Chapter 03

Captivated Hearts
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The following morning greeted Baekhyun with warm sunlight streaming through his bedroom window, casting a golden glow on his surroundings. Stretching lazily, he slowly emerged from the bed,ready to start the day ahead.

As he made his way downstairs, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, hinting at his mother's presence in the kitchen. Baekhyun's parents were waiting at the breakfast table, their eyes twinkling with anticipation. His mother, couldn't help but inquire about the previous evening.

"Good morning, Baekhyun, " his mother greeted him with a knowing smile. "How was your date with Serie?"

Baekhyun, still basking in the memories of their time together, felt a mixture of emotions as he returned his mother's smile. He took a seat at the table, pouring himself a cup of coffee and trying to gather his thoughts. His parents, their eyes filled with anticipation, eagerly awaited his response about the previous evening.

"It was... um, it was alright, Mom," Baekhyun replied, his voice slightly hesitant. "We went to a nice restaurant, and, well, Serie is... she's a nice person."

His mother sensed his shyness and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Just 'alright'? That doesn't sound like you, Baekhyun. Are you sure everything went well?"

Baekhyun fidgeted with his coffee cup, feeling a bit guilty about his initial reluctance to go on the date. He didn't want to reveal how much he actually enjoyed the evening, fearing that his parents would or make a big fuss about it.

"Yeah, Mom, it was fine," Baekhyun finally admitted, trying to play it cool. "We had some good conversations and stuff. I mean, it wasn't anything special, you know."

His father chuckled, seeing through Baekhyun's attempt to downplay his true feelings. "Oh, come on, Baekhyun. We know you better than that. You've got that 'post-date glow' about you. Admit it, you had a great time!"

Baekhyun couldn't help but blush, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and joy. "Okay, okay, maybe it was more than just 'alright'. We did have a great time, and I... I think there's something special about Serie."

His mother's eyes softened with understanding, and she reached out to squeeze his hand gently. "That's wonderful to hear, Baekhyun. We're glad you gave it a chance. Sometimes, the best things come when we least expect them."

His father agreed with a nod. "Just take your time. Stay patient , and let things happen naturally. Enjoy the journey of getting to know each other."

Baekhyun felt a sense of relief wash over him as his parents expressed their support and understanding. Their words gave him the confidence to embrace the budding connection he felt with Serie and to allow himself to be open to whatever the future held.

As they continued their breakfast, the atmosphere became lighter, filled with laughter and warmth. Baekhyun's heart brimmed with gratitude for his parents' understanding and for the opportunity they had given him to meet someone like Serie.

After a refreshing shower, Baekhyun slipped into a comfy black short and a white t-shirt. He felt at ease in his casual attire, perfect for a relaxed Sunday. Then he reached for his phone, which lay on the nightstand beside his bed, and checked the screen. Baekhyun’s heart skipped a beat as he saw Serie's reply to his late-night message. He couldn't help but smile. Carefully, he read her response.


"Hey Baekhyun, I'm so glad to hear from you. It truly was a wonderful evening. No need to apologize for the late message. I arrived home safely and had a restful night. I hope you did too. Thank you for checking in."

His smile widened, and a sense of warmth enveloped him. Then he grinning, typed out his message to Serie.


Hey Serie, Good morning! How are you feeling this morning?


Good morning Baekhyun! Feeling good, thanks for asking. How about you?


I'm feeling amazing now that I've got your attention 😉.


😂 Oh really? Well, I'm glad I could make your day.


Not just my day, you've turned me into a total night owl. I couldn't stop thinking about our date last night. 


Ha ha,Same here, Baekhyun😊. It was really nice getting to know you.


Likewise Serie, and I know we've only been on one date but I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out again next weekend? Maybe we can catch a movie or try a new restaurant?


That sounds great, Baekhyun! Let's make it happen.


Awesome, it's confirmed then. I'm really looking forward to it.


Me too, Baekhyun. I had a great time yesterday .


Definitely, me too. I'll text you the details for next weekend.


Sounds good, talk to you soon Baekhyun.


Take care, Serie. Talk to you soon.

The message conversation ended, both Baekhyun and Serie felt happy and excited. As Baekhyun went about his day, he couldn't help but think about her and how much he was enjoying getting to know her. He had a feeling that this was just the beginning of something great.

After their brief conversation, Baekhyun hit the gym to start his day with a good workout. He broke a sweat and challenged himself with various exercises, feeling the rush of endorphins and the satisfaction of pushing his limits.

In the afternoon, Baekhyun settled down at his desk to tackle some pending work. He focused on his tasks, responding to emails, organizing files, and determined to get stuff done.As the evening approached, Baekhyun decided to relax by watching a couple of movies. He grabbed a bowl of popcorn, sank into his favorite spot on the couch, and enjoyed the entertainment and laughter that the films brought.

Meanwhile, Serie embraced a calm and leisurely Sunday, taking time for self-care. She started her day with a hot cup of tea and enjoyed losing herself in a captivating book, allowing her imagination to wander.

In the afternoon, Serie was in the mood for some quality time with her camera. She headed outside and started clicking away, capturing the world's beauty through her lens and finding inspiration wherever she looked. Her photography skills were on point, and she got some killer shots that day.

As the evening descended, Serie cozied up on her sofa, engrossed in a captivating TV series. The characters and their stories provided an enjoyable escape, allowing her to unwind and get lost in the fictional world.

Both Baekhyun and Serie relished their relaxed Sundays, engaging in activities that brought them joy and helped them recharge. 

As the week progressed,their conversations deepened, Baekhyun and Serie found comfort and joy in their frequent chats and occasional phone calls. They shared the details of their days, exchanged good mornings and good nights, and gradually became more at ease with each other. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter, shared interests, and a growing connection.

Despite their growing fondness for each other, their busy schedules had prevented them from meeting in person. However, as the weekend approached, a glimmer of hope emerged, and the anticipation of finally meeting face-to-face stirred within them.

When they are talking on phone at Friday night,Baekhyun suggested that he would pick Seri up from her place. He wanted to make sure she was comfortable on her

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Hi!!!! I added a new chapter. It's just a fluffy one and hope you like it. Tell me what you think in the comments and upvote 🤗


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Chapter 17: Omo☺️ how lucky is serie,I wish I were in her shoe.
Chapter 17: Omo for real, i guess none can resisst sweet and lovely husband baek haha even shy and intovert serie ahhaha am loving this new serie! Thank you for the update authornim
Chapter 16: Omo 🥰why they are so adorable.
Done subscribe and upvote, will read later.
Chapter 16: It has been so long since you updated this but it's so cute I can't stop smiling while reading this. They're such an adorable couple ✨💕
Chapter 16: Finally you are back! I love the way they understand each other. They definitely make an ideal couple💛🧡
Chapter 16: Poor serie, but at least shes safe. Hihi the two is just in their early stage of wedding, its okay
Nlnz2016 #8
Chapter 16: Glad nothing bad happened to her.
745 streak #9
Chapter 15: They are so adorable, can’t wait to see what the parents have for them. 💖