


I have an enormous fondness for delicious food. It's very comforting. - Teri Garr

Another day, another set of unfortunate events.  Lee Eunhyuk sighed as he pushed open the door, shivering as he was hit by a cool blast of wind.  Just his luck that he left his jacket at home, huh?  And the store was out of strawberry milk, so he had to just get normal milk...good thing they at least had strawberries.  Eunhyuk sighed as he strolled down the street, pulling a strawberry out of the carton.  He bit into it and smiled as the sweetness hit his tongue.  Strawberries always brighten a person’s day.

There was a construction site near his house where they were building a new apartment complex.  Eunhyuk lived close enough that the noise would bother him at night, that endless droning of the saw and the banging of hammers.  He’d be eternally grateful when they actually finished and he could get a good night’s sleep for the first time in...forever.  He waved to the construction man as he walked by, accidentally stepping in a pile of dog manure as he did so.  Disgusted, Eunhyuk shook his foot and scraped it along the sidewalk as he walked.  

The rest of the walk to his apartment was uneventful, though Eunhyuk did have trouble getting his door open.  It was truly testy, and would sometimes refuse to open unless you shoved it or gave it a good kick.  Grumbling, he finally pushed it open and slammed it behind him, walking through the gloom into his kitchen.  He set the bags down on the counter, grabbing a strawberry and nibbling at it.  He stared at the ceiling and sighed, mulling over his bad luck.  


Donghae was already at his location.  Angelic magic sure was powerful.  As he glanced over the cluttered streets of Seoul, his eyes immediately went to a head of light brown hair far below him.  Target: lock on.  He smiled to himself and descended, hovering near his target.  As Mr. Eunhyuk walked, he seemed to be kind, stopping to smile at the construction workers, who pointedly ignored him.  Donghae frowned.  What about etiquette nowadays?  Cheh.  Humans.

Suddenly, a shout sliced through the air, unheard by Eunhyuk below.  One of the cranes, carrying a large metal I-beam, had suddenly dropped its load.  Donghae reacted instinctively.  He shot over to the scene, pointing a finger at the falling beam.  It slowly began to drift back upwards, and Donghae deposited it next to the bewildered worker.  It was pure luck that he hadn’t been spotted by anyone else.  Luck that Eunhyuk didn’t have.  The poor thing would’ve been squashed flat!  Donghae winked at the man, effectively erasing his memory.  Samael always had a comment about his flirtatious ways, though it never fazed Donghae.  Better to be nice than not, right?  

Eunhyuk hadn’t noticed a thing.  In fact, he was currently struggling with his front door.  Not only is he unlucky, but unobservant, too.  Donghae looked on as Eunhyuk eventually made it inside, the door swinging shut with a bang.  Donghae didn’t need doors to enter.  He drifted inside the open window, dropping onto a small bed.  This was obviously Eunhyuk’s room; it practically reeked of him.  There was even a small plush monkey sitting on his bed.  Donghae smiled to himself and snapped his fingers, rendering himself invisible.  He strolled nonchalantly down the short flight of stairs, watching as Eunhyuk stared morosely at the ceiling, slowly snacking on strawberries.  Hmm.  How to approach a human?  They don’t usually believe in such things, do they?  Well, I suppose not.  But I guess I’ll have to give it a try.  Donghae nodded to himself, furtively creeping behind Eunhyuk.  He slowly made himself visible again and took a few steps back.  Wouldn’t want to risk being whacked in the face.  



Eunhyuk was picking at the leaves of the strawberry, frowning intently.  He was just about to pull them off when he heard a voice behind him.

“Hey.” the voice said softly, and Eunhyuk’s eyes went wide.  He spun around, nearly falling over.  

“Wh-wh-who are you?!” he gasped out, backing slowly away.  The intruder was staring directly at him, a half-smile on his face.  He had dark brown hair and behind him drifted a pair of soft wings.  Eunhyuk blinked and slowly pinched his arm, wincing in pain.  

“Not a dream, then.  What’s going on?” he asked rhetorically, studying his strawberry to avoid looking at the man in front of him.

“Aww, how mean!  Though I guess it’s nice that you classify me as a dream, hmm?” the stranger grinned, moving forwards and holding out his hand.  “I’m Donghae.  Nice to meet you.  I’ll be your guardian angel from now on.  Take good care of me, ‘kayyyy?”

Eunhyuk merely stared.  “There...there’s no way.  Go away!  I don’t need guarding, or whatever it is you do.  Go back to heaven.  My life is annoying enough!” he snapped, storming towards his room.  He raked his hand through his hair, not caring if it was mussed up.  Eunhyuk barged into his room, closing the door and locking it before leaping onto the bed, curling up next to his stuffed monkey.  What a heckuva long day THAT was.  


Donghae blinked in astonishment at the rebuke.  He followed Eunhyuk towards his room, calling out Eunhyuk’s name in the hope that he might turn around and apologise.  No such luck.  He merely got a door in his face.

Donghae sighed miserably.  Sure, he could go through the door if he wanted, but it seemed that that might not be the preferred option right now.  No one said humans were THIS much trouble.  Instead, he decided to wait it out outside the door, just in case Eunhyuk changed his mind.  Donghae lay down against the door, leaning his head against the cool wood.  I’ll get you to change your mind.  Don’t worry.


Just a re-upload after the crash.  Only edited a few tiny things, such as chapter title and formatting.  Nothing big~

Again, Read and Review!

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Awww donghae is soo adorable
i like the story sooo far
update soon!!!!^^
Whooa! Hae's being all adorable and motherly...Well, not so much motherly as he is guardian angel-ish...
Can't wait for the next update!
And if the story is important to you, it's important enough to have a graphic ^ ^
I LOVE YOU C-SUNNIE!! I'm really excited to read this since I haven't read your writing yet!! XD Good luck! hope you are blessed with good reviews
:O Whoooooaaaa! It's only the prologue and yet I'm already amazed!
Plus it's EunHae ^ ^
I shall follow this story closely, C-sun!