28. Trapped



"Well, well, look what we caught here." An overly cute voice cooed behind me.


I turned to see who it was and I recognized that girl from the movies with her posse.


"The princess is finally alone." Hara said before crossing her arms over her chest.


"Never been a problem before." I told her, moving to side step them but the red haired one stood in my way.


"You are not getting out of here." She said and I recognized the sugary sweet voice from earlier.


"Right? Because you can hold me here." I rolled my eyes.


"You're right. We probably can't but they can." Hara snapped her fingers as 4minute and Beast wandered into the bathroom.


"Umm.. You do know this is the women's right?" I said, trying to keep my cool. This would definitely be a problem, I was outnumbered and Hoya oppa and Dongwoo oppa had no chance of getting me out of this one.


I tried to remember everything Myungsoo taught me since Hyuna was around and sent a message to Woohyun.


Oppa, 4minute, KARA, and Beast cornered me in the women's bathroom.


"Let's go." Hyuna rolled her eyes at me, as Kikwang and Hyunseung grabbed my arms mindlessly and dragged me out.


I guess my shielding worked since Hyuna wasn't freaking out about Woohyun knowing where I was. Or she frankly didn't care.


I caught eyes with Dongwoo oppa but one of the other werewolves stopped him from reaching me.


They took me to what I assumed was Hyuna's house, with the orange outside and discarded pieces of fabric scattered around the house.


"Still can't believe your house is nicer than ours." Hara nudged Hyuna.


"We like to clean." Hyuna hit her back with a smile on her face.


The two of them me as I was placed on the couch still between the two mindless boys. It was strange, you would think boys would talk, but they didn't.


"That's because I made them that way. Duhh... Spells, I'm a siren remember?" Hyuna said sarcastically.


"Let's just get this over with," The girl with somewhat blonde hair and blue eyes from Hara's group glared at me as well.


"Fine, Gyuri unni." Hyuna emphasized her words harshly, "Take her." She commanded as Kikwang and Hyunseung dragged me away.


God knows where they were taking me. But it was up the carpeted stairs that had lots of underwear strewn on the steps.


"Take care of the problem." Hyuna said as the boys nodded and dragged me along.


"Umm.. Excuse me where are we going?" I asked them and they didn't answer but they just grunted.


I saw a few of the others at the top of the stairs but I didn't know who they were, but they joined this drag-me-along-to-wherever game and lifted up my legs, as they carried me to what I finally realized was a bedroom.


"Yah! Let me go! This isn't the way to do this!" I struggled against them, but who knew that the werewolves were hiding muscles underneath their shirts. I swear I hit at least 3 walls of hard abs when I struggled.


"Teach the princess not to mess with power." I heard Hyuna say from the door, before it closed and I heard the lock click.


All six boys towered over me, as I was thrown onto the bed and my limbs being held down by four of them.


Kikwang was standing at the end, getting rid of his clothes. 


I knew this was bound to happen one day, stupid story being told all wrong.


"Stop it! Please! Stop!" I shouted and wiggled trying to free myself but it wasn't working.


Kikwang was down to his boxers before he hovered over me with his lifeless eyes.


"Stop it!" I screamed as I felt his hands crawl up my shirt. This was not how I wanted this to happen.


"Stop! WOOHYUN!" I felt myself shout as his hands gotten closer and closer to the destination in his head. Closing my eyes, feeling tears escape and wanting to be anywhere else, I just prayed.


For someone. Anyone. To help me out of the situation. 6 mind-controlled werewolves were too difficult to deal with for a human like me.


"Touch her again and you're dead."


Author's Note:

Woot! Update! <3

I should try for more tomorrow ;D

Trying to get as far as possible before friday ;D


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Visus: If everyone could help me out on my homework for class, I'll love you guys forever:3 It's my most recent blog post please and thank you~


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Chapter 51: I would say this story is alright. Well, I do feel interesting but somehow it was rather dull in my opinion. Please don't take this as offensive. >.< First, is the lack of chemistry between the two main characters. In which, the female character didn't have a distinct personality or should I say that a certain characteristics. Like I don't know if she was a sweet type or anything but what I knew is that she was a kind girl. :) That's all. And I couldn't feel the tension when there were actions or hell broke lose. Writing about the kidnapping consecutively is rather I don't know...It was somehow careless for them not very attentive to protect her. The lesson from the first event should be learned. But hey, it's your story. You can do whatever you want. xD I'm just stating my opinion. Also, I would love to see the interaction between other characters more deeply. Like give a lil bit of montage of their bonding especially between two protagonist. Yes, I know when people face dangers or been through hell together. They easily fall in love within a short time because they trust each other. I can see that but I want more. Your genre already stated a romance, so show more romance between them despite everything happen to them. And the drama, not so much expressed in here. I think but hey maybe because the chapters were too short and it seems rush. It's okay, you will improve and become better. I'm sure of it. :D Sorry, if it seems harsh to you but I don't have any intention but try to help you. ^.^v Anyway, love your story! ♥
Chapter 50: daaaaaamn three days? lol
elfcassopeia #3
Chapter 51: A lot of thought has been put into this story to make it work abd the plot is pretty unique too! Definitely a great read, over and over again.
Chapter 50: Aw man. That's like so sweet ;; great job!
Chapter 50: Aw man. That's like so sweet ;; great job!
Chapter 49: Awwww dayuuuum woohyun. Just dayum.
Chapter 34: My cheeks are burning gaaaaaaaaah
Chapter 33: Uuuuuuuuuuu >///<
Chapter 32: That was.... Erm eue
Chapter 27: i would say that is a simple kiss and beetles in the tummy OuO