Let Me Love You

Onew Loves Shawols

Onew let his feet sleepily drag all the way up the hall to his shared bedroom with his two younger Dongsaengs. He had been rather tired from today scedual. The SHINee members had performed a free concerts for there fans earlier that day and all the oldest wanted to do was fall into his bed and drift fast to sleep. Much to his dismay, Kibum was in his bed listing to his ipod. He sighed. "Kibum, would you be sooooo kind and move your self from my sleeping quarters?" he asked in a rather harsh tone.
Kibum, being the person he is, set himself up on his elbows and smiled a kind of half smile, "Onew, why? I don't want to sleep alone." he pouted. 

The older bit his lip dragging out a soft grown and fell on the mattress next to the younger, "Of all nights you pick tonight to be all clingy right?" he ask the seemingly disappointed boy.

"No, I just thought you might like some company?" he said shifting onto his side to get a better look at his Hyung.

Onew in a breath. Almost every night he spent in a room with some one. He never got a moments rest. Sometime he did want to be alone, but the thought of being alone was also a horrible thought. So he sighed once again and turned to face the much loved boy, "Yes." he muttered as he tuned off the lamped, to warn out to undress.

The two boys laid in darkness until there eyes adjusted and they could make out one another faces. They could hear the other members in the living room catching a late night show, Taemin was probably curled up in the floor. Minho was most likely attempting to watch the show but too exhausted to give it his full attention. Jonghyun on the other hand was probably laid out somewhere on someone's lap fast asleep. 

"Kibum?" his Hyung asked out of the semi silence.


"Why did you go to bed so early?" Kibum was usually the last one to be off to sleep. He was always busy with something;

housework, dance practice, singing, cleaning anything in reach, studding anything possible, on the internet.

The younger opened his eyes, "I didn't think you would ask." he spoke.

"I think I know you a little better then that." he brushed a piece of his Dongsaengs hair out of his eyes.

Kibum hummed in response to the action, "Well I have been worried about you recently."

Onew bit his lip and thought about anything that could have been bothering him, yet nothing came to mind. What was it that the younger had picked up and he didn't. "You seem a bit… less Onew." he finally spoke after giving a long pause.

"I'm Onew." was the only thing that came to the letters mind.

He chuckled lightly, "Of course you are but you're not happy-Onew. What has been on your mind. You seem so… drained.

That's the best word  I can think of. I'm so tired Hyung." he smiled, letting his face fall further into the pillow.

"I… I guess I am. Sometime I think this is too much, but I love it." he his lips. This conversation was not what he was wanting before he was going to sleep.

"I know but you have to keep it up we are all tired. I mean, look at the bags under Minhos' eyes. He has never had them like that." Kibum scooted himself closer to the older wanting warmth, the blankets still being trapped beneath them, both too undeniably exasperated to retrieve them. 

Onew wraped his arm around the younger shoulders, felling his relax under his touch he continued the conversation, "I know, It's him you should be worried about."

"No." he spoke with out a second thought.

"Why?"  Onew melted into the boys warmth almost forgetting he was awake until he spoke again.

"Because Minho wants to do it for the fans. He says it all the time. Onew are you doing this for the fans?"

His heart jumped up into his ears. They had all done it for the fans; the traveling, the sleepless nights, the loneliness, going hungry, being heated by random people, having to do lots of thing the weren't fond of, being perfect, being judged, forever alone. But all in all they did it for the love of the fans. Yes Onew had said it before, he loved the fans always will. "Yes, I have always been doing it for the fans. I love them. I love SHINee. I love you Kibum." he curled closer to the warmth and began drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too."


A/N This is acualy this first story i wrote of SHINee. I love it to no ends. It was written because Onew kepts getting sick. I'm a blinger BTW. LOL But Onew is just amazing to write about. I'm scared if i write about Jjong i will mess up. Anyways i hope you like as much as me! 

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Chapter 1: Awe this is really sweet
supersonic #3