


“Angels have no philosophy but love.”  - Terri Guillemets

As soon as Eunhyuk woke, the sunlight pierced his eyes, blinding him and causing him to roll over.  He groaned as he pulled the blankets up, trying to ignore the sounds of the birds chirping-

Wait.  Birds chirping?  Sunlight?  I normally get up right before dawn-

Eunhyuk’s eyes shot open as he leapt up, scrambling to look at the clock.  It was already half-past eight, and his shift started at seven-thirty, on the dot.  

“!” Eunhyuk swore, scrambling across the room to work his way into his waiter’s uniform.  The restaurant he worked at was small, but paid decently.  Though his boss was laid-back, he wasn’t sure how he would take his tardiness.  He finished tying his tie and yanked on some socks, pulling the door open.  A body fell into the room with a thud, the figure still sleeping.  It was that ‘angel’ from yesterday.  Eunhyuk grimaced and stepped over the prone person, leaping down the stairs to the kitchen.  He paused for a moment, then decided against eating.  He didn’t have enough time, anyway.  With that, Eunhyuk scurried into the foyer, slipping on his shoes and jogging out the door.  He thought he heard his name before he left, but shrugged it off and continued.


A tiring jog and fifteen minutes later, Eunhyuk finally made it into the café.  His boss was already standing behind the counter, a grim smile on his face.  
“Have you seen the time, Eunhyuk?  Care to explain why you’re late?” his manager, Leeteuk, asked.  “You’re lucky that this is only your first offense, but...not again, you hear me?”
Eunhyuk nodded frantically, just happy that he was off the hook.  Maybe I’m not as unlucky as I though.
Leeteuk smiled cheerfully.  “Now!” he said, clapping his hands together.  “I need you to clean up the storeroom; Ryeowook spilled some flour when he was grabbing it for the éclairs.”  Eunhyuk nodded and headed towards the back, pausing when he heard his manager’s voice again.  
“And while you’re at it, would you rearrange the bottles of icing?  Ryeowook always messes them up.”  Eunhyuk sighed, but waved to signify he heard, and began trudging to the storeroom.


The sky was clear and blue, birds chirping as Donghae fluttered alongside them, laughing happily.  He swooped and dived with the best of them, enjoying the sunlight and the wind ruffling his feathers.  

Suddenly, the birds dispersed with a squawk and the sky darkened to a thunderous shade.  Donghae hastily sought shelter under an awning, staring in disgust at the rain that was starting to patter down.  So depressing.  Rain is never good, unless it’s sunny rain.  Donghae finally tore his eyes away from the rain to look at his surroundings.  He was standing next to a decrepit, crumbling building, a sort of unused warehouse.  Shrugging, he pushed open the door, turning sideways to help squeeze his wings in.  Once he was in, his wings stirred up a bit of dust, making him cough.  Eyes watering, Donghae wiped a hand across his mouth, keeping it there as he strolled around the room.  There wasn’t much to see, just a board or two and a bit of drywall, left abandoned in the corner, half-covered with plastic.  

Before he could turn and leave, Donghae caught sight of a small crack in the wall.  For some reason, it piqued his interest, and before he knew it, he was bending to examine it.  He wiggled a few fingers in, trying to find out what was behind it.  Suddenly, it shifted with a groan.  Donghae found that he could now move it with ease.  He braced himself against it, shoving as hard as he could.  The crack finally slid open, depositing Donghae on the ground.  Scowling, he stood and rubbed at his sore behind.  However, he stopped as he heard some rustling noises from further in the distance. Donghae found a flight of stairs, almost hidden by a stack of rubble.  He leapt up lightly, soon reaching the top.  He then continued into the gloom, squinting around the room.  It was only when he heard a small sniffle that he spun around.  

There, in the corner, crouched a figure, hunched over and with its back against the wall.  Donghae slowly walked closer, finally bending before the figure.

“What’s wrong?  You can talk to me.” he whispered, reaching a hand out to pat the figure on the shoulder.  Its head jerked up, hazel eyes meeting Donghae’s concerned ones.  Donghae quickly gasped, falling backwards.  This face, this hair; all of it was too familiar.

“Eunhyuk?  What-what are you doing here?” Donghae asked, but as soon as he did, the world began spinning, darkness closing in.  All Donghae could see before he disappeared was Eunhyuk’s pain-filled gaze, forlorn and alone.


Donhae awoke, feeling very cold and stiff.  He pulled himself up, rubbing the back of his head.  The door to Eunhyuk’s room was open, and he could hear someone running through the house.  The door opened, and before he could really react, Eunhyuk was about to leave.
“Ah, Eunhyuk-!” Donghae called, but it was too late, the door slamming shut as the other left.  Donghae groaned, pulling himself off the floor.  Samael warned me that I might start having human-like behavior once I was here; I’ve never slept before, nor dreamed.  How curious.  He ambled into the kitchen, glancing around.  Obviously Eunhyuk hadn’t eaten, for some odd reason.  
“That’s not good for your health...” Donghae murmured to the air, dragging a chair out and plopping down, staring at the clock.  “Not good at all.”


Double re-upload!  XD  Let me know what you think! Also, should I add a graphic, or is this story just not important enough for one?

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Awww donghae is soo adorable
i like the story sooo far
update soon!!!!^^
Whooa! Hae's being all adorable and motherly...Well, not so much motherly as he is guardian angel-ish...
Can't wait for the next update!
And if the story is important to you, it's important enough to have a graphic ^ ^
I LOVE YOU C-SUNNIE!! I'm really excited to read this since I haven't read your writing yet!! XD Good luck! hope you are blessed with good reviews
:O Whoooooaaaa! It's only the prologue and yet I'm already amazed!
Plus it's EunHae ^ ^
I shall follow this story closely, C-sun!