Chapter 4

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When Wednesday hit and Ryeowook reached the office, he was surprised that Kyuhyun wasn’t there before him. That was odd. He usually arrives earlier than him.

Just as he was thinking about it, he received a text from the CEO.

‘I won’t be in today. Report to Heechul for the meantime for urgent matters. Thanks.’

He smiled at his phone when he read Kyuhyun’s ‘thanks’. He’s been saying that more often lately and Ryeowook appreciates it. But why the sudden absence? If he had other matters to attend to, Ryeowook would know about it. He knows his whole calendar afterall.

Ryeowook decided not to think much about it. Maybe Kyuhyun abruptly had personal matters to attend to and that was not his business to know or even ask about. However, his gut feeling was telling him something different.

He just might be overthinking, Ryeowook thought. But the idea that something isn’t right about Kyuhyun’s absence  never really left his head.

Having had enough of being restless the entire morning, Ryeowook went to Heechul’s office during lunch.

“Heechul hyung?”

“Ryeowookie!” Heechul greeted him, pausing shortly from playing on his phone. It wasn’t unusual to see him play games during break time. This was his way to destress from the morning’s work. “Here to eat lunch with me since your favourite CEO is out?”

“No, I already ate.” Ryeowook didn’t bother to banter back.. He’s gotten used to his teasing by now. “I’m here to ask the reason why he’s not here, actually. Do you know why?”

“He didn’t tell you?” Heechul looked genuinely surprised.


“And here I thought he tells you everything more than me now.” Heechul spun his chair to turn towards Ryeowook. “He’s sick with a fever.”

“Sick?!” Ryeowook immediately got more agitated. Knowing how obsessed Kyuhyun was at work, he must be feeling really bad to skip work like this.

“Uh-huh” Heechul continued playing. “He said he’ll be fine. But I doubt it. He sounded pretty bad on the phone.”

Ryeowook’s face fell. “Does he have someone to look after him at least?”

“Nope. He lives alone.”

“With how wealthy he is, he doesn’t have any maids? Butlers? Anyone?” Ryeowook hoped there would be at least one.

“He’s got trust issues, remember?” Heechul shrugged. “Unless someone…” He looked back to Ryeowook again, his eyebrows raised with a smile. Despite the playfulness however, Ryeowook was still able to see Heechul’s own worry.

Ryeowook frowned at what his friend was insinuating as he was completely right. He was definitely thinking of going to Kyuhyun’s house. With how hard-headed Kyuhyun can be, Ryeowook thought he might not even accept the fact that he’s sick and decided to just sleep it off. Did he eat yet? Or drank medicine? Is he even stocked up with medicine at all?

“He might be sick because of me…” Ryeowook felt guilty.

Heechul’s playfulness quickly dropped when he saw Ryeowook frown. “What do you mean?”

Ryeowook remembered how Kyuhyun offered to help him during that snowstorm. If he didn’t try to drive Ryeowook home, he would’ve gotten home with his car that night without any issues. He wouldn’t have gotten sick. “I was the one who said we should walk during a snowstorm last week.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault!” Heechul objected. “Besides, this could also be because of him overworking himself to the limit. Without any proper rest or sleep, his body would give up at one point or another.”

Ryeowook nodded his head but he didn’t completely agree. “Still, the snowstorm might’ve been the final straw for his body…” He continued. “...I’ll… If I go to his house, would he mind?”

“Not at all. Aside from me, he doesn’t get many visitors. I’m sure he’ll appreciate you going, especially at a time like this.” Heechul gave him a kind smile. “And if he disagrees, tell him I sent you. I was also thinking of visiting him anyway. But I’ll trust you with it.”

“Thank you, hyung.” Ryeowook returned the smile, grateful. “Are you sure you won’t come with me?”

“I would love to but I still have a lot of work to do. My original plan was checking up on him far later this evening, way after office hours. It’s great that you actually want to visit him too. Who knows what his would’ve done by the time I arrive? He would probably just sleep the day away without even eating.”

Ryeowook’s hunch was right. And he was not happy about it.

“Alright. I’ll let you know how he’s doing as soon as I can.”

“Thank you, Ryeonggu!” Heechul patted his head. “Send him my regards when you visit him.”

“Will do.” Ryeowook thanked his friend before leaving.






The rest of the day somehow went by slowly because of Ryeowook’s waiting. But as soon as their office hours were done

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YohaNaoki #1
new fic?? thanks God...... Happy with Kyuwook!