Fallin' in love [CURRENTLY EDITING]

Days turned into a weeks, and Minjeong's health continued to improve with each passing day. She threw herself back into her training regimen with renewed vigor, determined to regain her strength and prove her resilience. Her body grew stronger, her movements more fluid, as she pushed herself to new limits.


Jimin, on the other hand, couldn't shake off the lingering worry that had settled in her chest. She had grown accustomed to keeping a watchful eye on Minjeong, always concerned for her safety. The memory of Minjeong's injuries haunted her, and the thought of something happening to her again made her heart race with anxiety.


One day, after Minjeong's training, Jimin asked if she could accompany her back to her chamber. "Just to make sure you're alright," she said, her voice tinged with genuine concern.

Minjeong could see through Jimin's intentions. She understood that her friend was worried and wanted to watch over her, but she couldn't let that happen. She needed to show Jimin that she was strong enough to take care of herself. After all, she was a knight, trained to face any challenge that came her way.


"I appreciate your concern, Princess Jimin," Minjeong said, her voice gentle. "But I'll be fine. You don't have to watch over me all the time."

Jimin opened to protest, but Minjeong raised her hand, signaling her to stop. "I know you mean well, but I can't let you keep doing this. I need to be able to stand on my own two feet, especially if I'm going to be the commander of the army."

A sigh escaped Jimin's lips. She knew Minjeong was right, and she couldn't keep treating her like a fragile flower, even though that's how she felt about her. "Alright," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "But promise me you'll be careful."

A soft smile curved Minjeong's lips as she looked into Jimin's eyes. "I already did promise," she said, her voice warm. "Now, go back to your chamber and rest. You worry me when you stay and walk around this place."

Jimin nodded reluctantly, her worry still lingering in her gaze. "Alright, take care," she replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of longing. "Please visit me?"


A funny spark danced in Minjeong's eyes as a playful smile curved her lips. "I'll try," she teased, a certain undertone present in her words. "You can come by my room later in the night. That is if I finish my training by sundown."


Jimin's cheeks flushed slightly, her heart quickening its pace. She met Minjeong's gaze. "I'll be there," she whispered, her voice carrying a soft undertone that only Minjeong could detect.


With a confident smirk, Minjeong leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a low, teasing murmur. "I'll see you then, Princes." Minjeong couldn't help but feel a sense of smugness wash over her, knowing that no one else could talk to Jimin in such a playful and intimate manner. She reveled in the knowledge that she could elicit this response from the princess, that she held a special place in Jimin's world. 


When the time arrived, Jimin stealthily made her way to Minjeong's chamber, having managed to slip away from her own quarters undetected. When she reached the entrance, she found it closed, a silent barrier between her and the person she longed to see the most in the world right now. 


Jimin raised her hand, hesitating for a moment before lightly tapping on the door, hoping to announce her presence without causing a disturbance. The sound echoed softly in the hallway, but there was no response from within. She pressed her ear against the door, straining to catch any hint of movement or sound, but all she was met with was an eerie silence.


Growing increasingly concerned, Jimin's frown deepened, and she mustered the courage to knock again, this time with a touch more force, hoping that Minjeong would hear her and open the door. Yet, once again, her efforts were met with nothing but silence. The absence of a response sent a surge of worry coursing through her veins, filling her heart with anxiety.


Jimin pushed the door open, her heart pounding in her chest. The sight that greeted her dispelled the shadows of fear that had clouded her mind. There, by the window, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, sat Minjeong, her expression calm and serene. It was as if the worries that plagued Jimin's thoughts had melted away in an instant.


Relief flooded through Jimin, washing away the lingering anxiety that had gripped her. She approached Minjeong, a soft smile gracing her lips, as she called out her name, her voice laced with a touch of affection. "Minjeong, I was so worried."


Minjeong turned to face Jimin, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I'm fine, Princess," she reassured, her voice carrying a soothing melody. "I just wanted to take a moment to watch the sunset, to let its beauty fill my soul."


Jimin couldn't help but release a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, her worry dissolving into pure relief. With a tender gaze, she took in Minjeong's healthy appearance. "Just glad you're okay," Jimin admitted softly. She reached out, her fingers grazing Minjeong's hand. 


A musical chuckle escaped Minjeong's lips, the sound like a gentle melody that danced through the air. "I told you I was fine, didn't I?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with playful mirth.


Jimin leaned closer, their faces inches apart, her voice barely a whisper. "I know, but it's hard not to worry when you mean so much to me," she confessed, her words carrying the weight of her feelings. Minjeong then swiftly and gently slung her arm around Jimin's shoulder, drawing her closer in a comforting embrace. Their bodies molded together, sharing the warmth and closeness.


With their eyes still fixed on the fading sun, its soft glow casting a gentle radiance upon their entwined figures, Minjeong leaned her head against Jimin's, her voice a mere breath against her ear. "And you mean everything to me, Jimin," she whispered. 


