
Love in the Ice

   A few months had passed since Donghae had suddenly ended it with Eunhyuk, and Super Junior was currently on their break, The members had spent time to themselves, laughing, going out to dinner, playing games with each other, and just bonding. All except for Eunhyuk. Sometimes, he leaves his room to go to the bathroom, or goes to eat with the others. But at dinner, he's silent. He sits in the corner, far from the others and never glancing up because his seat is usually near Donghae - but he never really says anything. The members send their dancing machine looks of pity, but he doesn't notice. Dinner is usually silent when Eunyuk attends, but he knows how much fun they all have when he isn't there. They tweet photos when they're out, and it isn't like Hyukkie doesn't see them. He always sees them.


   The other members see the tears and the stains when Eunhyuk comes downstairs to get a drink of water. Leeteuk knows how much his dongsaeng must be hurting inside. He hurt the same way when Kangin had left to the military - but he was back now. He was back with them, happy and lively. Leeteuk was happy, but he only wished that Eunhyuk was, too. He hated seeing s so...sad. He was scared that they would just lose their passion, their drive, and their smiles - that's what made the leader happy.


   "Eunhyuk-ssi," whispered Sungmin, who sat beside the dancing machine with a frown. Eunhyuk said nothing, as Sungmin had expectected. He hated seeing Hyukkie like this, as the other members did. "Listen, I know how much it hurts...but please, it hurts us too to see you like this. We want you to be happy." The door opened, and it seemed like the tension in the room only deepened.


   "Min," Donghae said quietly, leaning against the frame of the doorway. His brows were furrowed, arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were a light red, and his bottom lip was bright - most likely from chewing it. Sungmin heard Eunyuk whimper a bit, shrinking away from him and hiding his face. The younger boy walked into the room cautiously, sighing lightly. "Can to him for a moment?"


   "Sure..." Sungmin said, giving Eunhyuk a hug before standing and walking towards the doorway. He sent a look towards Donghae, as if warning him not to do anything to hurt Super Junior's dancing machine any further. The fishy sighed, and shut the door softly after Sungmin had left, slowly making his way to Eunhyuk.


   "Hyuk." Nothing. "Hyukkie?" Nothing, again. A sigh. "Listen, Eunhyuk...I don't like seeing you like this. None of us do - but especially not me. I just..I hate being behind your sadness, and I do love you. I feel really guilty for what happened and how things turned out. I never wanted to hurt you, Hyuk. Ever."


   "Why did you...?" His voice was a simple croak, cracking as he spoke, as a result of being silent for weeks on end. It only made Donghae hurt further, cringing at the fact that he had hurt him this much. "You knew that you hurt me, Donghae. I-I fell in love with you, and things were going fine. We were b-both happy...and you ended it. I was expecting a-a hug, and a k-kiss, but I just..." A sob escaped his lips, and Donghae hurriedly kneeled beside him, wrapping his arms around the dancer with a small sigh. Eunhyuk fidgeted, trying to fight through his tears.


   "Hey, don't cry, Hyuk..." He heard his own voice crack, this time. He felt so guilty...he never wanted to do this to the man he loved. He wanted him to be happy. "I want to see that shine in your eyes, that smile that showcases those gums. That beautiful, unique, charming and charismatic smile. I just want you to be happy...with me. Again." Eunhyuk froze in his sobs, going quiet before he glanced up at Donghae with wide eyes. The fishy simply smiled lightly at him, before kissing his forehead and using a hand to gently wipe his tears away."




   "I love you, Eunhyuk..." The dancer broke down into sobs again, burying his face into the crook of Donghae's neck and shoulder. How long had he wanted to thear those words again? The four words that always made his gums show themselves, the happy shine in his eyes to come back? Eversince they had ended long ago. And maybe, that happiness world appear again. Soon.


   "I love you too, Donghae..."

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Ah, yeah ;_; It's just that I usually post from my phone, and it doesn't let me paragraph, though it says it is.
fufufufu25 #2
this is interesting~ ^^ please continue writing~ ^^

but, would u mind paragraphing the chapter? it'll be easier to read..