Légère Comme Une Plume "Feather Light"


In the end, who can you trust besides yourself?

I hat school. I feel like there's something more important that I need to be doing. I go through every day of my life knowing that I am different. Thats the difference between me and everyone else. 

I know that I am different. They spend their lives hoping that they are different. I have friends and live a pretty normal life. But I also know that something is going to happen. I dont know where or when, but it WILL happen.

Right now I live in Paris. It's really nice here. One reason I know that I am special, is because I can speak every language. I dont need to study or read. I just know them. It all looks the same to me. But I can tell them apart. I just know. As simple as breathing.

I like to think that my mother language is Korean. I was adopted by this lovely family in Seoul. My biological parents "had me when they were young". I can only remember back to last year. Some one left me. On purpose. And I'm not who everyone thinks I am.




"She's so wierd though. Dont get me wrong, I know that it's still her, and I love her. I will marry her. But she was never this wierd. The other girl is trying to get out. We have to save her fast." Eli said to himself.

She was modeling in Paris. She is majoring in design. I probably should just leave her.  She's happy.

But, she knows that she is different. She has to know the whole story.

Before someone gets hurt. 



Okay, so that was the first chaper.

The second one is longer. I at writing stories TT~TT

I hope that it gets better. I like the storyline, which is why im going to try and stick to this.

Wish me luck?


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