Last Date :(

~ My Heart Can't Bear Another Good-Bye ~


“Hey I heard you were sick yesterday.” Dae Sung said into the phone. 
“Yeah but I’m better now.”
“Good! Because I have something special for you.”
“Aww you didn’t have to!” I said.
“I wanted to!” I could tell he was eye-smiling.
“I’ll come pick you up in an hour. Be ready.” 
“Dae Sung, I live right next door.” I said laughing.
“Whatever, it makes me sound more like a true gentleman!” With that he hung up and I was left laughing. 
I found something decent to wear. I didn’t bother to do anything too fancy but not too casual either since I didn’t know where we were going. 
I touched up on my make up since it was my last date with him for a month. I frowned thinking of it but pushed it out of my mind. Tonight, I was going to have fun with Dae Sung and that’ll be the only thing on my mind. 
I looked into the mirror and gave myself a determining look.
“Yun Hee Hwaiting!” I said with my fist up. 
“Yun Hee hwaiting!” I looked up in the mirror and saw Min Sun standing in the door way with the same gesture.
“Have fun tonight! And remember to tell me about all the juicy details!” She winked and I nodded.
I sat in the lobby waiting for Dae Sung. I was constantly checking the time. Finally after 10 minutes, he came down from the elevator. 
“Yah, I said I’d pick you up.”
“Mianhe oppa, I was just too excited.” I said hugging his arm, giving his aegyo. He blushed and cleared his throat. I smirked.
“Let’s go!” I said and ran out to the parking garage. He ran behind me. And once we were out of eyeshot from the people in the lobby, he wrapped his arms around my waist and swung me around.
“Ahhhhh! Oppa!” I squealed. He set me down and kissed my lips.
“Ah, I’m so happy to have my jagiya back!” He said kissing my nose. Now it was my turn to blush. He smiled and grabbed my hand and led my to his car. We both hopped in and he pulled out something from the back.
“Here.” He handed my a bouquet of flowers!
“Omona! These are beautiful!” I said. I loved flowers. I took them out of his hand while he started the car. I smelled them. They smelled like a field of wildflowers.
“I love them! Kumao oppa!” I said stiff sniffing them till all I could smell were the flowers.
“So where are we going?” I asked, setting the flowers on my lap. 
“Mmm, a surprise.” I pouted and sunk in my seat. He looked over at me and chuckled. He lightly slapped my leg and I slapped him back, harder.
“Yah! You’re not supposed to hit the driver! Do you want to crash!” We both laughed.  
“We’re here!” He said. I rose up from my slouching position and saw a carnival. 
“Whaaa!” I said in awe. There were so many rides, food vendors, and games! From the car I could already smell the popcorn, cotton candy, funnel cakes, and fries dough. I could also smell the spiciness of the DdeokBokki.
“Chincha?!” I didn’t want this to be a dream. He nodded.
“Kamsamnida oppa!” I said hugging him and then rushing to get out. He chuckled and also got out.  
I ran from him to the exit. I couldn’t help myself. I never got to go out like this as a kid! The bright lights and festive music made my head spin, in a good way. Dae Sung then ran up to me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight. We both walked in forgetting Dae Sung’s identity for the night and living like normal people. 
“Oppa, let’s go on that one!” I pointed to a ride. It wasn’t anything daring. He nodded. After 5 minutes, the ride finished and he led me to the other side of the carnival. 
“Let’s go on this one.” he said pulling me with him. It was a mile high coaster. I looked up at the screaming people with my mouth open. I looked at Dae Sung who looked equally frightened. But I swallowed my fear and held a fist up.
“Hwaiting!” I said. He looked at me and laughed, copying my gesture. We both hopped into the seats of the cart. The man buckled us in. Oh yippee, front row seats. I took in a deep breath before opening my eyes to see the winding track above and around us. 
Soon, the cart started to move. It started out quite slowly, but it was only building up its energy, like the calm before a storm. We trudged up the track of the first hill. Back at the base, Fantastic Baby started to play. We both laughed trying to calm our jittering nerves. But nothing could stop them.
