love KYUWOOK ^_^
I demand a sequel!! :DD ahaha.. great job author-sshi!!

ILOVEYOU for writing this story!!