visualise the ending


The warning notification sounds, the doors close, the train continues onwards.


A/N (3.3.2023): Happy Ninoai Day (in Japan)! πŸ”°πŸ’›πŸ’š This story is tagged as romance, but you can definitely read this as platonic if you want to.

I started shipping Ninoai back in March 2022 (literally like a few days after Ninoai Day haha), and oviparous’ works are a large part of why I am still here. This story and its title are entirely inspired by a plot point in the fic The non-fiction of you and meΒ (on Ao3), which I highly recommend to all Ninoaiers if they haven’t read it yet! There are no spoilers for oviparous’ fic if you happen to read this first.


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