As we peeked over the hill, we could see a large portion of the city outside of the carnival gates. As I took the time to enjoy the view, I felt my stomach slowly leave me. We descended slowly at first and in an instant, we shot down. We both screamed in different pitches, but we both gripped each other’s arms. 
As the ride came to an end, Dae Sung and I just looked forward with blank stares. Our hair in a completely different ‘style’ than when we started. The same man who had buckled us in tapped me on the shoulder, telling me the ride was over. I mechanically turned my stiff neck to the man and let him see my face. He flinched at the looks of me. I looked like I had just died and come back to life, which is what I really did on that coaster. 
Both of us had gotten out and at the same time, we both rushed to the bathroom to…fix our hair! As we came out we smiled. 
“Dae Sung,” I said with a charming smile. He looked over at me a little scared. “Remind me to never go on a roller coaster with you.” He laughed kissed my cheek.
For the rest of the night, we went on fun rides, minus the ones that looked they would kill us. Dae Sung and I also played the games. He won so many times it’s incredible! Of course that meant toys for moi! But the one I liked the most was a Doraemon he got for me. I was surprised he didn’t keep it for himself, but I guess that just proves how kind-hearted he really is. We picked up some carnival foods before proceeding to the last event. 
Oddly, there was no one really at the carnival anymore. Usually Seoul was still bumping at 12:30 AM. I shrugged it off. I hugged my new toys as the wind blew. We finally got onto my favorite ride. The one where it’s like you could see the outskirts of town at the top. The one that doesn’t move fast like some relationships. The one that takes its time just life should be at times. It sometimes stops in the middle because sometimes that’s what life is about, looking back and reflecting but moving forward again. The one where when you’re up high you feel like you could conquer the world. And when you get to your lowest points in life, it’s like the ride. But you always get back up again.
That’s how I always thought of it. Not knowing if it made sense, I still kept it in my head. I loved the Ferris Wheel.
Dae Sung and I sat in silence as we looked over the city. But finally he spoke up. 
“Do you like your new friends?” he asked. I looked to my right to see my Doraemon and teddy bear. I nodded giddily. He gave me that famous smile. 
Suddenly, he got up and switched places with my toys. Now they were across from us and he was next me. He faced me and I shyly looked up at him. He leaned his body closer to me as I backed up as well. I backed into the side of the cart. He smirked and put his arms on either side of me. He looked into my eyes lovingly before leaning in extremely close.
“Saranghae, Kim Yun Hee.” he whispered into my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine at his husky voice. 
“Saranghaeyo, Kang Dae Sang.” I could feel his hot breath on my neck which was soon accompanied by his lips. He kissed my neck and jaw line. He then moved to my lips hovering there for a moment. I couldn’t wait and crashed my lips on his. He was taken back for a moment before kissing back. And as if on cue, the fireworks show started. We both looked up and laughed. He put his hands on my waist and kissed even more passionately, but I pulled away. He gave me a confused look.
“Oppa, it’s embarrassing when people are watching.” I said pointing to the toys across from us. He laughed and nodded.
“Arrasso Arrasso.” Then he just held me in his arms and I enjoyed his company. 
“I’m gonna miss you.” I said snuggling even closer.
“I’ll miss you more.” He said kissing the top of my head before snuggling with me.   
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Chapter 24: I'm happy that you update =D great chapter! i'll keep waiting for more update whenever u have time or ready! author fighting~~~ =D
MusicLover1813 #2
Chapter 24: @BIGBANG4LIFE Thank you so much! People like you really inspire me to keep doing what I do! <3
Chapter 24: Author nim!!! I'm still reading!! It's really good! And update whenever you can!
dani1234 #4
I really hope you will update soon!!! I can't wait till they see each other again:)
Chapter 22: i'm really that you just update this! Can't wait for more chapter! =D
I just read this story and I love it! Can't wait for the next update :D
awww hiatus? T.T i'll miss u! :p
yay i got a shout out!!!! kekeke~
Aw...This chapter is so cute but also sad
Aw.... I just staarted reading your ff and I love it already!!