(re) commit

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A/N: Hello, I;m back. I was supposed to post this way earlier but I got busy. I hope this somehow soothes your longing for wenrene as it helped with mine. ADVANCE HAPPY WENRENE DAY! Hope you all enjoy this brain fart 🩵🩷 'Til next time (maybe?)! 😉


“You know, I wasn’t expecting you to run to me then,” Seungwan murmured but just enough for Joohyun to hear. The leader just gave her a soft smile, but still made no move to go near the main vocalist. Seungwan fidgeted with her hands as her eyes darted everywhere, desperate for any movement from the woman she loves. When she spotted none, she sighed deeply. She longingly stared at the base of Joohyun’s feet as she couldn’t bring herself to see the pain and hurt that she was sure were still reflected in them. It was all she could see for the past few days and it broke her. Pain and hurt which I caused, Wendy thought ruefully. She shuffled her feet and turned around to leave when Irene cleared .


“Is that why you were looking in my direction before I even came running?”


Seungwan turned around so fast that she had to clutch the edge of the nearby table to steady herself. The quiet chuckle she heard because of that made her want to repeat her previous action as many times as possible, no matter if it made her incredibly dizzy in the end. The stress and anxiety of not being on good terms with her lover bubbled to the surface and before she knew it, her lips quivered and tears flowed down her cheeks. No no no! I can’t cry in front of her, Seungwan thought. And unluckily, it made the main vocalist cry even more. 


Joohyun, who watched it unfold, was stunned. None of them ever saw Seungwan cry like this. To them, Seungwan was and always will be the epitome of sunshine, their happy pill. Her happy pill. The sniffles turned into sobs and it brought Irene back to the present. She rushed to Seungwan’s side and hugged her, letting the latter rest her head on her shoulder. Joohyun could feel her shirt starting to get wet, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. The leader rubbed a soothing pattern on Seungwan’s back and whispered, “Everything is okay, Wan. We’re okay.” She repeated it like a mantra, willing the younger one to believe it as much as she did. 


“N-nooo, it’s not,” Seungwan managed to let out as her voice trembled and ended in a pout. “I-I-I’m soooo sorry, Hyun!” The sobs turned into wails and Joohyun panicked. She quickened the pace of her rubbing. She didn’t know how long it took but Seungwan’s breathing is finally starting to even out. Joohyun felt Seungwan’s hands on her shoulders as the latter pulled back and displayed an even more apologetic face, if that was even possible.


“I’m sorry for ruining your shirt and for…” Wendy trailed, and stared at the floor as she wrung her fingers, “I’m sorry for calling you ‘Hyun’...” She gathered her courage and looked at Joohyun who was sporting an expression that was a cross between confusion and hurt. “I didn’t mean it that way!” Seungwan frantically waved her hands around and raked her hair to try and explain properly, and after battling with herself on how best to express what she was feeling, she came up with, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to call you that, not after what happened.” Seungwan’s lips jutted out and Joohyun couldn’t help but find it cute. Before she could answer, she saw Seungwan widen her eyes and pull her hand that somehow landed on Joohyun’s forearm. The main vocalist also staggered backward and out of Joohyun’s personal space.


“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to touch you without consent!”


As her head was down, Seungwan didn’t catch Joohyun’s eyes looking at her so softly and packed with all the love she could muster out of her small body to the woman in front of her. 


“Wan-ah, I was the one who hugged you first, remember?” Joohyun answered in a gentle tone.


“I-Yeah, but that’s different,” Seungwan answered as her eyes briefly met Joohyun’s before reverting to her fingers. The leader didn’t miss the flushed cheeks of her beloved which made her even more adorable in her eyes. Son Seungwan, what have you done to me? She shook her head and chuckled which made Seungwan frown and eye her warily. 




“Ah I’m sorry, Wan-ah. I was just thinking of something.”


“What is it?” Seungwan asked before she could stop herself and hastily added, “Never mind. I’m sorry.” Seungwan, really. She hasn’t even forgiven you yet. 


“Well, if you must know, I was thinking of how cute you are and how much I love you.”


Seungwan’s head snapped up faster than one can say hi, “Huh?” She stared blankly and unblinking at her unnie, “What did you say, unnie?” Her head spun, dried up and all the words she thought of saying were all but forgotten at the unexpected confession from her lovely unnie. 


Joohyun didn’t answer and instead moved closer and cupped the fluffy cheeks of Seungwan, forcing her to look into her eyes. 


“I said, I love you, Wan-ah and that’s never going to change,” Joohyun repeated and Seungwan wanted to cry at the sincerity and conviction she felt from Joohyun. The older woman was also looking at her like she was the only one who mattered, like she was the only one her eyes would never get tired of staring at and having felt that, despite everything that happened recently was enough for Seungwan’s lips to quiver again. 


“Unnieeeee,” Seungwan whined and pouted. Joohyun smiled and wiped the tears before they fell. 


“Wannie, stop crying,” Joohyun playfully glared at Seungwan who flashed a watery smile.


“Sorry, I can’t help it.”


“Hey, I’m not gonna keep wiping the snot off of your irresistible face,” Joohyun teased. 

Seungwan couldn’t help but let out a snort. Joohyun brought down her arms and circled them around the younger woman’s waist, pulling them impossibly closer together. She watched the love of her life take deep, irregular breaths. Seungwan’s hot breath hit her face in intervals causing delicious tingles to Joohyun’s body. She mentally berated her body for betraying her, but she couldn’t entirely help it when just being in the vicinity of her beloved enveloped her in a shroud of warmth, love and acceptance. Never did she feel more loved or taken care of by anyone outside of her family until Seungwan came along. Her Seungwan. She smiled and studied Seungwan for a moment before reluctantly pulling away to give the latter space.