They remained silent, their hearts beating in unison. They watched the sun's descent below the horizon, basking in the serenity and beauty of the scene before them. The colors of the sky shifted from hues of orange and pink to deeper shades of purples and blues, painting a breathtaking canvas above.


Lost in the beauty of the moment, Jimin tightened her embrace around Minjeong, cherishing the ethereal view before them. 


Suddenly breaking the silence, Jimin speaks up, her voice filled with a touch of hesitance. "Listen, Minjeong, I know you don't need my help anymore, but..." Her words trailed off, and a faint blush tinged her cheeks, betraying her vulnerability.


Curiosity sparkled in Minjeong's eyes as she tilted her head to the side, waiting for Jimin to continue. "But what?" she prompted gently.

Jimin took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "But, it's been really lonely in my chamber without you eber since you moved out," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I miss having someone to talk to, someone to share the quiet moments with."

Minjeong's eyes widened in surprise, but a soft chuckle escaped her lips. "Should I get hurt again so you can have someone to keep you company?" she teased.

Jimin rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "No, that's not what I meant," she retorted, feigning exasperation. "I just...I miss having someone to hug, to feel that sense of closeness like we used to."

Minjeong's teasing expression softened into a tender smile, and she placed a gentle hand on Jimin's arm, her touch conveying a sense of reassurance. "I understand, Jimin. But you don't have to feel lonely," she reassured. "You have your duties as a princess, and I have mine as a knight. We'll always be there for each other, even if we're not sleeping in the same chamber. Besides, we're hugging right now, aren't we?" Her voice carried a hint of playfulness, adding a touch of lightness to the moment.


Jimin nodded, feeling comforted by Minjeong's words. She couldn't help but notice the way Minjeong's embrace felt. It was warm and encompassing, her arms encircling Jimin's waist with a tender strength. Her body pressed gently against Jimin's, their closeness sending a shiver down her spine. She could feel the steady rise and fall of Minjeong's chest against her own, synchronizing their breaths in a quiet rhythm. The softness of Minjeong's touch, like a gentle caress, sent a wave of warmth coursing through Jimin's body. 


Her senses heightened, Jimin became acutely aware of the delicate scent that clung to Minjeong's skin—a hint of earthy musk with a touch of sweetness. It was a fragrance that had become familiar to her over time, intertwined with memories of shared laughter and heartfelt conversations.


In that moment, Jimin allowed herself to sink into the embrace, reveling in the closeness of it all. She leaned into Minjeong, her head finding a natural place against her knight's shoulder, their bodies fitting together with a comfortable ease. 

Jimin nodded, her worries slowly dissipating as Minjeong's words settled in her heart. "I know you're right," she admitted, a wistful smile gracing her lips. "But still, it was nice while it lasted. Those quiet moments we shared meant a lot to me."

Minjeong smiled back, and the two friends shared a brief hug. "Don't worry, Jimin. We'll always be close, no matter what," she said, before releasing her embrace. "And tell you what, whenever you need an escape, my room is always available for you. It can be our secret sanctuary, a place where you can find peace and respite."


"Thank you, Minjeong. Your room as our secret sanctuary... It sounds like a haven I can cherish It's like having our own little world, just for the two of us." Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, a silent promise of countless memories yet to be made within those sacred walls.

Jimin stood outside the palace gates, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Her impulsive decision to escape the confines of the palace walls and seek solace in the bustling carnival had been driven by an inner turmoil she couldn't quite shake off. A heated argument with her father had left her feeling suffocated, craving an escape from the weight of her responsibilities. He was oblivious to the true reason behind her occasional deviations from her royal obligations, attributing them solely to her independent spirit. Little did he know that it was Minjeong who beckoned her away, guiding her towards the moments of solace and joy she so desperately craved.


She glanced over at Minjeong, who stood beside her, wearing a concerned expression. Jimin could sense her hesitation, the protective instinct that guided her as a knight. But there was a flicker of curiosity in Minjeong's eyes, a glimmer of adventure that matched Jimin's own. It was a testament to their deep bond—the unspoken understanding that they were in this together.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Jimin?" Minjeong asked. Nervously, she adjusted the hilt of her sword, a habitual gesture that always betrayed her true feelings to Jimin. 


She grasped Minjeong's arm. "Trust me, Minjeong," she replied, her voice b with infectious enthusiasm. "It'll be so much fun, and we'll be back before anyone even knows we're gone."


Minjeong's gaze flickered between Jimin's eager expression and the bustling city that beckoned beyond the palace walls. The thrill of the unknown and the promise of shared escapades tugged at her heartstrings. After a brief moment of contemplation, she nodded, a mixture of caution and curiosity in her eyes. "Okay, but we have to be careful," she warned, her voice carrying a hint of parental responsibility.


