Cling on me


ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! I'm Selling hot banana fritters and hot churros to warm your heart. It makes sense because once you eat, it will go through your oesophagus from the pharynx to the stomach. So, literally it will passed your heart. OKNO! I'm talking like I know the anatomy of our bodies. ENOUGH WITH THE BLA, BLA, BLA 




  • OA. But, it's fine if you're not because I'm not really searching for peoples to do rp. Been quiting it for years already. So, I might be rusty. But, my skills is still there. So, for now just friendship or maybe more if the chemistry is there. I'm not oppose of anything. I'm sorry in advance. This ads is mostly for ooc. 
  • From GMT plus. But, any timezone is welcome because I have no life. OKNO! I'm working on weekdays but, I can still free my time to give you my attention. Weekends also I'll be free. 
  • A gamer. But, I only have certain games like pubg and ml. unless if you persuade me to download other games so that we can play together.
  • What I offer is.....anything for you. I can even fishing the stars for you. Cuddles and kisses. Affection and attention. Just ANYTHING really
  • Not a ghoster because I know the feeling of being ghosted very well.
  • Not a fake promiser. I will try to make you the happiest person ever and will accept you for who you are.



Thanks for mind reading my ads. Feel free to dm me. I'm available in discord, facebook, twitter.


P/S : You can be whoever you want to be.


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