26. Date Night



I got dressed warmly, it was cold out at night, and I didn't want to give Woohyun an excuse to test out my theory of one simple kiss.


"Well, hello there." He said as I walked out of the room all dressed. "Ready to go?" He asked.


"Yes, but where are we going?" I asked him.


"Surprise. But not really. Do you want to watch a movie? Or do you want to do something else?" He asked back.


"Umm... A movie is fine. There's actually one that I want to watch." I told him.


"Oh, really? What is it?" He asked.


"The Avengers." I replied.


"An action movie. I was praying that you weren't going to say Lucky One." Woohyun said.


"Why would I want to watch that? That's too cheesy for me. I like romantic stuff but that's just over the top. I can't handle it, it makes me want to puke." I said.


"Really? Woo! My princess is perfect!" Woohyun cheered and made a heart for me.


"You're just lucky, that's all." I shook my head at him.


"Keep telling yourself that. I just know that we were meant to be together." Woohyun dismissed my remark with one of his own, "Besides, who else would you trust to take you out on a date?"


"Sunggyu oppa." I answered cheekily.


"Yah! You're my princess!" Woohyun said indignantly.


"Well, Sunggyu oppa is nice. I would trust him. You asked who I would trust. I trust you but I also trust Sunggyu oppa. I feel like he would take care of me like family." I told him.


"You hurt me." Woohyun feigned pain.


"Are you saying you don't want me to trust Sunggyu oppa?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


"No, there was no need to trick me like that!" He said.


We bought the tickets and walked inside the movie theatre, "Popcorn?" He asked me.


"No thank you. I'm perfectly fine." I answered.


"Great, let's go get seats." He said, leading the way towards theatre #3, before a wall of four stood in front of us.


"So this is the great princess." The orange haired girl said unamused.


"She doesn't look like much." The other girl with her hair in a ponytail said.


"I don't know she looks appetizing." One of the boys eyed me up and down before smirking.


"Watch it Seung, Woohyun looks like he might blow." The other boy who was wearing sunglasses even though we were indoors said.


"Go away." Woohyun said through gritted teeth, he moved me behind him and I wrapped my arms around his waist, not being told to, but knowing that I should.


"Ooh. I'm so scared Woohyun, you forget that I also know what you're thinking." The orange haired girl cackled.


"Hyuna, shut up and lead your posse away." Woohyun said threateningly.


"Whatever, we will have more fun with the princess later anyway." Hyuna said, popping her gum in .


Woohyun relaxed his position once he saw they were directly outside.


For fun, I decided to send Hyuna an image of what I imagine was that boy they called Seung . Even with the distance, I could see her face turn bright red at my image.


"That was good, jagiya." Woohyun said.


"You saw that?" I asked him.


"Of course I did. Your mind is so easy to reach, you really should learn shielding from Myungsoo." Woohyun said firmly.


"I know I do. Now, time for The Avengers?" I asked him.


"Time for The Avengers." He smiled at me as we walked inside the theatre.


Author's Note:

Update~! Woot :) Going for some daily updates! :)

Moving along to spam Limitless as well.

My OCD disallows me from leaving that one for too long. :)


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Visus: If everyone could help me out on my homework for class, I'll love you guys forever:3 It's my most recent blog post please and thank you~


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Chapter 51: I would say this story is alright. Well, I do feel interesting but somehow it was rather dull in my opinion. Please don't take this as offensive. >.< First, is the lack of chemistry between the two main characters. In which, the female character didn't have a distinct personality or should I say that a certain characteristics. Like I don't know if she was a sweet type or anything but what I knew is that she was a kind girl. :) That's all. And I couldn't feel the tension when there were actions or hell broke lose. Writing about the kidnapping consecutively is rather I don't know...It was somehow careless for them not very attentive to protect her. The lesson from the first event should be learned. But hey, it's your story. You can do whatever you want. xD I'm just stating my opinion. Also, I would love to see the interaction between other characters more deeply. Like give a lil bit of montage of their bonding especially between two protagonist. Yes, I know when people face dangers or been through hell together. They easily fall in love within a short time because they trust each other. I can see that but I want more. Your genre already stated a romance, so show more romance between them despite everything happen to them. And the drama, not so much expressed in here. I think but hey maybe because the chapters were too short and it seems rush. It's okay, you will improve and become better. I'm sure of it. :D Sorry, if it seems harsh to you but I don't have any intention but try to help you. ^.^v Anyway, love your story! ♥
Chapter 50: daaaaaamn three days? lol
elfcassopeia #3
Chapter 51: A lot of thought has been put into this story to make it work abd the plot is pretty unique too! Definitely a great read, over and over again.
Chapter 50: Aw man. That's like so sweet ;; great job!
Chapter 50: Aw man. That's like so sweet ;; great job!
Chapter 49: Awwww dayuuuum woohyun. Just dayum.
Chapter 34: My cheeks are burning gaaaaaaaaah
Chapter 33: Uuuuuuuuuuu >///<
Chapter 32: That was.... Erm eue
Chapter 27: i would say that is a simple kiss and beetles in the tummy OuO