As they ventured further into the labyrinth of the bustling streets, Jimin's senses were overwhelmed by a wave of sights and sounds. Her eyes widened in wonder as she absorbed the vibrant tapestry of the carnival unfolding before her. Colorful banners fluttered overhead, casting playful shadows on the cobblestone pathways. The air was alive with an intoxicating blend of laughter, music, and the unmistakable aroma of delectable treats.


Perched on a nearby stage, performers dazzled the crowd with their daring acts. Flames leapt from batons, swirling and twirling in a mesmerizing dance of light. Jimin found herself holding her breath, captivated by their daring skill and the ethereal glow that engulfed the night. Drums reverberated through her chest, their rhythmic pulse urging her to move in sync with the infectious energy that coursed through the crowd.


Jimin's steps quickened, pulling Minjeong along in her wake, as she yearned to explore every nook and cranny of this enchanting realm. The sights and sounds blended into a symphony of exhilaration, and she couldn't help but smile as she immersed herself in the joyous chaos. It was a temporary escape, a respite from the responsibilities that weighed upon her shoulders.


She glanced sideways at Minjeong, her friend and confidante, whose stoic demeanor began to soften with each passing moment. "Isn't this incredible?" Jimin exclaimed, her eyes shining with childlike wonder as she pulled Minjeong closer, their sides pressed together in an intimate gesture.


Minjeong's features softened, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She glanced around the vibrant carnival, the vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds that surrounded them, acknowledging its undeniable allure. Yet, beneath her composed demeanor, a tinge of wariness lingered in her gaze. "It's a spectacle, indeed," Minjeong replied, her voice laced with caution. She observed the swirling crowds with a trained eye, her senses attuned to any potential threats lurking amidst the revelry.


As Jimin and Minjeong meandered through the throngs of people, Jimin's infectious laughter and joyous energy drew the attention of those around her. As they passed by a group of rowdy onlookers, Jimin's infectious giggle caught the ears of everyone in the crowd. Minjeong's expression turned more guarded, her protective instincts sharpening. She discreetly positioned herself slightly in front of Jimin, ever watchful and ready to shield her from any potential dangers that lurked amidst the festivities. 


As they weaved through the lively streets of the medieval marketplace, Minjeong couldn't help but notice the occasional glances and murmurs from the people they passed. Some recognized Jimin, the princess of the realm, but a respectful hush fell upon their lips. They understood the unspoken agreement to preserve Jimin's anonymity during their escapade. Minjeong's grip tightened around the hilt of her sword, her senses heightened as she assessed the atmosphere around them. She remained on guard, prepared to intervene if anyone dared to cross the line or posed a threat to Jimin's safety. Her loyalty and duty as a knight demanded nothing less.


As the night wore on and the crowd around them grew livelier, Jimin and Minjeong found themselves naturally gravitating closer to each other. The pulsating energy of the carnival seemed to draw them together, their movements synchronized as they weaved through the bustling crowd. As the crowd around them grew, Minjeong's protective instincts kicked in. Every time the crowd jostled or pushed, Minjeong subtly positioned herself between Jimin, ensuring her friend's safety without a word being exchanged.




They made their way back to the palace, and Jimin felt a sense of contentment wash over her. She knew that she would always cherish the memory of that night, of the way Minjeong had looked as she watched the performers with a small smile on her lips.

And even though she would never admit it out loud, Jimin knew that she loved Minjeong more than anything in the world.

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Hey! For all of those wondering...I made it so that you are able to completely skip Ep 11 if you are not comfy with it. So feel free to do so if M content isn't ur thing


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Chapter 12: Noooo 🥺😭
52 streak #2
Chapter 12: Hmm what if the king knew his princess has someone and wants to meet that person and boom the evil knight can no longer blackmail her
Jamess #3
Chapter 12: pfft just you wait evil knight…i’m waiting for your downfall if there is 😅😅…
Jamess #4
Chapter 11: wow too hot too hot haha…i hope you girls stay together 🥹
Chapter 12: This man is a thick face b*tch I swear, he's getting on my nerves. how dare you yoojin I wish the king will found out that ur blackmailing his only one daughter and punished you for doing this to them.┻⁠┻⁠︵⁠ヽ⁠(⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻
Jamess #6
Chapter 10: don’t worry rina don’t let that knight get into you princess 😁👍👍
Chapter 10: Nevertheless, he is only a knight, and if he claims that a princess is dating a female while disrespecting her, no one will believe him.
No_looksies #8
Chapter 10: Oooh curious to know what's going to happen 😆
Jamess #9
Chapter 9: aiyaa they were too close damn those soldiers were interrupting the moment 😒🤣🤣
Jamess #10
Chapter 7: hi i’ve just finished read all of the chapters and it’s was great but i hope minjeong reciprocated princess love 🥹🥹i know it’s angst but still for the princess happiness 🫢🫢🤣🤣…..anyway overall it’s was amazing 😁😁👍👍