Mystery Illness

Harry Potter's ill soul: Damaged Body

Molly braced Harry on a wall. Then Harry started throwing up, and it wasn't stomach acid, it was blood and what appeared to be light magic.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" Molly asked once Harry stopped throwing up. "Do-n't k-now... " Harry groaned back just before falling and passing out. Ron looked at Harry's body. It was beat up, filthy, and clearly at it's limit. There were deep black shadows under Harry's eyes, which meant that he hadn't slept for several days to a week at least. His whole body was very thin, as though he hadn't ate anything for a while.

"Put him in the free bedroom. He can rest there, and we can watch him." Ginny said, tears streaming down her face. They put Harry on the bed and left.

The days went by, and Harry began to get better, very slowly though. Then he took a turn. He was asleep, but then he stopped breathing and his skin went white. That morning, Ron walked in, saw Harry not breathing, and did CPR on him. "Help! Harry stopped breathing!" he cried. Not long after, everyone was there. It took 11 minutes, but Harry finally started breathing. A few nights later, he woke up with a scream of fear. The scar was burning, searing, pounding, and pulsing nonstop, and he kept getting hit with Voldemort's dead thoughts. Voldemort was dead, but it seemed that the soul part in Harry was still alive. And it was changing him. He looked around the bedroom, eyes burning with anger and fear. His mind was slowly getting pulled under dark magic, slowly turning dark, twisted, and evil. Curently, 28% of his mind was dark, and the rest was free, but not for long. Evil place! I fear everything around me... I need to get out of here! He jumped off the bed, grabbed his wand, cloak, and his bag filled with his things, and kicked the door open. He then ran down the stairs toward a door, but before he could get to the door, someone grabbed him by the arms. He yelped in anger, spun around, and fired a Stunning Spell on the person. He ripped the hands off, and bolted outside. Then he looked at his clothes. They were filthy, ripped/torn, and thread-bare. His skin was even whiter than before, as if white had come into his skin. His hair was coated in dirt, sweat, and dust and his breathing was quick and heavy from running, and he could feel the tiredness, worn-outness, and exhaustion in and on his body. He quickly summoned a hand mirror and looked at his reflection. There were solid, black shadows under his eyes. His lips were black. And his eyes were dark green. He put the mirror in the bag, put the cloak in too, and he bolted away from the weird house. Now his mind was 100% under dark, twisted, and evil magic. In other words, Harry was turning into a young dark wizard/Dark Lord.

He ran until he reached Malfoy Manor. He dashed inside, and found Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and other former Death Eaters. Bella turned at his arrival and quickly fired a Killing Curse, but Harry hit it away easily. Bella stepped in front of the others. "Why are you here, filthy half-blood?!" she cried.

"Do not try to kill me. I've turned into a dark wizard." Harry replied. His voice had deepened, and was now evil. "I wish to be your next Dark Lord, your Master." Everyone smiled at him. "Oh yes, if Voldemort's soul part is still inside you, I bow to you." Bella said, bowing.

"Hold out your left arms," Harry began, and everyone formed a line. He walked to each person, using his wand to make the new Dark Mark, now called Lighting Bolt. Once he was done, he gave them green cloaks, and skull masks. Voldemort's pressence inside Harry's body meant he had more powers. He made a cat, named Ginny. Then he put part of his soul into the cat (Horcrux 1), and Voldemort formed as a teen boy, but he was one of Harry's followers, called Death Scars. In just one night, Harry had 14 Horcruxes, but because he himself was a Horcrux, it didn't hurt him at all. His dark lord name was now Dark Harry, and they went to Azkaban, everyone joined Harry's ranks, and they went everywhere, those who didn't join were put under Imperius Curses, those who did join became Death Scars. Voldemort sometimes possessed Harry for a short time to give the DSs orders, then rested back into his home, Harry's body. The scar stayed painful all the time, but it was nice pain.

Eventually, they came to Hogwarts. The Slytherins joined the ranks, some Gryffindors joined, a few Ravenclaws, and a few Hufflepuffs. Severus Snape joined, some other teachers joined, but Minerva, Fillius, Albus, Remus, Sirius, and Hooch stayed away. Albus was emotionally broken. His favorite student, son of James and Lily, had turned his back on everything and become the next Dark Lord. Then Harry and his forces broke into the Ministry, cursed anyone who didn't join, those who did were welcomed, and the Ministry was under the control of the Death Scars and their leader, Harry Potter/Dark Harry.

Oh no, you might think. Will Harry come to his senses? The next chapter will be all about that. For now, stay tuned. Bye for now!

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I'm a big Harry Potter fan, so I expect other Potterheads out there to tell me to make more. And I'm all too happy to do so! How did you like it? It's my FIRST one!


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