Wow...Fantastic Baby RULES~! 8D

Wow...Fantastic Baby Roleplay (CLOSED)




1.    NO Bashing other characters will be tolerated.

2.  NO Kids, except for adopting other Idols. AKA no pregnancy or playacting Kids! 

3.   If you have a complaint or and issue with another Role-player please contact the Admins FIRST! We will deal with it as we see fit.

4.  Only add Idols that have been approved by the Admins. (AKA in our friends list)

5.  absolutely must be in private Message.

6.  is in no circumstance allowed. Please don’t Joke or throw the word around, it’s not in any way funny.

7.   Cursing is to be kept to a minimum.

8.  Killing is not allowed. fighting (as in, punching, kicking something that will make huge drama) if only to occur if both partys agree.

9.  Out Of Character (ooc) is to be kept to a minimum.  Also if talking in ooc please use [[ ]] <-- or (( )) <--  because we are sick of getting RP and RL mixed up. 

10 .If you are going on a hiatus, please notify an admin or your character may be given away.

11. If you are would like to make an extra group, you must have an admins permission. [(This is strictly so that we know what groups exist) If you don't ask I assure you, WE will find out, we have our ways ;) ]

12. You must be on AT LEAST four times a week.

13. You are only allowed to have ONE account per person.

14. We will have a mark system, break one of the above rules and you will be given a mark. Every time you receive a mark you will get a warning from our admin TOP, if you reach FIVE marks you will be kicked out of the roleplay and not allowed back.

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My account got security check, I don't know what to do ;AAA;
kathrinaaa13 #2
Can i be YoonA?
111092 #3

A-Pink's Eunji~ :3
NovenTaem #4!/profile.php?id=100003686525137

T-ARA's Park Jiyeon~ <3
babycupid #5
Park Bom is here <3 ~
babycupid #6
Can I be Park Bom...please? ^^
Thank you.... <3

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:
NovenTaem #7
Can I be T-ARA'S Jiyeon?
111092 #8
harro! Can I be APink's eunji? :3 pleaseuuuu?
aikaharai #9
FallenAngell #10