Harry Potter's ill soul: Damaged Body


After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry comes back to The Burrow, only to start getting sick. No one knows what's wrong. Then something dark stirs inside Harry, and he starts to turn evil. In this story, Harry Potter's illness travels like wildfire. No one knows it, but Harry is dying slowly but painfully. Will Ron, Hermione, and the Weasleys be able to save Harry from dark death, or will Harry turn into the next Dark Wizard/Dark Lord like Voldemort was?


He feels very ill. He feels like his body is tearing apart. And his scar won't stop aching with pain. Why does he feel like this? Why... 


The black-haired boy is walking toward a house. He looks bad for share. His hair is very untidy and filthy. His shirt and jacket are covered in dirt and stains. His jeans are covered in rips, stains, and are filthy. His shoes are falling apart and look dirty. His skin is very pale, pretty much white from, clearly, hunger, thirst, tiredness, and exhaustion. And his breathing is fast and shallow. The boy's walking is more like limping. His right leg has been badly broken for a month now. His left arm and hand have been badly injured for a month and 3 days now. The boy's round glasses are held together by tape and are coated in dust and dirt. The lenses are slightly dirty.

"Fin-ally! Th-e Bu-rro-w!" He pants. His voice is deep, and filled with exhaustion as he limps to the front door. With his good hand, he knocks loudly, then sits on a rock. Then he moaned in pain. The lighting-shaped scar on the right side of his forehead had just starting pulsing and searing with pain.

Then the door opens, showing a red-haired boy. His skin is flushed with color. His clothes are clean and nice.

"Harry! Come in!" The boy said, and the black-haired boy fell against him.

"What's wrong?" The red-haired boy asked. His name is Ronald Weasley.

"Be-en t-ra-vel-ing fo-r a mo-nth n-ow. I ne-ed hel-p." The black haired boy said. He is Harry Potter.

"OH NO! MUM! DAD! GEORGE! HERMIONE! HARRY NEEDS HELP!" Ron screamed, and soon, everyone is there. Ron helps Harry fall into a chair. Ginny Weasley is staring at Harry with love in her eyes. She and Harry are boyfriend and girlfriend.

"What's wrong, dear?!" Molly asked, leaning over Harry. He then cried out in pain when his scar pounded with pain.

"I d-on't k-now wh-at is ha-ppen-ing t-o me... B-ut I a-m in p-ain... " Harry moaned in response to Molly. Then he threw up on the floor.


What do you think happens next? Comment your answer below, and stay tuned for part 2! and THANKS for reading this!

I'm a big Harry Potter fan, so I expect other Potterheads out there to tell me to make more. And I'm all too happy to do so! How did you like it? It's my FIRST one!


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