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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Sana's voice carried a note of uncertainty as she maneuvered the car through the neighborhood, searching for Dahyun's address.

Dahyun sat beside her, her posture rigid as she tried to avoid making contact with the luxurious interior of Sana's car. She felt a growing discomfort, fearing that she might inadvertently damage something. "Do I look like someone who doesn't know her own address?" she retorted, a touch of sarcasm lacing her words.

Sana's gaze remained focused on the road as they took another turn. She seemed to be growing increasingly exasperated. Finally, the car came to a stop in front of an apartment building, and Sana let out an audible sigh of relief. She turned to face Dahyun, her patience wearing thin. "What are you waiting for?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

Dahyun, a sly grin playing on her lips, replied, "I'm waiting for you."

Sana, frustration apparent in her expression, retorted, "Why are you waiting for me? Get out of my car so I can leave."

The playful banter took a more serious turn as Dahyun reminded her, "Did you forget that I can't even stand alone?"

Sana groaned, her patience dwindling. "This girl will be the death of me," she muttered under her breath.

"Didn't you have anyone to fetch you from here?" Sana inquired, her irritation clear.

Dahyun shook her head, her tone more sincere. "No, I didn't want to wake my Unnies up. They're probably exhausted and sleeping by now." She admitted, though not entirely certain of her sisters' whereabouts.

Sana, having had enough of Dahyun's antics and eager to return home, didn't respond this time. She exited the car and, after a brief hesitation, moved to the other side to assist Dahyun in getting off her seat. She sighed heavily, mumbling, "I might as well add to your bruises today. It's just not your day."

Dahyun chuckled dismissively. "Sure, you can take some credit for my bruises today," she quipped.

"I really like your mouth; I'd like to sew it shut," Sana remarked in a deadpan tone as she pressed the floor number when they got inside the elevator.

"With what? Your mouth?" Dahyun joked, but the humor quickly dissipated, leaving an awkward silence hanging between them. Dahyun realized she had been clinging to Sana like a koala and lessened her grip, clearing .

"This is why you should keep your mouth shut," Sana commented, her voice devoid of emotion. Dahyun remained silent as they waited for the elevator doors to open.

Upon reaching their floor, they knocked on Dahyun's apartment door. Rosie, Dahyun's half-awake sister with disheveled hair, opened the door and was taken aback to see her sister covered in bruises. Before she could comment on it, Sana, sounding impatient, said, "I have to go." Her eyes almost shot open seeing Sana, the royal member, carrying her sister. She then helped the royal to set Dahyun down.

Relieved to have Dahyun back on her feet, Sana sighed. "That's two hundred million won," she declared, raising an eyebrow. The two were stunned to their place, unable to move. 

"Two hundred million won for causing me a backache, Dahyun-ssi," she added before turning her back and walking away.





Dahyun's pain was a constant reminder of the harsh reality she was facing. The recent incident with Jooe and her group had left her physically and emotionally bruised. The pale girl had always managed to endure difficult situations, but this time it felt different. The injuries on her body served as a visible mark of the challenges she had to overcome.

As she lay in bed, Dahyun's mind wandered to the events that led up to this point. Her encounters with Sana had been unexpected and had stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within her. On one hand, she found herself intrigued by Sana's actions and attitude, and on the other hand, she felt a growing sense of frustration at being suspected and scrutinized.

Dahyun couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Sana's interest in her than met the eye. She found herself pondering over the implications of Sana's words, trying to decipher the underlying motives behind them. The pale girl knew that she needed to tread carefully, especially if she wanted to clear her name and prove her innocence.


"It's Jooe and her squad again, isn't it?!" Tzuyu's voice resonated with a firm determination as she voiced her question.

Amidst the background noise of students, Dahyun's voice murmured softly, "Hmm, but it's alright Tzu. I'm fine now." The ambient sounds painted a picture of a bustling school environment.

Tzuyu's concern was palpable as she responded, "That's not fine, Unnie! You don't beat up people just because they're hanging out with someone from a different clique." The implication of the situation was clear—their actions had left their mark not only physically but emotionally.

The decision to skip school for the day was a testament to the extent of the damage. The pale girl decided to give the school a miss today. Her bruise had taken on a deep shade of purple, and the lingering pain in her back was a constant reminder. A simple concealer could hardly mask the extent of the damage inflicted."

Dahyun's sigh carried a weight of resignation as she spoke, "It's fine, I'm sure they'll lay off for a couple of weeks."

Tzuyu wasn't willing to accept such a resolution. Her determination shone through as she declared, "No, Unnie. I'm going to talk to Jihyo unnie about this." The decision was final, as Tzuyu's conviction pushed her to take action. She knew that Dahyun's well-being was at stake.

The call came to an end, leaving Dahyun alone with her thoughts. Her physical discomfort was evident as she groaned while attempting to shift onto her other side. The description painted a picture of her bedridden state, confined by the pain in her back. Moments of pause were punctuated by her heavy breathing, a testament to the discomfort she was enduring. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she found a fleeting moment of relief as she settled into a more comfortable position.




Her phone's sudden ring disrupted the quiet atmosphere, and without pausing to check the caller ID, she instinctively answered the call. "Tzu, why..." Her voice trailed off as a familiar voice resonated through the line.

"Sweetie," the endearing term caused her to sit up abruptly, momentarily ignoring the pain that shot through her body. "Hello? Dahyun?" The voice on the other end persisted, filled with concern and familiarity. It was a voice she hadn't heard in a while.

The pale girl found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Uncertainty gripped her as she pondered whether she should address the woman as her mother. "Y-yes?" The word escaped her lips in a stutter, and a sigh of relief emanated from the other side. The warmth in that sound melted her heart.

"I heard that you've finally met your cousin," Soohyun began gently, her tone laced with understanding. "And I also heard that you didn't attend school today." There was a pause, during which Dahyun could feel the care and concern radiating through the phone. The sentiment behind Soohyun's words was enough to bring a tear to her eye.

"Y-yes," Dahyun replied, her voice barely above a whisper. The moment hung in the air, laden with emotions. Then, a single word escaped her lips, laden with the weight of years of separation, "Mom." A tear trickled down her cheek, accompanied by a smile that radiated a mix of joy and relief.

On the other side of the line, a profound silence settled in, as if both were absorbing the significance of the moment. "Y-yes, sweetie. Mom's just..." Soohyun's voice wavered slightly, "Do you mind if we plan a get-together sometime soon? A chance for a mother-daughter bonding session?" The suggestion was like a balm to Dahyun's soul, filling her with warmth.

Grinning widely, Dahyun wholeheartedly agreed, her voice laced with laughter, "That sounds wonderful! We can definitely do that." Her heart swelled with the realization that her mother wanted to spend time with her.

"Alright, sweetie.

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Hi! I've been thinking about the plot of this story. Several chapters have already been written, and I don't know how it might be perceived from a reader's point of view. I'm open to receiving your opinions on this, which could help me tweak certain details in the upcoming chapters as I review them.


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michelaprillisa #1
Chapter 15: Watch out dahyun! Mad sana is coming 🤣
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update author
The_Enlightened_1 #3
Chapter 15: Update please author, It's too short T_T
Saida13 #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating Author nim. We'll wait for your next updates. Thank you
ggwp77 #5
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update!!!!
The_Enlightened_1 #6
Chapter 14: author update plzz 🥺
1205 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh this sounds real interesting 👀
Dorkdubu #8
Chapter 14: Moreee pleaseeee
Aiko8114 #9
Chapter 12: They got what they deserved! HA!
ichigosk #10
Chapter 12: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, karma is the best.