31. Rushed



We approached the house and saw Woohyun waiting in the doorway for us to return.


He didn't look angry, but he didn't seem too happy either.


"He was just really worried about you." Dongwoo said.


"He also hopes that you won't change your mind about helping him get out of the marriage. He knows that you have feelings for him, but this life is dangerous." Myungsoo added.


We stopped in front of Woohyun as Dongwoo eased me off his back, leaving the two of us in front of the house.


"Hi." I said softly.


I felt Woohyun's eyes roam my body for any scratches or injuries. But the injuries weren't physical. The moment Dongwoo left, the feelings of disgust and anxiety came back and I couldn't control them.


Looking down, I tried my best to do as Dongwoo said and force them away, until Woohyun's strong arms wrapped around me.


Then I began to feel calm again. This would not be an easily fixed situation.


But none of this really was easily fixed to begin with.


"I'm sorry that happened." Woohyun whispered.


"It's not your fault." I told him, "We knew they would hide out in the bathroom for me."


"We should have guessed that." He argued.


I looked up at him, "There was no way you would be able to guess they would stake out a bathroom for me." I said firmly. "So stop worrying about it. Besides, Myungsoo said I'll be yours soon?"


Woohyun gave me a sad smile, "Tomorrow." He said.


"Well, then I need to pick a dress?" I asked.


"Nope, Sungjong picked it out for you while you were getting ice cream. Actually, he had planned this dress for a while. He was just waiting for the time to come." Woohyun explained.


"Can I see it?" I asked him.


"Of course you can." Sungjong said excitedly as if he was waiting behind the door for me to ask that very question.


Woohyun let Sungjong take my hand and lead me away. "Don't get overexcited, Sungjong I need her to be coherent for tomorrow." He warned before I saw him walk into the kitchen.


"Well, this dress it's a Vera Wang and I saw it online and I knew from the first day that you agreed to help Woohyun hyung that we were going to use it for you. We can curl your hair and it'll fit nicely, perfectly even." Sungjong squealed in excitement.


"I feel like if you had a daughter, Sungjong, that you would be more excited over her clothes then your wife." I told him.


"I already know that and I have accepted it a long time ago." Sungjong acknowledged.


We walked into Sungjong's room which was yellow and saw a white garment bag hanging from the top of the closet.


"Is that it?" I asked.


"Yup. Ready to see it?" He asked, holding the zipper waiting for my answer.


"Of course I am." I said and Sungjong ped the bag, revealing the dress and my jaw dropped. [The one in the middle]


"Right? Good, right?" He said excitedly.


"It's perfect." I told him.


"Well, you should get some sleep for tomorrow. You are saying your vows with Woohyun tomorrow in the afternoon in the backyard." Sungjong said, leading me out of his room.


"You already picked everything out?" I asked him.


"Do you really think I would do a half-assed job?" He said with a look on his face.


It made me laugh, "Of course not, Sungjong. I was just wondering." I said.


"Yes, I have already picked out everything. Now, eat, I can hear stomach growling." He pushed me into the kitchen where Woohyun was waiting for me with a plate of food.


"Eat first, then you can sleep and get ready for tomorrow." Woohyun told me.


"I will. And you know Woohyun oppa?" I asked.


"Yes, princess?" He turned to me.


Giving him a peck and running away, I said, "I love you."


Author's Note:

Update :)

I will try get another one done today~

Because I already wrote most of chapter 33 a long time ago.

So yeah~

Look forward :)


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Visus: If everyone could help me out on my homework for class, I'll love you guys forever:3 It's my most recent blog post please and thank you~


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Chapter 51: I would say this story is alright. Well, I do feel interesting but somehow it was rather dull in my opinion. Please don't take this as offensive. >.< First, is the lack of chemistry between the two main characters. In which, the female character didn't have a distinct personality or should I say that a certain characteristics. Like I don't know if she was a sweet type or anything but what I knew is that she was a kind girl. :) That's all. And I couldn't feel the tension when there were actions or hell broke lose. Writing about the kidnapping consecutively is rather I don't know...It was somehow careless for them not very attentive to protect her. The lesson from the first event should be learned. But hey, it's your story. You can do whatever you want. xD I'm just stating my opinion. Also, I would love to see the interaction between other characters more deeply. Like give a lil bit of montage of their bonding especially between two protagonist. Yes, I know when people face dangers or been through hell together. They easily fall in love within a short time because they trust each other. I can see that but I want more. Your genre already stated a romance, so show more romance between them despite everything happen to them. And the drama, not so much expressed in here. I think but hey maybe because the chapters were too short and it seems rush. It's okay, you will improve and become better. I'm sure of it. :D Sorry, if it seems harsh to you but I don't have any intention but try to help you. ^.^v Anyway, love your story! ♥
Chapter 50: daaaaaamn three days? lol
elfcassopeia #3
Chapter 51: A lot of thought has been put into this story to make it work abd the plot is pretty unique too! Definitely a great read, over and over again.
Chapter 50: Aw man. That's like so sweet ;; great job!
Chapter 50: Aw man. That's like so sweet ;; great job!
Chapter 49: Awwww dayuuuum woohyun. Just dayum.
Chapter 34: My cheeks are burning gaaaaaaaaah
Chapter 33: Uuuuuuuuuuu >///<
Chapter 32: That was.... Erm eue
Chapter 27: i would say that is a simple kiss and beetles in the tummy OuO