“Now, can you tell me why you rejected me all those times?” Joohyun asked with a hint of tease in her voice. She struggled not to kiss away the pout that was growing more prominent on Seungwan’s face. With a deep sigh, Seungwan recalled the events that led up to what their fans called, “Cold War 2.”




It’s only a few days before Red Velvet is set to leave for Europe and the girls are feeling a mixture of apprehension and excitement at the prospect of seeing their fans that far away from home. They are currently at the company, having just finished going over their schedules for the last time to make sure everyone is on the same page. 


“What if nobody shows up?” Irene asks in a small voice that makes Wendy  immediately look at her in concern.


“That’s not possible, is it?” Seulgi answers as her eyes dart to Wendy who turns to look at her before looking back at Irene who seems to shrink further into her seat. 


“Unnies! What’s wrong with you? Of course we have fans over there, and they will show up!” Joy’s voice floats from the iPad speakers and makes Irene jump a little. Wendy rubs the leader’s back to calm her down and the latter shoots her a grateful smile.


“Well, I’m glad to see that some things are still the same,” Yeri chuckles at Joy’s obvious jab while the couple look elsewhere, with pink dusting their cheeks. Wendy recovered first and moved the iPad to face Yeri instead.


“Hey!” Joy protests.


“Do you really think that, Sooyoung-ah?” Irene asks, her voice uncertain and lacking its usual confidence. Wendy’s frown got deeper. Wendy’s hands made their way between the narrow space between her and Irene and stopped when she reached the soft, baby-like hands. She squeezed them and tapped the back of the leader’s hand three times before settling on rubbing it with her thumb. Wendy heaves a sigh of relief as she feels tension leaving the body of the best woman of the generation. And in any generation, she mentally adds. 


“Wendy unnie, your face is weird. Are you thinking of something inappropriate?” Yeri teased. 


“Yah! Kim Yerim!”


Wendy’s cheeks flare up and Seulgi gives the couple a teasing smile. Irene giggles and that effectively stops Wendy from nagging Yeri. She turns to look at their leader and sees the corner of the latter’s eyes crinkle, her forefinger resting just below her nose. Wendy holds her breath at the breathtaking view in front of her and everything else fades into the background. Unconsciously, a smile graces her features as she continues to stare at the most beautiful art she knows she will ever lay her eyes on. 


“Going, going, and she’s gone!” Yeri shouts which startles the couple and causes her to receive a glare from Wendy. Irene sports a shy smile as she squeezes her lover’s hand. With one last glare to Yeri, she turns back to look at Irene. She’s whipped, she knows that and is proud of it. There’s really no getting out of the lovely trap she finds herself in, nor does she ever want to. There’s no limit to what she would do to make Irene smile and be happy and she’d gladly do so for as long as the latter will have her. Overwhelmed by emotions and because it’s been on her mind for a long time, she decides to surprise her lover during their Europe trip. 


She’s mentally listing down the things she needs to do when Joy’s boisterous laughter fills the room and Wendy faintly hears her say something along the lines of “just like old times” and the thought makes her smile. Indeed. Nothing has changed yet everything has changed. 


Wendy has been buzzing with excitement from the moment they arrived in Paris CDG. She scrolls through her calendar and the email exchanges of the person she’s meeting soon. Irene frowns at Wendy as she notices the latter has been on her phone more often than before and she even saw emails from someone called “Marie.” She knows Wendy will never cheat on her, but she can’t help but feel frustrated that she doesn’t have Wendy’s full attention when they’re supposed to be spending time together.  


Irene glares at the arm rest between them and removes it. She links her arms with Wendy and glues herself to the latter’s side, removing any distance between their two bodies. Wendy just smiles at her girlfriend as she rests her hand on the one on her forearm and absentmindedly rubs it. The younger woman wiggles then, her brows knit in concentration to find a more comfortable angle, completely missing the soft smile that Irene gives her. 


Wendy hops more than steps out of the van to Irene’s dismay but any negative thought is quickly dispelled as the main vocalist extends her right hand in front of her with that trademark greasy smile. 


“My lady,” Wendy enunciates and makes a bowing gesture with her left hand. Irene swats the offered hand playfully and laughs loudly which jolts the sleeping Seulgi from her seat. With pink dusting her cheeks, she slides her hand onto a familiar one and lets herself be guided down by the one person she will ever allow to do so. Wendy intertwines their fingers briefly before releasing her hand and giving her an apologetic smile. Irene shakes her head and smiles as she sees the numerous flashes and eyes watching and analyzing their every move. 


What Irene envisioned when they were told they would have a Europe tour was that she’ll get to spend more time with Wendy. She was sure that her younger lover would jump at any opportunity to spend more time with her but looking at Wendy typing furiously at her phone now, she has a feeling that it will not be the case and she can’t help the ugly feeling of insecurity and jealousy creeping up and leaving a b

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 2: I am screaming aaaayeeeeeeeeee
baejoonism #2
Chapter 2: Glad that cw 2.0 didnt happen for too long hehe theyre adorable. Thank you for the fluff!!
Chapter 2: Thanks for the fluff!
1690 streak #4
Chapter 1: Cute! Thank you for fluff
Chapter 1: Give me all the fluffffff!
Chapter 1: Woah! fluff on wenrene day? It's rare and thank you for contributing to the fluff nation. I think mahal na kita, charaught
morphine007 #7
Chapter 1: fluffyyyyy love it!
zzzzzzz1 #8
Chapter 1: So cute 🤧 thank you so mucho for this.
Chapter 1: so good so good 😍😍
baejoonism #10
Chapter 1: Aww love it so cuteee 🥹