Timeless Patience

WenRene's Timeless Tales of Romance
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Seungwan and Joohyun had been together for several years, and while their love was unwavering, there was one aspect of their relationship that remained a constant challenge—their differing approaches to time. Seungwan was notorious for running late, often getting lost in her music or being sidetracked by her spontaneous adventures. Joohyun, on the other hand, valued punctuality and appreciated the structure that a well-planned schedule provided.


It was a warm, sunny day when they had plans to visit a nearby botanical garden. Joohyun arrived at the designated meeting spot fifteen minutes early, her excitement evident as she carried a carefully packed picnic basket. She patiently waited, scrolling through her sketchbook while occasionally glancing at her watch.


As the minutes ticked by, Joohyun reminded herself that Seungwan's creative spirit was what she loved most about her. She had learned to accept this part of their relationship, although it didn't stop the occasional frustration from bubbling up.


Meanwhile, Seungwan was rushing to meet Joohyun, her guitar slung over her shoulder. She had been caught up in composing a new song and had lost track of time. Her heart raced as she navigated through the winding paths of the botanical garden, hoping to catch a glimpse of her patiently waiting partner.


Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Seungwan spotted Joohyun sitting beneath a blossoming tree. Her heart swelled with both guilt and admiration as she approached her patiently waiting partner.


"Hey, sorry I'm late," Seungwan said breathlessly, setting her guitar aside.


Joohyun smiled warmly, her understanding eyes meeting Seungwan's. "It's okay, I'm used to it," she replied, setting aside her sketchbook and welcoming Seungwan gently.


"I promise to make it up to you," Seungwan said, her voice sincere. "I know how much you value punctuality, and I admire that about you."


Joohyun reached for Seungwan's hand and squeezed it gently. "And I admire your spontaneity and how you immerse yourself in the moment," she said. "We balance each other out."


With those words, the tension melted away, and they spent the day strolling hand in hand through the colorful gardens. Joohyun captured the beauty of the flowers in her sketchbook, while Seungwan strummed her guitar, turning the day into an impromptu musical celebration.


As the sun began to set, they settled on a grassy knoll overlooking the horizon. Seungwan plucked at the strings of her guitar, filling the air with a soft melody. Joohyun couldn't help but sketch the peaceful scene before her—the setting sun, the trees swaying in the breeze, and the love in Seungwan's eyes.


As they sat there, Seungwan and Joohyun realized that the differences in their approach to time made their relationship so special. While Seungwan's spontaneity brought excitement

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Riscark #1
Chapter 18: soulmates always find each other, even on the 2nd try
chchcn #2
Chapter 17: All of this sweet wr in my sunday morning 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
1695 streak #3
Chapter 18: Long distance relationship really hard, only few really does make it.
Riscark #4
Chapter 16: Sometimes I read this type of story and thinking, how lucky of them 🥺
nicella #5
Chapter 16: Aaah this is so sweet 🥹
Chapter 3: thank you for these stories ◡̈
Riscark #7
Chapter 15: I love that this fic are a safe place for happy ending wenrene 🥺
110 streak #8
Chapter 15: i love this 🥹🥹🥹
Riscark #9
Chapter 14: Such a perfect way to celebrate wenrene day, happy wenrene day everyone
1695 streak #10
Chapter 13: Irl serendipity like this only happend 1/1000 chance but I love this